Some Reflections University of Novi Sad - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Some Reflections University of Novi Sad


Lisbon European Council - Presidency ... Lawrence Brooks, Brunel University. Graham Gough, University of Manchester ... From Eric Roberts of Stanford ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Some Reflections University of Novi Sad

Some ReflectionsUniversity of Novi Sad
  • May 30th 2007
  • Andrew McGettrick

  • Comments on software and IT
  • The Bologna process
  • The UK scene
  • European initiatives
  • Observations on the US scene
  • CPATH initiative and related work
  • ACM committees and curricula developments

Computing in Europe
  • Lisbon European Council - Presidency conclusions
    of this meeting of March 2000 calls for an
    information society for all
  • Thus technological challenge and
    knowledge-based society drawing attention to
    job creation opportunities
  • In June 2005 there is the new strategy framework,
    captured in i2010 Information Society and the
    media working towards growth and jobs

Microsoft Economic Impact Study (October 2004)
  • 19 countries in the EMEA region
  • IT spending in 2004 generated 200bn in tax
    receipts, 9 million IT jobs
  • In 2004 - 08 expected to generate an additional
    2.1 m jobs in these countries, and a further
    160bn in tax revenues
  • IT is a major driver in terms of the economy and
    its effects are being felt at all levels

The Bologna Process
  • Intergovernmental initiative to bring about
    European Higher Education Area by 2010
  • To improve and to promote European higher
    education, to remove obstacles to mobility
  • 45 signatories, and climbing

Common Structures
  • Common structures of HE systems across Europe
  • Two main cycles
  • undergraduate
  • Masters level
  • Third cycle also exists

The ECTS system
  • ECTS European Credit Transfer and Accumulation
  • One academic year 60 European ECTS points (1640
    approx. hours of study)
  • But also A 10, B 25, C 30, D 25, E
    10 and fails FX and F
  • Based on student workload, for comparing
    attainment and performance

ECUK Press release 08.05.07
  • ECUK calls on the government to be more active in
    establishing and promoting clear UK position on
    the key issues of principle arising from the
    Bologna process, this being the move towards
    standardising academic degrees across the UK
  • ECUK supports the view that the ECTS system is
    not fit for purpose and that the UK should
    develop proposals for an alternative based on
    learning outcomes

The UK Subject Benchmark Statements
  • Computing
  • 2007

  • Revised version of the original statement which
    was published in 2000
  • Revision process overseen by QAA as part of the
    periodic review of all subject benchmark
    statements published in 2000
  • Involved full consultation with wider academic
    community and stakeholder groups

Review Group
  • Lawrence Brooks, Brunel University
  • Graham Gough, University of Manchester
  • Alastair Irons, University of Northumbria
  • Gerry McAllister, University of Ulster
  • Andrew McGettrick, University of Strathclyde
  • Keith Mander, University of Kent

A Comparison
  • 2000 some 2 400 computing programmes of study on
  • 2006, April
  • 3 344 programmes in computing, plus
  • 394 in software, plus
  • 1 434 on information, plus
  • 860 on multimedia

  • Original proved robust
  • Changes are largely a result of
  • some re-organisation of material
  • an updating of content, e.g. body of knowledge
  • Levels now called threshold, typical and there is
    provision for excellence
  • Concept of computational thinking included

Consultation process
  • Review team asked the community through the HEA
    (Computing) in Ulster for help and advice on
    updating the body of knowledge
  • QAA itself carried out the main review
  • All comments received a response which is lodged
    on the QAA web site
  • Information Systems community needs addressed

Web site address
  • http//

On Masters Benchmarking
  • Background an agreed document has been produced
    and is used by the community
  • We have now been asked do we wish to have this
    go through the formal processes with QAA?
  • Answer yes

The Euro-Inf project
  • Builds on Eurace (which is for engineering)
  • About creating standards that apply across
    Europe, related to Bologna
  • University of Paderborn, University of Applied
    Sciences in Hamburg, CEPIS
  • First draft ready and about to go out for comment

Standards for Informatics Programmes in Europe
  • Essentially this is about a Quality Assurance
    Agency for Europe
  • Note current UK inquiry into Bologna
  • Within Euro-Inf there are two levels
    corresponding to the first cycle and second cycle

Structure based on
  • Four categories
  • Underlying conceptual basis
  • Analysis, design and implementation
  • Technological methodological and transferable
  • Other professional skills
  • For each of these expected progamme outcomes are

First cycle - underlying conceptual basis
  • Knowledge and understanding of
  • the principles underlying informatics
  • their respective informatics specialisation and
    awareness of the wider aspects of informatics
  • A systematic understanding of the key aspects of
    and concepts of their discipline of informatics
    including some at the forefront of the discipline

The US scene
CPATH initiative
  • From the National Science Foundation

  • CPATH about revitalizing undergraduate computing
  • Vision is
  • a U.S. workforce with the computing competencies
    and skills imperative to the nations health,
    security and prosperity in the 21st century
  • a cadre of computing professionals prepared to
    contribute to sustained U.S. leadership in
    computing in a wide range of application domains
    and career fields, and
  • a broader professional workforce with knowledge
    and understanding of critical computing concepts,
    methodologies and techniques.

CPATH projects will
  • Contribute to the development of a diverse, agile
    workforce with the computing knowledge essential
    to U.S. leadership in the global innovation
  • Increase awareness of the strategic importance of
    undergraduate computing education in a wide range
    of career fields and disciplinary and
    interdisciplinary areas
  • Identify and implement integrative new models for
    undergraduate computing education that are
    replicable across a variety of programs and
    institutions, and have a high probability of
    adoption on a national scale
  • Create new partnerships within institutions

Types of projects for 2007
  • Community building projects
  • Bring together communities to discuss challenges
    and possible solutions
  • Evaluation, adoption and extension
  • Evaluate existing ideas
  • Transformational projects
  • Distinguished educator projects

Georgia Tech
  • The Threads Concept

Recent Curriculum Revision
  • Basis of their work - belief that
  • the computing curriculum has never been
  • designed solely to produce software engineers
  • CS was about wealth, no longer, so why do it
  • Address this in their revision
  • support a variety of outcomes

  • Take issue of context seriously
  • 8 Threads
  • Computing and the media
  • Computational modeling
  • Information internetworking
  • Intelligence
  • Foundations
  • Result - uptake in numbers

Degree structures
  • Degree made up from any two Threads
  • 28 possible paths to a degree
  • Clear statement about what Computing is
  • Provides different perspectives for students
  • It is not just about software engineering or

  • The Georgia Tech perspective is that their
    approach is an instantiation of a more general
  • Contextualize and specialize
  • Students need to be shown alternative options and
    the context issue is used to motivate

ACM Education Board and Education Council
  • Structure of these bodies
  • Their remit
  • Their activities
  • Deep concern about the situation in the US and

Crisis in Computer Education?
  • Enrollments falling to around 50 of 2001 levels
    in US
  • Staff reductions are happening or are threatened
  • The number of jobs needing high quality graduates
    is increasing
  • The gap between what is needed by industry and
    what is being produced is widening

Extent of the crisis
  • The crisis is not confined to the US
  • It exists in many countries in Europe, for
    example there are some exceptions
  • In the UK, for instance, the numbers have fallen
    by a similar amount and the problem over jobs
    also exists
  • Reaction in UK Grand Challenges in Computing
    Education 2004 and 2006

Understanding the issues
  • The problem is very complex - there are many
    factors that need to be addressed and aired
  • We need to try to understand the issues
  • We need to be open to the possibility there are
    good reasons for the crisis
  • There are important economic considerations
    related to the competitiveness of a country

Deep down
  • Do we believe computing is really important, is
    really fundamental?
  • What do we believe about education for the 21st
    century and the pervasiveness of the computing
  • Can we articulate this clearly to a wide
  • What does this say about computing education?

  • From Eric Roberts of Stanford
  • To be on a par with other sciences we need to
    be producing about 5 times as many graduates as

ACM Education Council
  • Four task forces, covering
  • Image
  • The curriculum (CS, SE, CE, IS, IT)
  • These are all at undergraduate level
  • Update on these
  • Best practices
  • Internationalization

Computer Science Review
  • Meeting outcomes - highlights
  • Programming - is it different from what it was?
  • How has computing changed in the last 5 years?
  • Security is a major issue
  • How do we make the curriculum attractive?

How do we make curriculum attractive?
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