Title: Information System Security
1Information System Security
- Lecture 2
- Classical Cryptography
- Basic mathematical concepts
- Cipher systems
- Historical ciphers
- Transposition ciphers
- Substitution ciphers
- Product ciphers
3Basic Mathematical Concepts
- A function (or transformation) is defined on 2
sets X and Y and a rule f which assigns to each
element in X one element in Y. - A function f is injective if each element in Y
is the image of at most one element in X - A function f is surjective if each element in Y
is the image of at least one element in X - A function f is bijective if it is injective and
4Basic Mathematical Concepts
- Inverse function if f is bijective from X to Y,
- The inverse function of f is g fromY to X
g(y)x and f(x)y - g(f(x)) x
- g is the denoted
- One-way function a function f from X to Y where
for each x?X its easy to compute f(x) but its
difficult (computationally infeasible) to compute
x?X such that yf(x) - A permutation p on S is a bijection from S to
itself - S is finite set of elements
- Since p is bijective then p has an inverse
- Involutions a bijective function is called an
involution if
5Cipher system
- Encryption domains and codomains
- A denotes a finite set called alphabet of
definition. - Example A o,1
- M denotes a set called message space.
- M consists of strings of symbols from an alphabet
of definition - An element of M is called a plaintext message (or
a plaintext) - Example M may consist of binary strings, English
text, etc. - C denotes a set called ciphertext space.
- C consists of strings of symbols from an alphabet
definition - C may differ from the alphabet of definition for
M - An element of M is called a ciphertext
6Cipher system
- Encryption and decryption transformations
- K denotes a set called the key space, an element
of K is called a key - Each e ? K uniquely determines a bijection from M
to C, denoted by (called encryption function
or encryption transformation) - must be a bijection if the process to be
reversed and a unique plaintext recovered from
each distinct ciphertext - Each d ? K, (decryption function or
decryption transformation) denotes a bijection
from C to M - The process of applying the transformation
to a plaintext m ? M, is referred to as the
encryption of m - The process of applying the transformation
to a ciphertext c ? C, is referred to as
decryption of c
7Cipher system
- An encryption scheme consists of (in addition to
M,C,K) - A set of encryption
transformations - A correspondent set of
decryption transformations with the property that
for each e ? K there is a unique key d ?K such
that - An encryption scheme is also referred to as a
cipher - e and d are referred to as a key pair denoted by
(e,d) - Encryption achieves Confidentiality
- Trivial shift cipher (M, C, K, E, D)
- M sequences of letters
- C M
- K i i is an integer and 0 i 25
- E Ek k ? K and for all letters m,
- Ek(m) (m k) mod 26
- D Dk k ? K and for all letters c,
- Dk(c) (26 c k) mod 26
- Example
- Let k 9, m VELVET (21 4 11 21 4 19)
- Ek(m) (m k) mod 26
- (30 13 20 30 13 28) mod 26
- 4 13 20 4 13 2 ENUENC
- Dk(c) (26 c k) mod 26
- (21 30 37 21 30 19) mod 26
- 21 4 11 21 4 19 VELVET
10Historical Ciphers
- Please note that all the ciphers in this unit
are - Created prior to the 2nd half of the 20th century
- Symmetric
- Operate on alphabetic characters
- Are not suitable for general modern use
- However, they allow us to
- Illustrate basic principles and common pitfalls
- Historical (classical) cryptography
- Two basic types
- Transposition ciphers
- Substitution ciphers
- Product ciphers
- Combinations of the two basic types
11Transposition Ciphers
- A simple transposition cipher with fixed period
t - Consists of grouping the plaintext into blocks of
t characters, and applying to each block a single
permutation e on the numbers 1 through t. - Decryption consists of the permutation d which
inverts e - simple transposition cipher rearrange letters in
plaintext to produce ciphertext - Example
- m CAESAR, t6
- e (6 4 1 3 5 2) gt c RSCEAA
- d (3 6 4 2 5 1)
- Compound transposition is a sequential
composition of 2 or more simple transpositions
with respective periods t1, ,ti ltgt simple
transposition of period t lcm(t1,,ti)
12Transposition Ciphers
- A simple transposition cipher with fixed period
t, -
- K is the set of all permutations on 1,2, ,t
- For each e ? K, the encryption function Ee is
defined as follows - // m(m1,
,mt) ? M, the message space - The decryption key // the inverse
permutation of e - To decrypt the message c(c1,...,c2), compute
- Ciphertext only
- adversary has only c
- goal is to find plaintext, possibly key
- Known plaintext
- adversary has m, c
- goal is to find k
- Chosen plaintext
- adversary may gets a specific plaintext
enciphered - goal is to find key
14Basis for Cryptanalysis
- Cryptanalysis of classical ciphers relies on
redundancy in the source language (plaintext) - E appears far more frequently than Z
- Q is followed by U
- TH is a common digram
- Repeated letters in pattern words (e.g., three,
soon, etc.) - Its called statistical attacks, i.e., based on
language statistics - Brute force (exhaustive search) Tries all
possible keys on a piece of ciphertext - If the number of keys is small, then its easy to
break the encryption
15English letter frequency ()
- Letter frequency Letter frequency Letter freque
ncy - A 8.04 B 1.54 C 3.06
- D 3.99 E 12.51 F 2.30
- G 1.96 H 5.49 I 7.26
- J 0.16 K 0.67 L 4.14
- M 2.53 N 7.09 O 7.60
- P 2.00 Q 0.11 R 6.12
- S 6.54 T 9.25 U 2.71
- V 0.99 W 1.92 X 0.19
- Y 1.73 Z 0.09
16Frequency of digrams in English text ()
- di-gram frequency di-gram frequency
- AN 1.81 ON 1.83
- AT 1.51 OR 1.28
- ED 1.32 RE 1.90
- EN 1.53 ST 1.22
- ER 2.31 TE 1.30
- ES 1.36 TH 3.21
- HE 3.05 TI 1.28
- IN 2.30
17Attacking Transposition Ciphers
- Simple transposition cipher alter dependencies
between consecutive characters, but - Preserves the frequency distribution of each
letter - Anagramming
- If 1-gram frequencies match English frequencies,
but other n-gram frequencies do not, probably
transposition - Rearrange letters to form n-grams (1st digram
then trigram) with highest frequencies
18Attacking Transposition Ciphers
- Example
- Plaintext is HELLO WORLD
- Encryption key is e(1 3 5 7 4 2 9 6 8 10)
- Ciphertext is HLOOL ELWRD
- Frequencies of 2-grams beginning with H
- HE 0.0305
- HO 0.0043
- HL, HW, HR, HD lt 0.0010
- Frequencies of 2-grams ending in H
- WH 0.0026
- EH, LH, OH, RH, DH 0.0002
- Implies E follows H
19Substitution Ciphers
- Simple substitution cipher
- A plaintext and ciphertext character sets
- K is the set of all permutations on A
- M m m1,m2, ...
- For each e ? K, the encryption function is
defined as follows -
- // the character to which mi
is mapped by e - The decryption key // the inverse
permutation of e - To decrypt the message c(c1,...,c2), compute
20Substitution Ciphers
- Simple substitution cipher changes letters in
plaintext to produce ciphertext - Simple substitution cipher is called also
mono-alphabetic substitution - Example - Cæsar cipher (Trivial shift cipher with
k 3) - Plaintext is HELLO WORLD
- Key is 3, usually written as letter D
- Ciphertext is KHOOR ZRUOG
21Attacking simple substitution ciphers
- Brute Force Exhaustive search
- If the key space is small enough, try all
possible keys until you find the right one - The key space of simple substitution on English
alphabet (26 letters) is 26! 4 x 1026 (400
000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000) - Cæsar cipher has 26 possible keys
- Statistical analysis
- Simple substitution cipher alter the frequency of
the individual plaintext characters, but - Doesnt alter the frequency distribution of the
overall character set - Thus, letter frequency analysis helps breaking
the cipher
22Attacking simple substitution ciphers
- Compute frequency of each letter in ciphertext
- G 0.1 H 0.1 K 0.1 O 0.3
- R 0.2 U 0.1 Z 0.1
- Apply 1-gram model of English
- Conclusion
- Simple substitution ciphers are easy to recognize
and analyze - How to improve simple substitution ciphers? In
other words, how to defeat letter frequency
analysis? - Polygram ciphers Playfair cipher
- Polyalphabetic substitution ciphers Vigenere
23Polygram substitution ciphers
- Simple substitution cipher substitutes one
character by other character - Polygram substitution cipher substitutes groups
of characters by other groups of characters - Examples
- Sequences of 2 plaintext characters (digrams) may
be replaced by other digrams - Sequences of 3 plaintext characters (trigrams)
may be replaced by other trigrams - Playfair cipher is an example of polygram
substitution ciphers
24Playfair cipher
- The Playfair Cipher operates on digrams (pairs of
letters) - The key is a 5x5 square consisting of every
letter except J. - Before encrypting, the plaintext must be
transformed - Replace all Js with Is
- Write the plaintext in pairs of letters
- separating any identical pairs by Z
- If the number of letters is odd, add a Z to the
25Playfair cipher
- If two plaintext letters lie in the same row then
replace each letter by the one on its right in
the key square - If two plaintext letters lie in the same column
then replace each letter by the one below it in
the key square - Else, replace
- First letter by letter in row of first letter and
column of second letter in the key square - Second letter by letter in column of first letter
and row of second letter in the key square
26Playfair cipher Example
27Attacking Playfair cipher
- Playfiar cipher alters the frequency of the
individual plaintext characters and alters the
frequency distribution of the overall character
set because each letter may be replaced by other. - However, digram frequency analysis helps breaking
the cipher
28Polyalphabetic substitution cipher
- Polyalphabetic substitution cipher is a block
cipher with block length t over an alphabet A - The key space consists of all ordered sets of t
permutation (p1, ..,pt), where each pi is defined
on the set A - Encryption the message m(m1,,mt) under the key
e(p1,,pt) is given by - The decryption key associated with e is
- Example Vigenère cipher
29Vigenère cipher
- AA,,Z
- t3
- e(p1,p2,p3) encryption key
- p1 maps each letter to the letter 3 positions to
its right in A - P2 maps each letter to the letter 7 positions to
its right in A - P3 maps each letter to the letter 10 positions
to its right in A - This means that e CHK
30Attacking Vigenère cipher
- Doesnt preserve symbol frequencies
- In the example E is encrypted to O and L
- However, its not significantly more difficult to
cryptanalyze - The approach
- determine the period t (i.e., key length)
- Ciphertext can be divided into t groups (group i
consists of those ciphertext letters derived
using permutation pi ) - Letter frequency analysis to be done on each
31Product ciphers
- Simple transposition and substitution dont
provide a very high level of security - product cipher is a combination of many
transformations (transposition and substitution ) - product ciphers are a way to obtain strong
ciphers - Well call a round a composition of a
substitution and a transposition.