Title: Lecture 1: Preliminaries and Cosmology in a Homogeneous Universe
1Lecture 1 Preliminaries andCosmology in a
Homogeneous Universe
2Basics of Astronomical Objects
- Stars 0.1 100 MSun
- MSun2 x 1033 g
- RSun 7 x 1010 cm
- Luminosity (bolometric) 4 x 1033 ergs/sec
- Lifetime 106 yrs to gt1010 yrs
- Galaxies
- (Stellar) Masses 107MSun to 1011MSun
- Sizes R0.5 0.510 kpc (1pc3x1018 cm)
- Characteristic separation 1-5 Mpc
- (between 1010 MSun galaxies)
3Basics (contd.)
- Universe
- Current expansion rate 70-5 km/s/Mpc
- (Hubble constant)
- In real units H0 (14 Gyrs )-1 ? rough age of
4- Basic pillars of our cosmological picture
- (i.e. we are starting with the answer first)
- Averaged over sufficiently large scales, the
universe is nearly homogeneous and isotropic
(cosmological principle) - The universe, i.e. space itself, is expanding so
that the distance D between any pairs of widely
separated points increases as dD/dtD (Hubble
law) - ?? the universe expanded from a very dense, hot
initial state (big bang) - The expansion of the universe is determined by
its mass/energy content and the laws of General
Relativity - On small scales (lt10-100 Mpc) a great deal of
structure has formed through gravitational
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8The Cosmological Principle
- the Universe is
- homogeneous (uniform density)
- and isotropic (looks the same in all directions)
(Hubbles Law is a natural outcome in a
homogeneous, isotropic, expanding universe)
9(isotropy implies homogeneity but not vice versa)
10the Universe is clumpy on small scales but smooth
on large scales
11what is a metric?
Euclidean (flat) space
2-D polar
in curved space
R radius of sphere r geodesic distance
13alternatively, we can define the coordinate
where x is an angular size distance
14metric in curved, 3D space (not easy to draw!)
in terms of the geodesic distance
in terms of the angular size distance
15now adding the fourth dimension (time)
Minkowski metric
16The Robertson-Walker Metric
define a function a(t) that describes the
dynamics of the expansion
a scale factor r comoving coordinate
radius of curvature
17or, in terms of the angular size distance
note we can define coordinates such that
a(t0)1 or such that k-1, 0, 1 for negative,
flat, or positive curvature but not both
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19General Relativity says
- mass tells space-time how to curve
- the curvature of space-time tells mass how to
move - therefore, the amount of mass in the Universe
also determines the geometry of space-time
20Einsteins Field Equations
metric in tensor form
Rmn - ½ R gmn Lgmn 8pGTmn
Cosmological Constant
Energy-momentum Tensor
Einstein Tensor (curvature)
where T00 energy density T12 x-component of
current of momentum in x direction, etc.
e.g., for a perfect fluid
21The Friedmann equations
22The equation of state
p wr
relates pressure and density
matter w 0 radiation w
1/3 vacuum w -1
23scale factor a(te)ne a(to)no
a 1/(1z)
cosmological redshift z (lo-le)/ le
24back to Hubble...
proper separation of two fundamental observers
is a(t) dr
H0 H(a0)
photons travel on null geodesics of zero proper
time, so
comoving distance
25critical density and W
for k0
26components of the Universe
vacuum energy
27The Friedmann equation recast
28solutions of the Friedmann eqn
W1 a(t) (t/t0)2/3 ? t0 2/3 1/H0
Wlt1 a(t) ½ W0 / (1-W0) (cosh q -1) t
1/(2H0) W0 / (1-W0)3/2 (sinh q - q)
29solutions to the Friedmann equation
scale factor a(t)
30W lt 1
W 1
W gt 1
31the matter density W, the geometry, and the fate
of the Universe are all interconnected
32distances in cosmology
- comoving coordinate r
- appears in metric not directly observable
- proper distance l r a(t)
- luminosity distance dLL/4pf1/2
- relates flux and luminosity
- angular diameter distance dAD/q
- relates angular and physical size (diameter)
- the Robertson-Walker metric is the most general
for a homogeneous, isotropic universe containing
matter - the Friedmann eqn describes the relationship
between the expansion, the geometry, and the
energy density of the universe - in cosmology, not all distances are equal.