Title: Next Generation AirGround Communications System NEXCOM
1Next Generation Air/Ground Communications System
Program Status Brief for ACP WG-C Montreal, Canada
- Jim Eck
- Air/Ground Communications Team Lead
- Technical Operations Communications
- April 20, 2004
2National Airspace System Air/Ground
Communications Infrastructure
720 BUECsBack up Emergency Communications
1422 RTRsRemote Transmitter Receiver
793 RCAGsRemote Communications Air/Ground
175 TRACONsTerminal Radar Approach Control
- VHF and UHF ATC bands
- Approximately 11,000 VHF assignments
- Approximately 40,000 VHF and 10,000 UHF TX, RX
TCVRs - Dedicated networks for each operational
environment - Limited restoral capabilities
- Limited remote maintenance capability
21 ARTCCs 3 CERAPsAir Route Traffic Control
Center,Combined Center Radar Approach Control
1854 RCOsRemote Communications Outlet
61 AFSSs, 14 FSSs Automated Flight Service
Stations, Flight Service Stations
3Mission Need Statement 137
- In 1995, DOT/FAA approves the Mission Need
Statement for the Next Generation A/G
Communications System (NEXCOM). - Mission Need Statement 137
- Alleviate the spectrum congestion problem
- Reduce maintenance costs of radio systems
- Reduce A/G radio frequency (RF) interference and
Increase security/channel control - Establish a communications path for data link for
all users - Provide flexibility for future growth of
services - Need still valid - timing of investment being
4Current Realities
- 9-11 / economics
- Rule deferred
- Spectrum congestion currently anticipated
- 2012 to 2016
- Program funding
- Reduced in FY04
- Eliminated in FY05-07
- Restarted in FY08
No International Agreement on Communications
5Planned Program Activities
- Continue Multimode Digital Radio program
- Continue Avionics development
- Interoperability Testing with Japan Civil
Aviation Bureau (JCAB) - Joint Future Communication Study with EUROCONTROL
- NAS Communications Evolution Plan
- Spectrum Service Life Extension Program (SLEP)
Subject to Executive Council Approval
6NEXCOM Program Elements
Multimode Digital Radio (MDR)
Certified Avionics Development
Analog and digital voice/datain a single cockpit
2 analog and 1 digital mode in one radio
Demo/Stakeholder Outreach
Ground System
Show NEXCOM system architectureand commercial
avionics viability
Rapid Preliminary Development Effort and Full
Scale Development
7Vocoder Certification
- Vocoder certification to DO-178B level C
- Seattle and Wichita ACOs agree approach
- Certification data package to ACO Mar 2004
- First Reusable Software Component (RSC)
certification package - Can be used on other radio systems (e.g.
satellite radios) - Approved 14 April 2004
- DVSI provide certification package
- Vocoder license, software and certification data
package - Direct delivery to manufacturers
- Final certification part of radio certification
- US program funding long-lead items
- Multimode Digital Radio Deployment
- Avionics Development and Forward Fit
- And exploring potential future interoperable
communications solutions. - FAA/EUROCONTROL Future Communications Study
- US/Japan Interoperability Testing