Title: Psychology at Bath
1Which comes first?The Application Process or
The Funding Opportunities?
2- Publicity Materials
- These are provided to help you through the
application process - however once you have read them you should refer
to online versions at http//www.bath.ac.uk/psycho
logy/study/. - The University of Baths 2010 Postgraduate
Brochure - more about research and research degree
programmes (pages 4 5) - list of programmes available in our Faculty (page
12) - more about the costs of study (pages 20 21)
- more about possible funding opportunities (pages
20 21) - more about how to apply (page 22)
- Read all documents and webpages carefully.
3- Publicity Materials (continued)
- The Department of Psychologys Postgraduate
Research and Postgraduate Studies Brochure
includes further information about - who our research supervisors are
- what kinds of research projects they can provide
supervision for - The Department of Psychologys Postgraduate
Admissions Policy includes further information
about - application deadlines (MPhil/PhD applications
must be submitted online by 30 November) - entry requirements
- fees
- start dates etc
- Read all documents and webpages carefully.
4Before you complete the Universitys online
application form you need to consider how are
YOU going to pay the fees and support yourself
financially throughout YOUR research?
5If you do not already have the funds to cover the
fees and living expenses you need to obtain
funding from another source. This involves
hard work on your part. Most competitions are
highly competitive. Funding is increasingly
6To improve your application you
should demonstrate that you are actively seeking
funding by producing a brief report (500-1000
words maximum) describing in
detail institutions, research councils,
foundations etc you have investigated for a
studentship or grant include web addresses
deadlines funding application
requirements (i.e. does your funding application
require a supporting statement from us or an
academic reference)
7- Where to start looking?
- read the information provided especially the
pages in the prospectus (20 21) - go the Universitys Graduate Office webpage at
http//www.bath.ac.uk/grad-office/ - or the Universitys Careers Advisory Service
webpage at http//www.bath.ac.uk/careers/ - search the WWW for research studentships.
- Start now!
8- Examples
- Alzheimers Society
- British Council
- Chevening (deadline for Entry 2010 already
passed) - Commonwealth
- Dorothy Hodgkin
- Medical Research Council (MRC)
Start now!
9- An application consists of
- The University of Baths application form (you
must complete this online) - Your supporting documents (these must be posted
direct to the Department of Psychology) - Funding Report
- Draft Research Proposal
- CV
- Certificates Transcripts (scanned, photocopied
or e-mail versions are not acceptable, we need to
see the original or an authorised copy) - References (two academic references are
essential) - Evidence of English Language Ability (if you are
not a native English speaker we are likely to
require you to take IELTS and obtain a score of
7.0 in each part)
10How we use these documentsPsychology
Admissions Staff to verify- the effort you
have put into finding funds and preparing your
research proposal, - your academic ability (i.e.
high marks in appropriate qualifications and
recommendations from referees), - who in the
Dept. of Psychology would be interested in your
research proposal and if you have already been in
touch with them.potential supervisors to
decide - if they are satisfied with your
academic ability- how your proposed research
fits in with their programme of research - if
they want to continue to be involved with
processing your application.The Director of
Studies to decide - if they are satisfied with
your academic ability and efforts to find funds
- if the Dept. is happy to recommend you to the
University for a place at Bath.Graduate Office
Staff to decide - if they are satisfied with
your academic ability - if the University of
Bath is happy to offer you a place at Bath.
11Most importantly if you have queries - call
us01225 383843or emailpsychology-research_at_bat
h.ac.uk were here to help youthrough the
application process