Title: iQsystem 4'0 Security
1iQsystem 4.0 Security
- For improved security, Certiport has created new
IDs iQcenter - Additional IDs allow different levels of access
to iQcenter Dashboard and iQsystem 4.0 software
2Important Notice
- Old iQcenter ID and password will no longer be
valid for iQcenter Dashboard beginning - January 14th, 2002
- iQcenter ID will become Certiport ID
3New IDs arrive
New Passwords are Dashboard Manager User name
DM8499999 Password xjN987pnY iQsystem Setup
User name AD8499999 Password nK576jjT
Full access to iQcenter Dashboard
ID required for iQsystem installation
4Use new Dashboard Manager User name and password
to login to iQcenter Dashboard at Certiport.com
beginning January 14th, 2002
5iQsystem User name Password
- During the installation of the iQsystem software,
two different User names and Passwords are
- Site Administrator ID
- Full Access to iQsystem software
- Local User and password
- iQsystem Setup ID
- Provided by Certiport
- Cannot be changed
6- During iQsystem installation, you will be
prompted to create a local Site Administrator
User name and Password. - For user name, we recommend entering old iQcenter
ID with letters iQ in front (sample iQ84002200).
7- For Site Administrator password we recommend
using the prior alpha/numeric password (sample
nj34JC45). - Remember passwords are case sensitive
8When prompted for the Setup ID, enter iQsystem
Setup ID provided by Certiport in the email.
9Enter iQsystem Setup password provided by
Certiport in the email. IMPORTANT This
password is case sensitive. Enter exactly as it
appears in letter.
10Station ID must include at least 1 alpha and 1
numeric character
11Additional Exam Administrator Users and Passwords
can be created in Administrative Workstation
Software. Immediately create one additional
Site Administrator User name that has full rights
as a backup to your installation Site
12iQsystem summary
- Remember to use the iQsystem Setup ID during
software installation. If the wrong User name
and password are used, the software will need to
be uninstalled.
- An Exam Administration User name and password can
be setup for every person that uses the iQsystem.
- Exam Administrators can be given full access or
limited access to only administer exams
13 iQcenter Dashboard
Certiport ID 84002508 Dashboard Manager FULL
ACCESS to Dashboard (both can be changed by
DM) Dashboard Access (optional) Limited
Dashboard Access NO ORDERING or PROFILE
ACCESS (both can be changed by DM) iQsystem
Setup ID NO DASHBOARD ACCESS (neither can be
changed by anyone)
ID must be alpha/ numeric PM 84000001 - not
case sensitive Password must be 6-30 characters
with alpha/numeric IQ8400001 - case sensitive
- 6-30 characters
- 1 Alpha and 1 numeric
- Not Case sensitive
- Sample DM84999999
- 6-30 characters
- 1 Alpha and 1 numeric
- Case sensitive
- Sample xJ34nJ45
15Dashboard Summary
- An additional User can be setup that has limited
access to the Dashboard under Manage Profile
Create User name and password for Dashboard
- Although IDS can be changed, we strongly
recommend that you do not change any User names
or passwords until absolutely necessary.