Title: infoeffectivetraining'co'uk 01604 643610
1Commissioning for Outcomes challenges and
opportunitiesLeadership in the joint
commissioning of services for children with
SLCNConference 2nd June 2009
2Who we are
- Philip Franklin, Business Development Manager,
Thurrock Childrens Trust - Sue Brunton-Reed, Director of Effective Training
and Consultancy, experienced children's service
manager, and independent consultant - Justine Henderson, Willoughbys Limited,
experienced in commissioning and procurement
within the Care sector, specialising in
Childrens services
3Our presentation
- A brief outline of the approach taken by Thurrock
Childrens Trust in the joint commissioning of a
range of preventive services - Challenges and opportunities presented through
outcomes based commissioning - Engaging providers in the commissioning process
- Support requirements of the community and
voluntary sector - Developing outcome based reporting and monitoring
mechanisms - Lessons learned which can be applied to other
joint commissioning exercises
4The approach that Thurrock Childrens Trust
sought to achieve through joint commissioning of
a range of preventive services
- Thurrock Children's Trust allocated 3 million
over three years from a pooled budget
arrangement to commission a range of Early
Intervention and Preventative services - Identified Outcomes
- Prevention of care and significant harm
- Improved parenting skills
- Improved access to services for young carers
- Improved mental and physical health through
healthy living and eating programmes
5Aims of the Commissioning Approach
- To engage providers in the design of the
commissioning approach to stimulate the market
and attract quality tenders from a wide range of
potential providers - To support the voluntary and community sector
during the tendering process - To undertake a one tendering approach for a wide
range of provision - To ensure sufficient availability of provision to
meet a wide range of needs, promote choice and
flexibility - To ensure best value and good quality services
- To promote integrated and partnership working
- To adhere to Procurement regulations and EU
directives and the local Compact agreement - To put in place robust performance management and
outcome reporting mechanisms
6What has been achieved?
- A two tiered Preferred Provider Framework
arrangement e.g. 8 providers on Service
Contracts, and 12 providers on Framework
Contracts, to start service delivery from April
2009 - Successful providers are a mix of small, medium
and large voluntary organisations, some of whom
are new to Thurrock - A wide range of services have been commissioned
to meet the identified needs - All providers are committed to working with
Thurrock to report on outcomes achieved
7Challenges and opportunities presented through
outcomes based commissioning
- Opportunities
- Clarity about outcomes promotes innovation in
delivery processes - Service users are involved at an early stage in
determining how the service should be provided,
and in giving feedback - The process promotes partnership working all
parties have to be involved - Challenges
- Getting accurate and up to date needs data
- Tensions between whole service level outcomes and
individual outcomes for children - Providers who already report on a range of
outcomes measures - Capacity of both providers and commissioners to
collect and use the information
8How we engaged providers in the process
- Engagement before, during and after
- One to one meetings, provider forums and
questionnaires were used to gain early feedback
into the design of the commissioning approach and
to understand present market conditions affecting
providers - To gain input into the development of an outcomes
focused service specification, the terms and
conditions, pricing structures, adequate
timescales to complete documentation - A central point of contact for questions and
queries and feedback on progress Thurrock CVS - To promote partnerships and integrated working
- Promote a learning environment
9Support requirements of the community and
voluntary sector
- Community and voluntary organisations may not
have expertise in completing tenders, or the
capacity to do so - Thurrock CVS were able to allocate someone to
support the small organisations but it was
recognised that more technical advice and
training on completion of tenders, particularly
help to cost services and understand cost
breakdowns, would have been very helpful
10Particular challenges for the community and small
voluntary sector organisations
- Insurance requirements
- Understanding of terminology
- Time to complete the documentation whilst doing
the day job - Implications of Framework Contract arrangements
no up front funding to put services in place - Lack of understanding of how to cost the service
and the importance of full cost recovery
11Developing outcome based reporting and monitoring
mechanisms what do we want to measure?
- Contract compliance safe practice, recruitment,
policies and procedures, training, service
delivery - Quality of service provided progress against a
set of outcome measures (service level outcomes) - Impact what difference does this service make
to individual children or young people linked to
Individual Service Agreement (child/young person
level outcomes)
info_at_effectivetraining.co.uk 01604
643610 Willoughbys_at_mac.com 01245 363 778
12Developing outcome based reporting and monitoring
mechanisms the process
info_at_effectivetraining.co.uk 01604
643610 Willoughbys_at_mac.com 01245 363 778
13Developing outcome based reporting and monitoring
mechanisms putting it in place
- Child/Young person level outcomes
- Consultation with young people, key workers,
decision makers, providers - Systems to support process referral forms to
identify desired outcomes at onset, Individual
Service Agreement to specify outcomes and agree
baseline, review process to evaluate progress
against baseline - Contract monitoring which measures percentage of
ISAs completed and outcomes achieved - Challenges
- Identifying the right outcome measures at the
start need opportunity for these to be reviewed
and revised
14Developing outcome based reporting and monitoring
mechanisms putting it in place.
- Service Level Outcomes
- Consultation with providers and commissioners
about a range of Key Performance Indicators which
all providers will collect and report on - Linked to ECM Outcome measures examples below
- Keeping Safe
- Incidence of children and young people becoming
subject of child protection plans whilst
receiving service - Incidence of children and young people ending an
existing child protection plans whilst receiving
service - Making a positive contribution
- Number and of children/young people receiving
the service who have contributed to the planning
or delivery of the service - Numbers and of children, young people and
families who give positive feedback about service - Challenges
- Systems and capacity for collecting, reporting
and collating information
15Lessons learned which can be applied to other
joint commissioning exercises
- Appropriate use of terminology to facilitate
effective communication and understanding - Preparation is key - Obtain needs, trend, number
of anticipated referrals at the start. Be clear
about your service requirements and build all
these factors into your specification - Know your market and the impact a commissioning
approach will have on it - Put the necessary processes in place to avoid
potential conflicts of interest arising - Engage key members e.g. procurement, finance and
legal early on in the process - Develop and stick to the project plan
- Communicate Keep Communicating !!
info_at_effectivetraining.co.uk 01604
643610 Willoughbys_at_mac.com 01245 363 778
16Contact Details
- Philip Franklin 01375 652 652
- pfranklin_at_thurrock.gov.uk
- Sue Brunton-Reed 01604 643610
- sue_at_effectivetraining.co.uk
- Justine Henderson 01245 363778
- willoughbys_at_mac.com