Title: Pleasant Valley School District
1Pleasant Valley School District
- Superintendents 2004-05 Budget Roadshow
2Why Are We Here Today?
- To discuss the Big Picture State Education
Budget - To summarize the current status of the PVSD
Budget - To describe the 2004-05 PVSD Budget process
- To present the Superintendents recommendations
for budget reductions - To answer your questions
3State Budget Process Overview
- The State Budget
- After two years of unprecedented and traumatic
mid-year budget cuts, the 2004-05 Governors
Budget offer schools - Modest funding increases
- Reforms of limited scope
- Much-needed stability
4State Budget Process Overview
- The School Agency Budget
- This budget should not lull school agencies into
not taking required action - Expectations may be heightened to unrealistic
level most agencies will still be making cuts - Be CONSERVATIVE
5Impact on School District Budgets
- Caution, Caution, Caution
- There are still difficult budget choices to make
- Will it be a May Revise or a May Surprise???
6Where Does Our Money Come From?
7Expenditure Budgets are a Reflection of Our
- There are two kinds of people
- Teachers
- People who support teachers
8How Do We Spend Our Money?
9The Shrinking General Fund
10Increasing Commitment to Instruction
11What is Still In Place?
- Kindergarten through third grade Class Size
Reduction - Class-size
- Instructional Materials
- Full adoptions
- On going support of adoptions
- Printed materials
- Staff Development
- Extra Duty/Extra Pay
- Music Program
- Library Media Techs
12and Site Discretionary Funds
- In addition to 2003-04 new dollars, the following
amounts were carried forward from previous years
132002-03 Site Carryover 1,032,603
14How Do We Compare?Student Related vs
Administration Costs
15PVSD 2004-05 Budget
16PVSD 2004-05 Budget
17PVSD 2004-05 Budget
18Process for Resolving Budget Shortfall
- Establish Board Budget Philosophy
- Expanded Budget Committee
- Administrative Review
- Superintendents Recommendations presented to
Board 5/6/04 - Board Action regarding reductions 5/20/04
- Board Adoption of Budget 6/17/04
19Superintendents Goals and Objectives
- Shared Leadership
- Student Achievement
- Effective Communications
- Safe and Productive Learning Environment
20Superintendent's Budget Reduction Recommendations
21Superintendent's Budget Reduction Recommendations
22Superintendent's Budget Reduction Recommendations