Title: Phil Tacker Associate Professor Extension Engineer BS
1Phil Tacker
Associate Professor / Extension
Engineer BS MS Ag. Eng. U of A, Joined CES
August 1982
2We irrigate most of our crops in the Arkansas
- Rice 1.5 million acres - all irrigated
- Corn 350,000 acres 80 irrigated
- Cotton 1 million acres - 75 irrigated
- Soybeans 3 million acres - 62 irrigated
- Milo 250,000 acres 50 irrigated
4.5 million irrigated acres 74 of total
3Arkansas ranks fourth among states in irrigated
acreage. Nebraska, California, Texas Arkansas
irrigated acres is still increasing which is not
the case for most of the other states.
4Computerized Irrigation Scheduler
Agriculture-Computer Programs-Irrigation
5Arkansas producers operate approx. 50,000
irrigation pumps
6Growing Concern
White River Irrigation Project
7Increasing Energy Costs for Irrigation
8Pumping Cost Spreadsheet
Publication Estimating Irrigation Costs
9On Farm Irrigation Demonstrations
10Arkansas MIRI Comparisons
- Years 2001 2006
- Number of Comparisons 24
- Average Savings 23
- Savings Range 8 - 44
Comparison avg for watershed study is 19
11Watershed Protection Projects
Protecting Water Quantity and Quality in The
L'Anguille River Watershed A Field Study
Supported by grants from the U.S. EPA, U.S.D.A
12Two Wheat Fields Followed By Soybeans 2007
Field B
Field A
13Irrigation Water Monitoring With Flowmeters
14Measuring and sampling runoff
runoff weir
water sampler
depth sensor
15Runoff Water From Rice, 05
6 inches
16(No Transcript)
17Phaucet Program For Furrow Irrigation
18Phaucet Program For Furrow Irrigation
- Helps determine size of holes to punch in tubing
- Calculates pressure change along the tubing
- Can help address different row lengths in the
same set - May increase number of rows irrigated in a set
- Should help rows water out more evenly
Can possibly reduce irrigation and runoff
19Surge Valve Irrigation
20Phaucet Program and Surge Valve
Combination Reduced pumping by average of 25
21Fertigation With Center Pivots
22Remote Monitoring Control Of Irrigation Pumps
Fuel Sensor
Water Sensor
23Safety Concerns
PTO Shield
24External Funding
Arkansas State Cotton Support Committee Arkansas
Corn and Grain Sorghum Board
- 550,000 in last 10 yrs from Grower Check-Off
Funds - 1.75 million in grants
through US EPA, USDA-CSREES and ANRC as PI or