Title: Ling 100
1Ling 100
- Guidelines for poster preparation
2Whats coming up Poster presentations
3Order of events for preparingthe poster
- Each group selects the paper to be
presented.(Monday, 21 March) - Find and copy the paper.
- Read and understand the paper.
- Summarize the paper.
- ( Exercise 7, 1 submission - 1 grade per
group)(Wednesday, 30 March) - Prepare the poster presentation.
- Present Poster.(Wednesday, 6 April)
4What is the goal ofa poster presentation?
- Encapsulate research results in a concise and
clear exposition. - Do not saturate the audiences attention.
5Which topics willthe poster presentations cover?
- Psycholinguistics
- First Language Acquisition(L1 Acquisition)
- Second Language Acquisition(L2 Acquisition)
- Neurolinguistics
- Speech Perception
- (See website for list of topics and references.)
6How do you decidewhich topic to focus on?
- Each tutorial is assigned a different topic.
- Within each tutorial, each study group selects a
specific paper to present.(Each study group
must select a different paper.)
7Topic assignments
- will be made on Monday, 21 March
- Make sure you attend your tutorial
- From then on, you will need to work closely
with your study group primarily outside of
8What information shouldthe poster contain?
- The poster should express in simple text
statements and/or graphics the - What
- Why
- How
- Result
- of the research.
9What should the poster look like?
- Use 4 frames.
- Each frame presents a different piece of
information (what, why, how, result) - Lay out the frames left-to-right, top-down,
starting from the upper left-hand corner. - Each frame measures 11" x 17 (landscape).
10Poster Presentation Format
- 1. What is the goal of the research? What
question(s) is being asked? - (11" x 17")
- 2. Why is the research important and/or
interesting? - (11" x 17")
- 3. How How is the research issue addressed?
What methods are used? - (11" x 17")
- 4. Result What are the relevant findings of the
research? - (11" x 17")
11For information about how toprepare poster
- Creative Effective Poster Presentations (G. R.
Hess/NC State University L.H. Siegel/Oregon
State University)http//www.ncsu.edu/project/post
ers/IndexStart.html - Poster Presentations (Scientific Literature
and Writing, Biology 801, Eastern Kentucky
12more information
- Tips for Effective Poster Presentations (U.S.
Department of Energy)http//www.osti.gov/em52/wor
kshop/tips-exhibits.html - Developing a Poster Presentation (J. Radel,
Ph.D., University of Kansas Medical
_Presentations/PstrStart.html - Poster Presentation of Research Work (Chemical
Engineering Advance Materials, University of
Newcastle Upon Tyne)http//lorien.ncl.ac.uk/ming/
13When will the postersbe presented?
- Wednesday, 6 April.
- Each Study Group presents its poster during a
2-hour slot(i) 9.00-11.00(ii) 10.00-12.00. - Location to be announced.
14How will the posterpresentations be evaluated?
- Posters are evaluated on the following criteria
- clarity conciseness of poster
- clarity conciseness of oral introduction
- layout of poster.
- Poster presentations are graded for the study
group as a whole. Therefore, each member of the
group must contribute equally.
15Who assesses the poster presentations?
- The poster presentations are assessed by the
Instructor, the TAs, and the other students. - The grade assigned to the poster presentations is
determined by the Instructor and TAs. - Each student is assigned two (2) posters to
assess. - Student assessments are for the purpose of
learning how to give constructive feedback, and
are graded by the Instructor and TAs (This grade
contributes to the students overall grade for
class participation).