Title: Safety Keypoint
1Safety Keypoint 5
- Only those emergency personnel in the proper
level of (compatible) protective clothing and
positive pressure SCBA who are actively
performing emergency operations are to operate
within the inner perimeter
28) Legal Requirements
Perimeter Protection
- safe distances and places of refuge
- written plans procedures
3Conceptual examples
8) Legal Requirements
of hot zone perimeter distances
Isolate for
- Minor incident 100'
- Major incident 500'
- Explosion potential 1/2 mile
- in all directions
4Safety Keypoint 6
- Minimum safety perimeter for citizens 1,000
feet beyond inner perimeter boundaries in open
59) Toxic Exposure
6Types of Exposure
9) Toxic Exposure
- Local exposure
- The site of action is the point where the toxin
actually contacts living tissue
7Types of Exposure
9) Toxic Exposure
- Systemic exposure
- Poisoning damage that is not present at the point
of contact, but is present within the victim
because of the absorption and distribution of the
chemical within the body
8Routes of Exposure Inhalation
9) Toxic Exposure
- Inhalation is the most common type of exposure
for first responders occurs by - approaching the scene from downwind
- approaching the scene without caution...
9Routes of Exposure Inhalation
9) Toxic Exposure
- wind shift or vapor cloud envelopes command
post positioned too close - failure to wear positive pressure SCBA
- failure to decontaminate personnel or equipment
10Safety Keypoint 7
- To avoid inhalation hazards, positive pressure
SCBA must be properly worn, used, and maintained
11To prevent downwindinhalation exposure
9) Toxic Exposure
- recognize the potential for downwind hazards to
be present - utilize personnel in the proper level of
personal protective clothing to expand downwind
perimeters to well beyond the hazardous area
12Routes of Exposure Ingestion
9) Toxic Exposure
- Ingestion is the least common type of exposure
- Emergency responders can unknowingly ingest toxic
material while eating, smoking or drinking
following any exposure to toxic material
13Safety Keypoint 8
- Never eat, smoke, or drink at or around hazardous
material incident scenes until you decontaminate
and wash your hands, face, and hair thoroughly
14Routes of Exposure Absorption
9) Toxic Exposure
- Absorption is the second most frequent type of
exposure, resulting from skin contact with the
15Routes of Exposure Absorption
9) Toxic Exposure
- The skin is the largest organ of the body and
performs many vital functions in addition to
protecting the internal organs
16Routes of Exposure Absorption
9) Toxic Exposure
- Effects of skin exposure
- 1) irritation
- 2) chemical burns
- 3) penetration absorption
17Safety Keypoint 9
- Consult protective clothing compatibility data to
ensure available protective clothing is
compatible with the hazardous material(s) involved
18 Available Toxicity Data on100,000 Known
Hazardous Materials
9) Toxic Exposure
- Toxicity data available
- No data available
19Human health effects of exposure
9) Toxic Exposure
20Acute Exposure Immediate effects
9) Toxic Exposure
- dizziness
- vomiting
- death
- caustic/thermal burns
- respiratory complications
- central nervous system reactions
21Acute Exposure Delayed effects
9) Toxic Exposure
- central nervous system reactions
- pulmonary edema (fluid in the lungs)
- death or permanent disability
22Chronic Exposure Cumulative effects
9) Toxic Exposure
- decreased liver function
- cancer
- respiratory breakdown
- heart trouble
23Effects of inhalation of chemicals
9) Toxic Exposure
- irritation
- asphyxiation
- systemic problems
- sensitizer/allergen
24Effects on the Nervous System
9) Toxic Exposure
- Peripheral nervous system
- twitching or tremors
- numbness in toes and fingers
- tingling
- Central nervous system
- constricted pupils
- profuse sweating
- headache
- chest and/or abdominal pain
- disorientation
- decline in mental awareness
- convulsions
- unconsciousness or coma
259) Toxic Exposure
- Often chemicals can mix during a HazMat incident
- resulting in a reaction where a new substance is
26Biomedical Hazards
9) Toxic Exposure
- laboratory specimens
- medical waste material
- biological warfare agents