Title: Forest Sector and the Northern Dimension
1Forest Sector and the Northern Dimension
- The Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of
the Barents Euro-Arctic Council
Oulu, Finland March
University of Joensuu
2- The Foreign Ministers Conference on the Northern
Dimension, organised by the European Commission
and the Finnish Presidency of the European Union,
in Helsinki, Finland on 11-12 November 1999. - The Action Plan for the Northern Dimension
3Forest area in Europe
Source UN 1992, Kuusela 1994
4Forest land in Finland, Sweden, Norway and
Northwestern Russia
Million ha
Sources Finnish statistical yearbook of
forestry, Saastamoinen, O. 1999, Pohjoisen
metsätalous ja metsäteollisuus, In Pohjoinen
ulottuvuus - yhteistyötä yli rajojen. Interreg
II Karelia -Programme
5Forest area in the northern regions of Russia
Group 1 Protective forests Group 2 Forests
in limited use Group 3 Industrial forests
Source Saastamoinen, O. 1999, Pohjoisen
metsätalous ja metsäteollisuus, In Pohjoinen
ulottuvuus - yhteistyötä yli rajojen. Interreg
II Karelia -Programme
6Forests in the northern parts of Sweden
- 29 of total forest land area - 17 of the
total growth 32 m3/inhabitant (7 m3 in the
south) - 14 of the total cuttings - 13 ha forest
land / inhabitant 1-2 ha/inhabitant in south -
important in sub-national policies - 73 of
protected area in Sweden is located in the north
7Forest area in the northern regions of Russia
- total forest area 54,2 million ha - 31 of the
total forest area in the European and Urals parts
of Russia - 32 of forests protective (group 1) -
9 of forests in limited use (group 2) - 60 of
forests in industrial use (group 3)
8Forests and forestry in the northern regions of
- An extremely low level of forest utilisation -
An increasing number of unprofitable
enterprises - A decrease in the national
consumption of timber products - A
constantly deteriorating social infrastructure in
forest communities - A decreased number of newly
constructed timber harvesting enterprises
Burdin Problems in restructuring and
developing the forest sector of Northwest Russia,
9Forest land in the North
Source Saastamoinen, O., 1999, Pohjoisen
metsätalous ja metsäteollisuus, In Pohjoinen
ulottuvuus - yhteistyötä yli rajojen. Interreg II
Karelia -Programme
10Forest land in the European North
- total 61,9 million ha - 17 of the total forest
area in Europe - Most northern forests in the
Arkhangelsk area (36) 38 of the land area
forested total forest area 29,6 million ha
23 million ha forest lands important forest
industry region
11Consumption of roundwood by Finnish forest
Source Finnish statistical yearbook of forestry,
12Wood raw-material consumption by Swedish forest
Source www.forestindustries.se
13Timber removals and roundwood production in
Russia in 1980 - 1996
Source Burdin, Myllynen Strakhov Russian
Forest Industry Production, Trends and Prospects
14Sustainable Development of the Forest Sector in
the Northern Europe
- Barents Euro-Arctic Council/ Working Group on
Economic Cooperation
15Barents Region Forest Sector Initiative
- At the sixth Foreign Minister Meeting of the
Barents Euro-Arctic Council in Norway, 4-5,
March, 1999 an initiative was made on the Barents
Region Forest Sector - the importance of forestry for the economy of the
region - forests - an immense natural resource
- conservation of northern forests
16- The Barents Region Forest Sector Initiative
(BRFSI) was launched at the meeting of the
Committee of Senior Officials (CSO) on 21 April,
and the Working Group of Economic Cooperation
(WGEC) on May, 1999. - The project created a network of experts on
forests and forestry which took part in preparing
the seminar including the selection of the
17- Altogether, 170 experts from Canada, Finland,
Germany, Norway, Russia, Sweden, the European
Commission convened at he
seminar Sustainable Development of the Forest
Sector in the Northern
Europe Petrozavodsk, Russia on 12-13
October 1999
18Key Conclusions of the Expert Seminar
- There is a challenge to integrate the national
and international development work in the areas
of forest management, environmental conservation
and forest industries. - The seminar expresses the wish, that the
importance of further development of sustainable
forest management would be appropriately
reflected in the Action Plan for the Northern
Dimension of the EU.
19Main Recommendations
- The Expert Seminar focused its recommendations on
(i) sustainable forest management and
biodiversity, (ii) human resource development
and socio-economic sustainability in forest
sector, (iii) industrial utilisation of forest
resources, existing and new technologies and,
(iiii) national forestry programmes.
20The tasks of the Barents Euro-Arctic Council
Forest Sector Task Force
- Networks
- Network for assessing logistic chain and trade of
timber and other woody products - Network concerning utilising of forest resources
and wood-based energy - Network for co-operation and collaboration
between forest authorities - Northern Dimension Forest Sector Programme