Title: Supporting People
1Supporting People Extra Care In Salford
- 8th June 2005
- Julie Dodd - Supporting People Team
- Sharon Robinson - Charging Assessment Team
2Supporting People - implementation
- Programme to deliver housing-related support
- Introduced April 2003 replaced Transitional HB
- HB regulations defined what THB could pay for
- 3-year implementation period of opportunity
- Existing services remodelled
- New services developed
- Community Care was paying for some support
- (accused of cost shunting!)
3Supporting People Steady State
- Partnership
- Housing
- Social Services
- Health
- Probation
- Commissioning Body joint commissioning
- Core Strategy Group direction and priorities
- Service reviews strategic relevance, quality,
VFM - Commissioning/Decommissioning/Remodelling
- Fixed budget, access other funding sources
- Payments
4What can Supporting People pay for?
- ODPM grant conditions
- What is housing-related support?
- Local eligibility criteria vary
- Task-based v Outcomes-based
- SP should help people to successfully live
5Housing-related support
6Supporting People services
7Paying for Support
- Short-term services (up to 2 years)
- No charge to service users
- Long-term services
- Service users are liable to pay a support charge
- Should be identified separately from rent
- Charge should be the amount as per SP contract
- Support services are free for anyone on Housing
Benefit - People not on Housing Benefit can apply for
Fairer Charging
8Extra Care Issues
- Long-term service so support charges apply
- Support services provided to all but
- personal care services provided only to some
- Service tailored to needs
- Needs are as individual as people
- People tap in
- Distinguishing between care and support
- Measuring how much care and support
- How to assess and collect charges
9Extra Care Review Group - Remit
- What should be funded by SP, what falls under
Community Care? - Activities where guidance is unclear
- How care/support split is reflected in dependency
levels - Application of Charging Policy (Care Support
Agreement) - Any other issues the group identified
- How to move to the desired position
10CareSupport split
- Holistic approach to eligibility
- What is definitely not support?
- Task list to structure care and support plan
(handout) - Grey areas
- 24 hour cover, Waking nights, Moving people to
activities - Notional percentage split
- The problem with care plans
- 3 dependency levels - whats the difference
between them? - Enabling takes longer than doing
- Low 100 support
- Medium 60 support
- High 40 support
- Cost calculated on rolled up cost, maximum
occupancy at desired profile
11Charging Policy Issues
- Services provided according to assessed need
- No opting out
- No Direct Payments
- 3rd party carers
- Optional service charges (laundry, cleaning,
lunches) - Maximum charges
- Start and end date of charges
- Temporary absence
- Transitional Protection
- Reassessment of need
12Assessing Charges tenants onHousing Benefit
- Entitled to Supporting People Subsidy to pay for
their support - Fill in a Housing Benefit consent form with the
provider - This is sent to the Supporting People Team
- alerts SP team that someone needs support charge
paying - Authorises SP Team to look at Housing Benefit
claim - Avoids the service user having to prove they are
getting HB - Payment sent direct to CSSD
- Care charges for those in medium or high
dependency assessed according to councils Fairer
Charging Policy
13Assessing charges tenants not on Housing Benefit
- Maybe income too high, savings too high, or an
owner-occupier - Assessment of charge for care and support under
Councils policy - One assessment produces one charge for both care
and support - Request forms available from provider and sent to
the SP Team - For those in medium/high level dependency,
referral from CSSD - Assessment by specialist charging assessor at
home - Policy based on national Fairer Charging guidance
- Assessor looks at income, savings, housing costs,
disability-related expenses and also carries out
a benefit check - The charge is calculated there and then using
14Salfords Fairer Charging policy
- Charging must not leave a persons income below
Income Support 25 - We dont apply an upper capital limit (no cliff
edge!) - We dont count
- Earnings or work-related tax credits
- War Pensions
- DLA (mobility component)
- We do count
- Pensions
- Income Support
- Disability benefits (except Mobility)
- We knock off
- housing costs and disability-related spending
- We only charge 75 of available income
15Sharing Information
- Information for Service Users
- Care Support Agreement
- Providers Welcome Pack
- HB consent form
- Fairer Charging request form
- Fairer Charging leaflets
- Scheme visits
- Consultation
- Customer satisfaction research
- Published Charging Policy
- Appeals policy
- Internal Information Sharing
- Referral routes
- Shared IT systems
- Fairer Charging Calculator
- Client details spreadsheet
16Julie Dodd Sharon Robinson Supporting
People Team Charging Assessor SupervisorHousing
Services Community Social ServicesSalford
City Council Salford City CouncilCrompton
House 2 Police Street100 Chorley
Road SalfordSwinton M27 6ES M6 6PL0161 922
8766 0161 736 7792Julie.Dodd_at_salford.gov.uk Sha