Title: Software Requirement Engineering
1Software Requirement Engineering
- RE Def
- The Challenge of RE
- Scope of Project Failure
- Ambiguity
- The RE Process
- The Software Requirements Document
- Requirement Growth
3RE Def
- A definition of RE
- RE is concerned with identifying the purpose of
a software system - and the contexts in which it will be used.
- Hence, RE acts as the bridge between
- the real world needs of users, customers, and
other constituencies affected by a software
system - and the capabilities and opportunities
afforded by software-intensive
technologies. - RE01 call for papers see www.re01.org
4But what is a requirement?
- A condition or capability that must be met or
possessed by a system or system component to
satisfy a contract, standard, specification, or
other formally imposed document - The set of all requirements forms the basis for
subsequent development of the system or system
component. - IEEE Std
5Why RE
- "The hardest single part of building a software
system is deciding precisely what to build. No
other part of the conceptual work is as difficult
as establishing the detailed technical
requirements, including all the interfaces to
people, to machines, and to other software
systems. No other part of the work so cripples
the resulting system if done wrong. No other part
is more difficult to rectify later". - (F. Brooks, "No Silver Bullet", IEEE
Computer, 1987) - After fifty years of industry
experience, software projects still struggle to
gather, document and manage their product
requirements. Lack of user input, incomplete or
changing requirements are the major reasons why
so many IT projects struggle or fail. - Karl Wiegers, 2003, Software Requirements,
- Second Edition, Microsoft Press.
6Scope of Software Project Failures
- 1. Incomplete Requirements
13.1 - 2. Lack of user involvement 12.4
- 3. Lack of resources 10.6
- 4. Unrealistic Expectations 9.9
- 5. Lack of executive support 9.3
- 6. Changing requirements 8.7
- 7. Lack of planning 8.1
- 8. Didnt need it any longer 7.5
- 9. Lack of IT management 6.2
- 10. Technology illiteracy 4.3
- Jim Johnson, The Standish Group International
Project Leadership - Conference, May 1995, Chicago
- http//www.standishgroup.com/sample_research/
7Recipe for Success
- 1. Executive support 18
- 2. User involvement 16
- 3. Experienced project manager 14
- 4. Clear business objectives 12
- 5. Minimized scope 10
- 6. Standard software infrastructure 8
- 7. Firm basic requirements 6
- 8. Formal methodology 6
- 9. Reliable estimates 5
- 10. Other criteria 5
- Jim Johnson et al., Collaborating on Project
Success , - SoftwareMag.com Feb 2001,
- http//www.softwaremag.com/archive/2001feb/Coll
aborativeMgt.html - http//www.standishgroup.com/sample_research/PD
8Ambiguity in Stating Requirements
- Missing requirements
- (E.g. structure, functions, physical envt.)
- Ambiguous words
- E.g., small does not adequately specify the
size of the group - -E.g., group implies that the people will
interact, but its not clear how - Introduced elements
- E.g., Structure-create a means not design a
9Relative Cost to Fix an Error
- Phase in Which Found Cost Ratio
- Requirements 1
- Design 3-6
- Coding 10
- Development testing 15-40
- Acceptance testing 30-70
- Operation 40-1000
- Boehms analysis of 63 s/w development projects
(IBM, GTE, TRW, etc.) to - Determine ranges in cost for errors created by
false assumptions in reqts phase - But not detected till later phases
10Sources RE Difficulties
- RE is where informal meets formal (M.Jackson)
- Many requirements are created, not found.
- Users, buyers, even developers may be unknown.
- Stakeholders have conflicting objectives.
- Multiple views exist
- Inconsistency must be tolerated, for a while.
- Requirements evolve during and after development.
11Guiding Principles for Requirements Engineering
- Understand the problem before you begin to create
the analysis model. (ex. long wait for elevators) - Develop prototypes that enable a user to
understand how human-machine interaction will
occur. (vs. waterwall model) - Record the origin of (traceability) and reason
for every requirement (rationale). (requirement
-gt business problem) - Use multiple views of requirements.
- Prioritize requirements.
- Work to eliminate ambiguity. Davis, 1995
12The RE Process
- The processes used for RE vary widely depending
on the application domain, the people involved
and the organisation developing the requirements. - However, there are a number of generic activities
common to all processes - Modeling
- Requirements elicitation analysis
- Requirement Specification
- Requirements validation
- Requirements management.
13The RE Process
Ian Sommerville 2004 SE,7th Edition, Chp 7
14The RE Process
- Â Requirements analysis elicitation
- Find out what system stakeholders require from
the system (existing systems, potential users,
system models, system prototypes) - Modeling
- - After the task of requirements elicitation,
the analyst will build the model that represents
the problem domain. Modeling the requirements
makes easy to analyze them. Basically, the
analyst studies the models he has built to
detecting problems (i.e. inconsistency) or the
problem to integrate new models with the rest of
the requirements. - Requirements specification
- Define the requirements in detail (unambiguous
to the developers)
15- Analysis vs. Specification
- Analysis is the process of understanding the
problem and the requirements for a solution - Specification is the process of describing what a
system will do - It will help clarify what you think
- It is necessary to communicate with your
customers - It is necessary to communicate with your team
members - It could form the basis for a contractual
relationship - Analysis leads to Specification --they are not
the same
16The RE Process
- Goals for Specifications
- Completeness
- Comprehensibility
- Testability
- Consistency
- Unambiguity
- Writeability
- Modifiability
- Implementability
17- Requirements Validation
- Demonstrating that the requirements define the
system that the customer really wants - Requirements error costs are high so validation
is very important - Fixing a requirements error after delivery may
cost up to 100 times the cost of fixing an
implementation error - Prototyping is an important technique of
requirements validation
18 The RE Process
- Requirements Checking
- Validity
- Does the system provide the functions which
best support the customers needs? - Consistency
- Are there any requirements conflicts?
- Completeness
- -Are all functions required by the customer
included? - Realism
- Can the requirements be implemented given
available budget and technology
19The RE Process
- Requirements Review Checks
- Verifiability
- Is the requirement realistically testable?
- Comprehensibility
- Is the requirement properly understood?
- Traceability
- Is the origin of the requirement clearly
stated? - Adaptability
- Can the requirement be changed without a large
impact on other requirements?
20 What goes into an SRD?
Project Title General Description of
System Concept Model of Current Operations
Model of Planned Operations List of Required
Functions Data Elements Reqd Inputs
Outputs Design Constraints Implementation
Constraints Specific formats are 1) IEEE Std.
1233, 1998 Edition IEEE Guide for Developing
System Requirements Specifications (SyRS)
http//cs.wwc.edu/aabyan/435/Forms/RAD.html 2)
IEEE Std. 830-1998 IEEE Recommended Practice for
Software Requirements Specifications (SRS)
21Requirements Growth Source Adapted from Davis
1988, pp1453-1455
- Daviss model
- User needs evolve continuously
- Represent this as a graph showing growth of needs
over time - May not be linear or continuous (hence no scale
shown) - Traditional development always lags behind
needs growth - first release implements only part of the
original requirements - functional enhancement adds new Functionality
- eventually, further enhancement becomes too
costly, and a replacement is planned - the replacement also only implements part of its
requirements, and so on...
22- Its very difficult to formulate a complete and
consistent requirements specification - A requirements definition, a requirements
specification and a software specification are
ways of specifying software for different types
of reader - The requirements document is a description for
customers and developers - Requirements errors are usually very expensive
to correct after system delivery - Reviews involving client and contractor staff
are used to validate the system requirements -
23Michael Jackson Software Requirements
Specifications, a lexicon of practice, principles
and prejudices. Addison-Wesley, 1995
B. A. Nuseibeh and S. M. Easterbrook,
"Requirements Engineering A Roadmap", In A. C.
W. Finkelstein (ed) The Future of Software
Engineering ACM Press http//www.cs.toronto.edu/
sme/papers/2000/ICSE2000.pdf Book reviews
at http//easyweb.easynet.co.uk/iany/reviews/rev
iews.htm Website maintained by R.S. Pressman
Associates, Inc on RE http//www.rspa.com/reflib/R
24 Requirement Engineering Newsletter http//polar
is.umuc.edu/skerby/help/wbib_swe.htm Presentatio
n by Dr. Annie I. Antón on Requirement
Engineering http//ecommerce.ncsu.edu/studio/lectu
res/RE_2006.pdf 12th IEEE International
Requirement Engineering Conference http//www.re04
.org/ Paper by Parastoo Mohagheghi Reidar
Conradi http//www.idi.ntnu.no/grupper/su/publ/par
astoo/step05-21aug05.pdf Paper The Software
Requirement Engineering by John
Frankovich http//sern.ucalgary.ca/courses/seng/62
1/W97/johnf/reqeng.htm International Workshop
on RE http//www.ifi.unizh.ch/groups/req/IWRE/abst
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