Title: CHEMINFO%20and%20Groth:%20The%20Web%20and%20Chemistry
1CHEMINFO and Groth The Web and Chemistry
- Gary Wiggins
- Chemistry Library
- wiggins_at_indiana.edu
- IU Forum on Digital Libraries
- April 16, 2002
2CHEMINFO Chemical Information Sources
- http//www.indiana.edu/cheminfo
- Resource Guides
- Instructional Materials
- Archives of CHMINF-L the Chemical Information
Sources Discussion List - Databases
3CHEMINFO Resource Guides
- SIRCh Selected Internet Resources for Chemistry
- http//www.indiana.edu/cheminfo/cis_ca.html
- CCIIM Clearinghouse for Chemical Information
Instructional Materials - http//www.indiana.edu/cheminfo/cciimnro.html
4Taxonomy (Classification)
- http//www.indiana.edu/cheminfo/cis_ca.html
5SIRCh Index
- http//www.indiana.edu/cheminfo/cisindex.html
6SIRCh Selected Chapter Titles
- http//www.indiana.edu/cheminfo/cis_ca.html
7SIRCh Analytical Chemistry
- http//www.indiana.edu/cheminfo/ca_accc.html
8CHEMINFO Instructional Materials
- http//www.indiana.edu/cheminfo/instructional_mat
erials.html - Four one-hour undergraduate courses (C371-2,
C471-2) - Two three-hour graduate courses C571-2)
9 CHMINF-L Chemical Information Sources
Discussion List
- http//listserv.indiana.edu/archives/chminf-l.html
- In existence since May 1991
- Over 1250 subscribers
- Sponsors Chemical Information Sections of
- American Chemical Society
- Special Libraries Association
- Royal Society of Chemistry
- American Society for Information Science
10CHMINF-L Archives as a Knowledge Base
- Many librarians on CHMINF-L, which began in May
1991. - Search for the History of Chemistry found 226
entries found on 4/14/02, e.g., - Alchemy pictures
- History of the journal Chemical Physics Letters
- The chemistry of embalming
11CHEMINFO Databases
- Chemical Acronyms Database
- http//scilibs.chem.indiana.edu/cfdocs/libchem/sea
rchu.html - Mentioned in Science, February 2002
- Chemical Reference Sources Database
- http//www.indiana.edu/libchem/crsd.html
- Faculty Publications of the IU Chemistry Dept.
- http//www.indiana.edu/libchem/introductiond.html
- IU Molecular Structure Center
- http//www.iumsc.indiana.edu/
12Groth, P. (Paul), 1843-1927.Chemische
- Leipzig W. Engelmann, 1906-19. 5 v.
- T. 1. Elemente Anorganische Verbindungen ohne
Salzcharakter. Einfache und complexe Halogenide,
Cyanide und Azide der Metalle, nebst den
zugehörigen Alkylverbindungen. - T. 2. Die anorganischen Oxo- und Sulfosalze.
- T. 3. Aliphatische und hydroaromatische
Kohlenstoffverbindungen. - T. 4. Aromatische Kohlenstoffverbindungen mit
einem Benzolringe. - T. 5. Aromatische Kohlenstoffverbindungen mit
mehreren Benzolringen heterocyclische
13Groth Access Database
- Portion of the table with chemical names,
molecular formulas, SMILES, and links to images
on the Web.
14Groth Image from page 4 6
- http//www.indiana.edu/cheminfo/Groth/groth400006
15XMorph Rendering of a Crystal
16SMILES input for Structure Searching
17SMILES for 1,2,3-Tribromobenzene
18Future Developments
- Metadata coding and XML for selected CHMINF-L Web
pages - Links to XMorph renderings from the Groth
database - Structure searching of the Groth database with
JME Molecular Editor input of SMILES - Put DB on the Web with Cold Fusion
- SLIS students, especially Keith Schreiber Sonia
Gupta - Professional society sponsors (ACS, RSC, SLA,
ASIST) - UITS personnel, especially Peg Bassett
- Steve Rosenthal, Chemical Abstracts Service
- Groth
- Chemical Informatics students, especially
- Ronald M. Brown
- Dustin M. Hilkey
- Alicia M. Prater
- Ronald D. Willis
- IUB Libraries Digital Library Program,
especially - Jenn Riley
- Dedong Wu for XMorph
- Peter Ertl for JME Molecular Editor
- John Bollinger of the IU MSC
- UITS for Veritas