The consequences of eastwest migration in Europe - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The consequences of eastwest migration in Europe


house prices higher than in the absence of immigration but probably not by much. low end rental market has not increased disproportionately. Sending (transition) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: The consequences of eastwest migration in Europe

The consequences of east-west migration in Europe
  • Simon Commander
  • Bucharest
  • 14 June 2008

Context and questions
  • Europe has experienced one of the largest
    voluntary movements of people in recent times
  • Since 2004 big migrations westward from EU
    Accession countries
  • as a share of population migration has ranged
    from around 0.75-1.5 in Baltics, Poland and
  • Poland probably accounts for largest absolute
    number of migrants at gt1m
  • chain process as migrants go west from Accession
    8 countries, inflows from further east (e.g,
  • most migrants are young, educated and unmarried
  • What are the consequences for both sending and
    receiving countries?
  • As yet, surprisingly little researched and/or
  • New EBRD research project will ask these
  • What impact do migrants have on the receiving
  • Must large scale migration of the educated
    constitute a brain drain?
  • Through what channels do receiving countries
    benefit and who are the losers?

Receiving countries case of UK
  • For brevity, use only evidence from UK in this
  • despite huge data shortcomings
  • Immigration from Accession 8 countries to the UK
    has been large
  • For example, Worker Registration Scheme (WRS) had
    500,000 registrations between 2004 - end 2006
  • but WRS probably underestimates total (e.g., self
    employed do not need to register)
  • LFS data suggests c350,000 A8 people resident in
    UK by mid-2006 of which 70 had arrived since
  • 1 in 3 new immigrants since 2004 from A8
  • They account for under 1 of working age
    population but just over 7 of total immigrant
    population of working age

Receiving countries case of UK
  • Most A8 immigration has been concentrated in
    London and South East
  • Most migrants work in services (25) but also in
    manufacturing (20) and construction (15)
  • A8 migrants tend to be young, relatively skilled
    and more likely to be male
  • but evidence suggests matching has mostly been to
    relatively low skill jobs

Receiving countries case of UK
  • Debate on economic impact of recent migration
  • In short run, capital and technology are fixed so
    the main impact is on the supply of labour
  • Impact depends on whether immigrants are
    substitutes or complements
  • Impact on resident population depends on whether
    immigrants are different re skills, education etc
  • Findings regarding impact on GDP per capita
    suggest little or no effect
  • Evidence on possible externalities for example,
    rising skill share density and diversity
    difficult to pin down

Receiving countries wages in UK
  • Dustmann et al (2007) find that immigration has
    generally had positive effect on residents wages
    but not for low wage group
  • Magnitudes 1 increase in share of immigrants in
    working age population has led to a
  • 0.6 increase in median wage
  • 0.4 increase at 9th decile
  • but 0.5 fall for 1st decile
  • Group worst affected tends to comprise earlier
    migrants and ethnic groups
  • Macroeconomic effects Blanchflower (2007)
    suggests that migration growth has tended to damp
    wage growth and possibly lower the NAIRU
  • through increased fear of unemployment due to
    increases in labour supply
  • migrants remit to their home countries lowering
    impact on domestic consumption
  • firms may substitute labour for capital and lower
    investment demand

Receiving countries unemployment in UK
  • Several studies suggest that impact of A8
    migration on near term unemployment has been
  • Blanchflower et al (2007) find that regions with
    largest increases in immigration have seen
    smallest rises in their unemployment rates more
    opportunities attract
  • but measurement issues e.g., possible movement
    by residents in response to migration
  • narrow measure of unemployment used
  • even so, wide agreement that immigration has
    close to zero effects in long term
  • Some evidence that there may have been a negative
    impact on youth unemployment
  • resident youths may have lost out for entry-level
  • but correlation between incidence of immigration
    and youth unemployment is weak
  • national minimum wage may be relevant

Receiving countries public services, finance and
housing in UK
  • Large range of estimates but general lack of
  • depends on what costs and benefits are included
  • immigrant groups very heterogeneous
  • A8 immigration likely to have had a small short
    run positive impact on public finances
  • due to composition and rules regarding access to
  • some evidence of localised congestion in
    education and health services
  • impact on housing and rental prices
  • house prices higher than in the absence of
    immigration but probably not by much
  • low end rental market has not increased

Sending (transition) countries
  • Some basic questions need to be asked
  • What are the magnitudes of migration?
  • What are the characteristics of migrants?
  • Is migration temporary or permanent and with what
  • And with what consequences for output?
  • Migration should permanently reduce output
    through lower labour supply
  • But reduction may be tempered as capital stock
    may not adjust fully and K/L ratio stays higher
  • Also depends on the characteristics of migrants
    for example, if they were inactive or unemployed
    prior to moving

Sending countries - Poland
  • Wide range of estimates of magnitudes
  • In 2006 up to 2 million Poles temporarily abroad
    (gt2 months) or 6 of permanent residents gt15
  • reflects an increase of four percentage points
    since 2002
  • Budnik (2007) uses LFS data to compute flows
    including migration picking up temporary migrants
  • Finds that transition probability from home to
    foreign labour market was around 0.1
    pre-Accession 0.3 after Accession
  • Transition probability from employment and
    unemployment to emigration post-accession was
    0.3 and 1.5 respectively
  • Return migrants (small sample) had very
    significantly larger probability of finding a job
    at home than unemployed or non-participants

Poland average transition probabilities2000 -
Sending countries a brain drain?
  • Partly depends on what migrants did ex ante
  • Evidence from Poland is that significant number
    came from unemployment or inactivity
  • Is migration a temporary/circulatory phenomenon?
  • IPPR has produced some (weak) evidence that it is
  • large number of return migrants with good
    employment prospects
  • Rising employment and strong wage growth is
    helping converge incomes to Western European
  • Labour cost roughly doubled between 2004 and
  • Employer data show large jumps in reported skill
  • For example, in construction 5 reported lack of
    qualified workers in 2004 rising to nearly 50 by
  • Data from receiving country ends suggests much
    heterogeneity across countries in terms of
    durations of stays

Sending countries a brain drain?
  • Education externalities?
  • migration encourages those at home to acquire
    more education
  • subject to marginal person in education having
    positive probability of migration
  • Probably of limited relevance in most transition
    countries due to
  • initial conditions, including relatively high
    enrolment rates and educational scores given
    country income levels
  • But note that there is a boom in tertiary
    enrolments and evidence of widespread up-skilling
  • in the case of Poland, gross enrolment rates
    (19-24yrs) was around 18 in 1989-2003 in last
    five years gt52
  • but the fact that this is widespread in CEB and
    SEE viz, occurring also in countries with low
    migration exposures suggests factors other than
    migration may dominate

Sending countries a brain drain?
  • Other possible feedbacks include
  • remittances
  • large in the Balkans Bosnia gt15 of GDP
  • reinvestment
  • knowledge and skill transfers
  • diaspora and other network effects
  • Research implementation
  • Requires firm level questionnaires with regional
  • Use of Labour Force Surveys
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