Title: A box made of walnut (Romanian version)
1 A box made of walnut
(Romanian version)
By Nikola
Milosevic Once upon a time there
was -better if it wasnt at all Each
person has a box made of walnut, where hides
the feelings from the deep of the soul, the
good ones or the less good ones, the box
where you hide everything and where you dont
find anything at the and of your life
story, just the dust on the empty box.
The walnut box of Nicola Milosevic hides the
moments of his life when he has broken his mind
and his soul in two pieces. The first is
rational, ruled more by the mind, making him a
normal human being, who knows how to cry, how to
smile, how to wait a train, who gets sick after
standing in the rain. The other one is more
influenced by eroticism, something that he can
control, is part of his nature. Combining
classic lyricism with modern writing, Nicola
Milosevic has created an unique book which shows
the fight between our soul and our mind, between
the image we give to the others and our real
face, between the person who was born and the
person who grown up, who is educated to live like
the others live. A box made of walnut is a
book that you will read and you will want to read
it again. Is short like we love and you
wont lose too much time reading it, but is deep
and you can learn a lot about life, real life. (