Title: George Arsenijevic
1George Arsenijevic Deputy Assistant
Commissioner Assessment Client Services Branch
Leveraging Information Technology
2The CRA at a Glance
- In 2004, CRA
- Collected 300 billion in revenue
- Redistributed 12 billion in credits and benefits
to over 10 million Canadians - Processed 31 million returns (T1, T2, T3)
- Answered 30 million public enquiries
- Processed 34 million payments
- Administered over 50 agreements with other
government departments and agencies for joint
program delivery - Had 33,000 permanent employees and up to 10,000
term employees at over 50 service sites
3Good Service Contributes to Other Goals
- Research has shown clients who receive good
service from government have a more positive
overall view of their government - Service is also part of CRAs compliance strategy
- Education and prevention via outreach
- Clear information and guides help perople
understand their obligations and voluntarily
comply - Simplification of forms and built in edits in
electronic filing help avoid errors - Promoting GST Credits for 19 year olds gets them
filing early - Proactive service is important in getting the
right benefit to the right person at the right
time -
4A Word on Service Channels
- On-Line
- Telephone
- Mail
- In person
5Service Model
6 CRAs goals for e-commerce
- Keeping up with modern business practices
- Irresistible self-service
- Improve services
- Maintain/improve compliance capacity
- Cost efficiencies
7 CRAs Experience to date
- CRA has been a world leader in getting services
on-line, first with transactions (EFILE) and now
with well organised information - CRA is driving up volumes of electronic volumes,
year after year - CRA has the most heavily used website with over
23 M visits last year, and 24.5 M visits as of
October this year
8 CRAs Experience to date (contd)
- Transaction times have been significantly reduces
with quality improvements - More data is available for compliance programs
- Some cost efficiencies have been realised.
- CRA has led on behalf of GoC
- Development of My Account concept
- Authentication Management Services for secure
transactions on-line - Third Party Privilege Management so others can be
authorised to work on your behalf, securely.
9Some History (individuals)
- 1990 EFILE Pilot
- 1993 EFILE goes National
- 1995 CRA Website is created
- 1999 NETFILE Pilot
- 2000 NETFILE
- 2002 EFILE On-Line
- 2003 My Account
- 2004 On-Line EFILE registration T1/T2
- 2005 My Account on Secure Channel
10Building Blocks
- builds on paper processing infrastructure no
receipts risk scoring suitability screening - TELEFILE
- builds on EFILE experience first step in dealing
with self preparers electronically telephone
access code - NETFILE
- combines EFILE and TELEFILE experiences
11Building Blocks (contd)
- Business Applications, e.g. T2, GST/HST, T4, BRO
- Uses experiences from individuals-based
applications to provide more complex business
applications - My Account
- Applies lessons learned from filing to other
business lines, such as - Address Change On-Line
- Change My Return
12Lessons Learned
- Technology
- Dont need to rebuild legacy systems
- Lever or Enabler?
- Organizational capacity/readiness
- Client Feedback
- Private Sector - Leveraging Third Parties
- Importance of a thorough Cost Benefit Analysis
- Increasing e-commerce takeup
- Privacy vs usability/efficiency
- Adding service channels while maintaining all
existing channels - Common Service Platforms
- Re-engineering back-end business processes
14On-Line Services are not for All
- Filed by tax professionals 2003 2004 2005 (as of
Nov) - EFILE 6.7M 7.3M 7.8M
- Computer-printed 3.4M 3.2M 2.9M
- Hand prepared 0.16M 0.2M 0.2M
- Self-prepared
- NETFILE 2.4M 3.05M 3.5M
- TELEFILE 0.64M 0.66M 0.62M
- Computer-printed 3.1M 2.8M 2.5M
- Hand prepared 6.3M 6.09M 5.78M
- Total 23M 23.3M 23.3M
15Strategies to build On-Line Traffic
- Trade Shows
- Print and Electronic Media
- Direct and Targeted Marketing
- Volunteer Program
- Expand Services
- Product Design
16The new face of www.cra.gc.ca
17Electronic Services Available
- Business
- Click-to-Talk (Smartlinks)
- Business Registration Online
- Corporation Internet Filing
- Electronic Payments for Business
- Services for Payroll
- Online Requests for Business
- Electronic Mailing Lists
- Individuals
- Smartlinks
- My Account
18My Account
19On-Line Statistics 2005
- Electronic Population
- T1 EFILE 7,806,310
- T1 NETFILE 3,484,048
- T1 TELEFILE 616,423
- Total T1 11,906,781 24,500,000
- GST NETFILE 250,000 3,000,000
- GST TELEFILE 459,000 3,000,000
- T2 Internet Filing 93,416 1,400,000
- T4 Internet Filing 81,049 1,100,000
- Business Registration 35,554 417,000
- Payments 4,868,178 34,000,000
20Some Future Initiatives
- My Business Account
- Third Party Privilege Management
- Internet File Transfer
- Benefits
- Child and Family Benefits On-Line
- Notice Information On-Line
- Online Marital Status Update
21My Business Account
22Third Party Privilege Management
23Internet File Transfer - January 2006
- Internet File Transfer (XML) will be available
for the following information returns - T1204
- T3
- T4A, T4A-NR, T4E, T4RIF, T4RSP
- T5, T5008, T5007, T5018
- NR4, and
- RRSP Contribution Receipt.
24George Arsenijevic Deputy Assistant
Commissioner Assessment Client Services Branch