Title: tuna Bangkok
1 Global World Tuna Markets
- 25-27 May 2006
- Bangkok, Thailand
- Helga Josupeit, FAO
2This presentation will cover
- World Tuna Catches
- Fresh and Frozen Tuna Trade/Prices
- Canned Tuna Trade/Prices
- Recent developments
- Outlook
3Tuna catches by country
4Tuna catches by species(1000 MT)
5Summary and Outlook (catches)
- Catch seem to have reached the limit in 2003, and
has declined since - will catch continue to decline?
- High fuel costs is affecting the industry in
recent years
6Summary and Outlook (catches)
- Skipjack by far the main tuna species caught, but
also yellowfin production is important - Bluefin and bigeye resources under stress, but
while bluefin is generally well managed, bigeye
is a major concern
7Products entering international trade
- Sashimi tuna
- Raw material for canning
- Whole frozen
- Tuna loins
- Canned tuna
- Specialty products (smoked, katsuobushi, tuna
steaks, etc.)
8Tuna exports versus total exports(1000 million
9Fish Exports in Value (2004)
10Tuna exports versus catch
11Fresh/Frozen Tuna exports
12Fresh tuna exports(million US)
13World Imports of fresh or frozen tuna
14Fresh/frozen tuna imports
15Italy Frozen Yellowfin Prices
16Frozen Skipjack Prices
17Italy Frozen Tuna Loin Prices
18Summary and Outlook (fresh/frozen tuna)
- Lower supply resulted in less tuna in
international trade - Fresh and frozen tuna prices high, and increasing
- Presence of tuna loins expanding in tuna trade
(even Japan) - Fresh/frozen tuna trade forecast to stabilize
19Canned tuna production(in 1000 MT)
20Canned Tuna Exports
21Canned tuna imports
22Canned tuna imports
23Canned tuna imports
24Canned Tuna Prices
25Summary and Outlook (canned tuna)
- Canned tuna trade growing in quantity terms
- Thailand still major canned tuna exporting
country, and growing strongly in recent years - but also the Philippines are growing
26Summary and Outlook (canned tuna)
- USA by far main canned tuna importing country,
demand declining due to various problems - Demand in canned tuna consuming countries growing
Europe - Prices, importers are willing to pay, are
relatively low, with some timid signs of
27Summary and Outlook (canned tuna)
- Decline in quality in many markets
- New markets still far from being opened (China)
28Summary and Outlook (canned tuna)
- Less production of canned tuna in developed
countries, especially USA, France and Italy - More production in developing countries
- Recent investment by European canneries in
various Central American and South American
29Recent developments
- the strengthening of the position of Thailand as
the top world tuna producer (despite the
mid-1990s crisis) - the development of bluefin tuna farming, to
ensure full availability of sashimi to the
Japanese market.
30Recent developments (cont.)
- the progressive substitution of whole frozen raw
material with loins operated by canneries in
developed countries Spain is no longer an
exception - the introduction of new canned products, such as
the wide range of tuna salads, tuna in sauce and
tuna paste
31Recent developments (cont.)
- the generalised increase in the world demand for
tuna for non-canning purposes - the growing concerns over tuna resources,
especially the valuable bluefins and bigeye for
the sashimi market. Recent news indicates
overfishing also for yellowfin in the Western
Pacific Ocean
32Recent developments EU (cont.)
- Heavy investments of Spanish canneries in Latin
American countries - CO in tuna steaks and fillets
- EU-Tanzania tuna fisheries discussion
- EU formalises fishing deal with Micronesia
33Recent developments EU (cont.)
- European Seafood business of Heinz sold
- zero tariffs for small canned tuna quota from
Thailand - Change in ACP-EU agreement
34Recent developments USA
- Victory of US tuna industry in mercury warning
labels case - Nevertheless, mercury scare impacts US canned
tuna consumption -
- Tuna resources under stress
- More control over tuna catch and over IUU fishing
- More industry concentration
- Industry to promote tuna as a healthy product, in
all markets - More networking and exchange of information