Title: Template for MCMA Poster Slides
1Object Tracking in a 2D UWB Sensor Network
November 8th, 2004 Cheng Chang EECS Dept ,UC
Berkeley cchang_at_eecs.berkeley.edu Joint work
with Prof. Anant Sahai (funded by NSF)
- Information from channel estimates
- Single object tracking
- Estimation bounds Cramer Rao lower bound
- Asymptotic analysis (number of sensors ? )
- Multiple objects
- A heuristic algorithm for multiple transmitter
multiple receiver - Effects of network scaling
- Synchronized sensor-network with communication
capability - Critical for multiple receiver network
- Good synchronized clocks
- Transmitter/Receivers with known positions
- Channel response with high resolution (UWB)
- High speed A/D converter GHz
- Can be extracted from data packets
- Slowly changing environment
4Side effect of communication
- Pairwise impulse responses
- Training data
- Successful data packets
- Our abstract model
- Good SNR after processing
- Paths corresponds to bounces off objects
5Multipath Length Extraction
- Signal Model Received signal background
response bounces from new/moving objects - Background response is considered known
- High SNR sub-sample precision on path
resolution - Noise Model Noise in channel estimation induces
noise in path length estimation, modeled as AWGN
with known variances.
6Multipath Measurements
7Single Tx, Single Rx
- A single multipath distance is not enough to
locate an object
8A Strict Motion Model
- Constant velocity model
- parameterized as (x0,y0,xN,yN), where (x0, y0),
(xN, yN) are the starting and ending positions of
the object.
- In principle, can solve for position within a
- 4-fold symmetry
9CR Bound
Huge CR bounds ? bad estimation performance
10Why is the CRB bad?
All three motions have the same multi-path
Fragile dependence on the constant velocity
11Multiple Tx, Single Rx
- A 3 transmitter 1 receiver sensor network
- Position of the object can be determined by
- using ellipse laceration.
12Multiple Tx, Single Rx
- Estimation Bounds
- The Fisher Information matrix J is a 2 by 2
matrix - Cramer-Rao bound for (x,y) is
- An N receiver 1 transmitter sensor network
- has the same Fisher Information Matrix.
13CRB for Multiple Tx, Single Rx
An N transmitter 1 receiver sensor network
Normalized CR bound Constant total transmit power
14CRB for Multiple Tx, Single Rx
15CRB for Multiple Tx, Single Rx (faraway region)
N10, it appears that estimates are bad outside
of the sensor region
16Look in Polar Coordinates
17Analysis for Multiple Tx, Multiple Rx
Theoretical VS simulation CR bound 1/NM
Estimation performance improves with total energy
collected by receivers
18Dense Network Asymptotics
19A Semi-linear Estimation Scheme
- Multi-path distance
- (x,y) unknown position of the object
- dij multi-path distance from Tx i to Rx j ,
(i1,2..M j1,2N) - (ai,bi),(uj,vj) are known positions of the
transmitter i and receiver j - Rewrite (1) as
- MN multi-path distance measures, 2MN linear
equations as (2.1) or (2.2) - A v b Where A is an 2MN X (2MN)
matrix, v (x,y, l1T, l2T lMT,l1R, l2R.
lNR.)T v(ATA) -1ATb - The scheme is order optimal
Is the distance between object and ith Tx
Is the distance between object and jth Rx
20Multiple Objects
- L objects of interest in environment
- More pair-wise impulse responses
- Correspondence issue must identify paths to same
object - (L!)NM-1 possible combinations
- Exhaustive search for all possibilities is
21A Heuristic Algorithm
- Hough Transform-like algorithm
- Discretize the search region
- Use measured channels to assign scores to grid
points. Searching for high scores. - Read correspondences out from candidate
locations. - Fine estimation scheme for single object.
22Simulation Result
A 7 transmitter 7 receiver sensor network with 5
Score function
23Network Scaling
- Noise variance of the multi-path length
extraction is dependent on the length of the
multi-path - Sensor-network 1 is scaled up by factor c from
sensor-network 2. - With same total power, youd rather have a
smaller-denser sensor network
- Object can not be tracked in a Single Tx Single
Rx network (high Cramer Rao bound) - The Cramer Rao bounds are reasonably low for
MTSR/ MTMR network - The 2-step estimation scheme works well for
multiple object tracking
25Future Work
- Low SNR Joint channel and position estimation
- Move beyond specular reflection model
- Exploit for communication
- Inverse problem
- Boost the communication capacity
- Channel prediction under some reasonable motion
model -