Title: Is Bullying a male phenomenon
1Is Bullying a male phenomenon?
- This reflection makes us understand the
psychology of the people. Sometimes, while we
naturally speak, we say words automatically,
which we take for granted as an example,
bullying is considered a male phenomenon.
The term bullying is used to describe a set of
behaviours in which a person says or does things
in order to have power over another person. In
our society today the teddy-boy is born in the
social context in which we live people assist
and do nothing because they are careless or
because they are afraid of him. Bullying is
characterized by the following some factors
2 - Intention to harm the victim badly insulting and
exercising physical violence, so that the victim
feels bad and is distressed.
Lack of support making the victim feel alone,
isolated from all and enclosing everything within
consequences the damage is maintained in time
and the victim remains with the idea of being a
3- It manifests itself according to three main
shapes - Direct bullying (attacks are relatively
manifest towards the victim) - Physical to hit with fists or kicks, to steal
or ruin objects of property, etc. - verbal to insult repeatedly, to take in turn,
to emphasize racial aspects, etc. - Indirect bullying (social isolation and
intentional exclusion from the group) - indirect to diffuse annoying subjects of
gossip or offensive stories, to exclude from the
groups of aggregation, etc.
4- Teddy-boys are at risk of antisocial problematics
and the victims risk problems of depression in
their future lives. -
- I think that, in order to live well with
others one must feel well with oneself.
Naturally, every person is different and for this
reason nobody should be discriminated in any
racist way.