Title: Refactoring Functional Programs
1Refactoring Functional Programs
- Simon Thompson
- with
- Huiqing Li
- Claus Reinke
- www.cs.kent.ac.uk/projects/refactor-fp
2Session 1
- Refactoring means changing the design or
structure of a program without changing its
4Splitting a function in two
5Splitting a function in two
6Splitting a function in two
7Splitting a function
- module Split where
- f String -gt String -gt String
- f ys foldr () y"\n" y lt- ys
8Splitting a function
- module Split where
- f String -gt String -gt String
- f ys foldr () y"\n" y lt- ys
9Splitting a function
- module Split where
- f String -gt String -gt String
- f ys join y "\n" y lt- ys
- where
- join foldr ()
10Splitting a function
- module Split where
- f String -gt String -gt String
- f ys join y "\n" y lt- ys
- where
- join foldr ()
11Splitting a function
- module Split where
- f String -gt String -gt String
- f ys join addNL
- where
- join zs foldr () zs
- addNL y "\n" y lt- ys
12Splitting a function
- module Split where
- f String -gt String -gt String
- f ys join addNL
- where
- join zs foldr () zs
- addNL y "\n" y lt- ys
13Splitting a function
- module Split where
- f String -gt String -gt String
- f ys join (addNL ys)
- where
- join zs foldr () zs
- addNL ys y "\n" y lt- ys
14Splitting a function
- module Split where
- f String -gt String -gt String
- f ys join (addNL ys)
- where
- join zs foldr () zs
- addNL ys y "\n" y lt- ys
15Splitting a function
- module Split where
- f String -gt String -gt String
- f ys join (addNL ys)
- join zs foldr () zs
- addNL ys y "\n" y lt- ys
f 9 37
h x f 9 37 e h 37 12
f 9 37
h y x y e h (f 9 37) 37 12
18Session 1
- Potted history of refactoring.
- Refactoring and design.
- Example refactorings what do we learn?
- Demonstration of the HaRe tool for Haskell.
- A practical exercise.
19A little bit of history
- Floyd, 1978 Turing Award Lecture encourages
reflective revision. - Griswold Automated assistance for (LISP) program
restructuring. - Opdyke Refactoring OO Frameworks.
- Fowler et al Refactoring Improving the Design
of Existing Code.
20Refactoring in OO
- Smalltalk refactoring browser relies heavily on
reflection. - Built into a number of IDEs Eclipse,
- Refactor and test major way of ensuring
correctness of refactorings - others require heavyweight static analysis.
- Link with design
- Structure of the program?
- Modules, types, interfaces
- Artefact?
- UML diagrams of various kinds
- with accompanying constraints.
- Model Driven Architecture
- Design patterns?
- The problem of consistency design vs code.
22Designing functional programs
- No evidence of an appetite for separate modelling
languages - No established terminology of patterns
- its all in the code.
- Development of functional programs is spiral
- from a working base, extend, refactor and
elaborate. - Design emerges.
24Soft Ware
- Theres no single correct design
- different options for different situations.
- Maintain flexibility as the system evolves.
25Modify and refactor
26Refactoring functional programs
- Semantics can articulate preconditions and
verify transformations. - Absence of side effects makes big changes
predictable and verifiable unlike OO. - Language support expressive type system
abstraction mechanisms higher order functions,
- f x y
- ?
- Name may be too specific, if the function is a
candidate for reuse.
- findMaxVolume x y
- ?
- Make the specific purpose of the function clearer.
Scope just change occurrences of this f.
Modules change f (and M.f) everywhere.
28Lift / demote
- f x y h
- where
- h
- ?
- Hide a function which is clearly subsidiary to f
clear up the namespace.
- f x y (h y)
- h y
- ?
- Makes h accessible to the other functions in the
module and beyond.
Free variables which parameters of f are used in
h? Need h not to be defined at the top level, ,
Type of h will generally change DMR.
29Lessons from these examples
- Ensuring correctness requires knowledge of
- Lexical structure of programs
- Abstract syntax
- Binding structure
- Type system
- Module system
30Lessons from these examples
- Changes are not limited to a single point or even
a single module diffuse and bureaucratic - Most refactorings bidirectional
- unlike traditional program transformation.
31Visualising the effect
Estimating the effect of a refactoring. Work
by Chris Ryder
32Program transformations
- Operational semantics reduction to normal form
- Program optimisation source-to-source
transformations to get more efficient code - Program derivation calculating efficient code
from obviously correct specifications - Refactoring transforming code structure
- Related themes, with substantial overlap, and
common theory, but with different intentions.
33Conditions renaming f to g
- No change to the binding structure
- No two definitions of g at the same level.
- No capture of g.
- No capture by g.
34Capture of renamed identifier
35Capture by renamed identifier
- h x h f g
- where
- f y f g
- g x
- h x h g g
- where
- g y g g
- g x
36Refactoring by hand?
- By hand in a text editor
- Tedious
- Error-prone
- Implementing the transformation
- and the conditions.
- Depends on compiler for type checking,
- plus extensive testing.
37Machine support invaluable
- Reliable
- Low cost of do / undo, even for large
refactorings. - Increased effectiveness and creativity.
38- Demonstration of HaRe, hosted in vim.
39The refactorings in HaRe
Move def between modules Delete/add to
exports Clean imports Make imports explicit data
type to ADT Short-cut, warm fusion All module
- Rename
- Delete
- Lift / Demote
- Introduce definition
- Remove definition
- Unfold
- Generalise
- Add/remove parameters
40Practical exercise
- A practical exercise in reflective programming
and design. - Work together in groups, preferably pairs.
41Two roles
- The writer writes design or types the program.
- The logger keeps a log of the process
- Rationale for design decisions.
- Refactorings in the design or the coding
- Purpose, effect, extent.
- Regularly swap roles.
- Better understand refactoring in practice.
- ASCII log files plus program(s) conclusions to
go on the web. - Mail to sjt_at_kent.ac.uk
- To reach a consensus on which refactorings are
most useful and commonly used. - Document.
- Implement.
- Evaluate API.
- Any project of your own choice, perhaps building
on other courses at AFP04. - Alternatively, a minesweeper program.
- Mines distributed in a grid find and mark all
the mines. - On revealing a square, lose if its occupied, if
not see adjacent. - If is zero, clear connected region.
- Can also unmark.
46Minesweeper extensions
- Add deduction play all the guaranteed moves
- or probability reveal the square which is
least likely to explode. - Show the deductions how large support set for
each deduction?
47Minesweeper extensions
- Add a GUI
- or animation.
- Allow backtracking?