Aquatic Chemistry VII: Redox Reactions - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Aquatic Chemistry VII: Redox Reactions


To understand how equilibrium constants K can be calculated from standard free ... energy orbitals (similar to G being zero for rock at bottom of cliff below) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Aquatic Chemistry VII: Redox Reactions

Aquatic Chemistry VIIRedox Reactions
  • EVEN 6319
  • Class 8 (Oct. 13)

Misc issues
  • Exam next week, Tuesday, October 19 1-3 pm open
    book, comprehensive

Class objectives
  • To understand how equilibrium constants K can be
    calculated from standard free energy changes ?Go
    from standard redox potentials Eo.
  • To become familiar with the concepts of electron
    activity e- pE -loge- and to understand
    how these parameters affect redox reactions,
    especially in the environment.
  • To be able to develop log C pE diagrams for
    redox half reactions.
  • To understand how pE is related to electric
    potential E.
  • To be able to interpret pE-pH predominance

Redox reactions
  • Important redox reactions in environmental
  • Oxidation of organic matter in wastewater.
  • Nitrification denitrification.
  • Anaerobic fermentation methane production.
  • Disinfection with chlorine or ozone.
  • Oxidation or reduction of contaminants in
  • Chemical analyses.
  • Unlike most acid-base reactions, redox reactions
    can take a long time to reach equilibrium.
  • Redox reactions often mediated by bacteria.

Free energy change for redox reactions
  • Like all reactions, redox reactions attain
    equilibrium when the free energy G (or potential
    to do work) is zero.
  • G is zero when electrons are in lowest energy
    orbitals (similar to G being zero for rock at
    bottom of cliff below).
  • Thus, ?G is negative for all spontaneous redox

Relationship between??Go, Eo, K
  • Free energy change ?G for a reaction is given by

where ?G free energy change at existing concs.
(J) ?Go standard free energy change (J)
R universal gas constant (8.314
J/K-mol) T absolute temp (K).
  • At equilibrium ?G 0, and thus

Relationship between??Go, Eo, K (cont.)
  • The free energy change ?G for a redox reaction is
    related to the redox potential E produced in an
    electrochemical cell
  • ?G -zFE (3)
  • where ?G free energy change (J/mol, or
  • z electron eqs/mol of chemical change in
  • F 96,485 coulombs/electron eq.
  • E emf or voltage produced in
    electrochemical cell (volts)

Relationship between??Go, Eo, K (cont.)
  • Solving ?Go -zFEo ?Go -RTlnK for lnK gives
  • Thus, if ?Go or Eo for a reaction is known is
    (e.g., by calculating from tabulated ?Gfo or
    half-reaction Eo values), K can be calculated.
  • A redox reaction will be at equilibrium if
  • ?G E 0.
  • A redox reaction will occur spontaneously if
  • ?G is negative (or equivalently, if E is

Electron activity redox equilibrium
  • Consider following half-reaction where Fe3 is
  • Fe3 e- ? Fe2
  • At equilibrium
  • Solving for the apparent e- activity e- gives
  • At high e-, Fe2 will be greater than Fe3
    at equilibrium.

pE notation
  • Just like acid-base reactions, redox reactions
    occur in a direction towards equilibrium.
  • As pH measures apparent H activity in solution
    H , pE measures apparent e- activity in
    solution e-
  • pH -logH (units for pH are dimensionless)
  • pE -loge- (units for pE are dimensionless)
  • pE is a measure of the availability of electrons
    in solution (even though no free electrons exist
    in solution).
  • (In other texts pE is notated as pe or p?).

Similarities between pH pE
  • Apparent H activity H is high in solutions
    with low pH values
  • Chemical species tend to be protonated at low pH.
  • Conditions with low pH are acidic conditions.
  • For example HAc at low pH, but Ac- at high pH.
  • Apparent e- activity e- is high in solutions
    with low pE values
  • Chemical species tend to be reduced at low pE.
  • Conditions with low pE are reducing conditions.
  • For example, NH4 at low pE, but NO3- at high pE.
  • Reducing conditions are generally anaerobic.

Similarities between pH pE (cont.)
Relationship between pE E
  • The relationship between e- the redox
    potential E is given by
  • where E redox potential (V)
  • pE -loge- (dimensionless)
  • Note pE ? loge- pE ? -log(E)
  • see following log C - pE diagram
  • When pE or E is large, e- is low the system
    tends to be under oxidizing conditions.
  • When pE or E is small, e- is high the system
    tends to be under reducing conditions.

Logarithmic concentration diagram showing the
relationship between
as a function of pE for pH 7 and
standard pE or pEo
  • The standard pE or pEo for a given reduction
    half reaction is defined as
  • pEo log K
  • (where K equilibrium constant for the half
  • The above is by definition it is not a derived

The standard hydrogen electrode
  • The standard redox potential Eo for any redox
    half reaction is defined with respect to the
    standard hydrogen electrode (next picture).
  • Eo for the following half-cell reaction is
    arbitrarily assigned a value of 0 V
  • 2H3O(aq) 2e- ? H2(g) 2H2O(l) Eo 0 V
    (by def.)
  • Thus, K 1 for above reaction (by def).
  • (and thus pEo log K 0)
  • All other half-cell potentials are then
    determined from this reference potential.
  • See table of half-reaction standard potentials
    (after next slide).

standard hydrogen electrode
(No Transcript)
Text example on pp. 191-194
  • Problem Draw a log C diagram showing
    relationship between NO3- NH4 as a
    function of pE, assuming
  • pH 7.0
  • NO3- NH4 10-3 M
  • The reduction half reaction is

(Note that half reactions can be derived see
text p. 23).
Text example on pp. 191-194 (cont.)
  • The first step is to determine the equilibrium
    constant K. Note that pEo ( log K) is listed as
    14.88 in Table 2.4.
  • Alternatively, we can derive K from free energy
    of formation (?Gfo) values (see Appendix in
  • reactants (KJ/mol) products (KJ/mol)
  • ?Gfo(NO3-) -111.34 ?Gfo(NH4) -79.37
  • ?Gfo(H) 0 ?Gfo(H2O(l)) -237.18
  • ?Gfo(e-) 0
  • Thus, ?Go for the reaction is

Text example on pp. 191-194 (cont.)
  • K can now be calculated from ?Go for the
  • ?Go -RTlnK (2)
  • where R 8.314 J/mol-K
  • T 298 K
  • Solving this equation for K gives
  • K 1014.88
  • or
  • log K pEo 14.88

Text example on pp. 191-194 (cont.)
  • The next step is to develop equations for NO3-
    NH4 as a function of pE -loge-.
  • At equilibrium, the reaction conforms to
  • Taking log of both sides rearranging gives
  • Substituting pH -logH pE -loge-

Text example on pp. 191-194 (cont.)
  • Substituting logK 14.88 pH 7 rearranging
  • Now, since NO3- NH4 10-3 M, we can
  • NH4 10-3 - NO3-
  • giving

Text example on pp. 191-194 (cont.)
  • NH4 can then be determined as a function of pE
    using the mass balance
  • NH4 10-3 M NO3-
  • The last two equation for NO3- NH4 can be
    used to develop the log C pE diagram (next
  • spreadsheet

(No Transcript)
Text example on pp. 191-194 (cont.)
  • At very low pE values H in water is reduced to
  • H e- ? ½ H2(g)
  • The equilibrium constant for the above half
    reaction is
  • Taking the log of both sides gives
  • Substituting pEo logK, pE -loge-, pH -
    logH, rearranging gives

Text example on pp. 191-194 (cont.)
  • Now substituting pEo 0 for the H reduction
    half reaction pH 7 solving for logH2
  • Similarly, at very high pE values H2O in water is
    oxidized to O2
  • ¼ O2 H e- ? ½ H2O
  • The equilibrium constant for the above half
    reaction is
  • Substituting H2O 1 taking log of both sides

Text example on pp. 191-194 (cont.)
  • Substituting pEo logK, pE -loge-, pH -
    logH, rearranging gives
  • Now, substituting pEo 20.77 pH 7
    rearranging gives

Text example on pp. 191-194 (cont.)
  • Eqs. 4 5 can be added to our log C pE
  • log C - pE diagram
  • See spreadsheet file
  • If pE for aqueous system is to left of H2 line,
    system is highly reducing.
  • If pE for aqueous system is to right of O2
    line, system is highly oxidizing.
  • Natural waters have pE values between these two

(No Transcript)
pEpH predominance diagrams
  • The preceding log C pE diagram assumed a pH of
  • pE is a function of pH for any redox reaction.
  • Predominance or pE-pH diagrams are used to show
    relationship between pH, pE, most stable
    species in a give oxidation-reduction system.
  • A nitrogen system pE-pH diagram appears on next
  • The lines in the pE-pH diagram represent points
    of transition from predominance by one nitrogen
    form to predominance by another.

pE?pH diagram illustrating predominant nitrogen
forms at equilibrium in an aqueous system.
pEpH predominance diagrams (cont.)
  • To construct pE-pH diagram, equilibrium equations
    were needed for following redox couples
    NH4/NO3-, NH4/NO3-, NO2-/NO3-, NH3/NO3-,
    NH3/NO2-, NH4/NO2-.
  • The general form of the equilibrium equation for
    each couple is

where pE -loge-, pEo logK, (reduced)
represents species on reduced side of half
reaction, (oxidized) represents species on
oxidized side of half reaction.
pEpH predominance diagrams (cont.)
  • From preceding pE-pH diagram
  • reduced species (NH4 NH3) are predominant at
    low pE (or equivalently high e-).
  • oxidized species (NO3- NO2-) are predominant at
    high pE (or equivalently lowe-).
  • Thus, low pE corresponds to reducing conditions,
    high pE corresponds to oxidizing conditions.
  • In general, reducing conditions are anaerobic,
    oxidizing conditions are aerobic.
  • Characterizing the pE pH of a system can
    provide information about what chemical reactions
    can occur.

pEpH predominance diagrams (cont.)
  • Following diagram shows which species predominate
    at each pE-pH zone in natural systems (diagram)
  • The aerobic zone occurs at high pE is
    characteristic of most natural streams, lakes,
    and ocean waters with dissolved oxygen.
  • The anaerobic zone occurs at low pE is
    characteristic of sediments other anaerobic
    environments where SO42- is reduced sulfide and
    organic matter is reduced to CH4.
  • The anoxic zone is a transition zone that occurs
    at intermediate pE is characteristic of
    environments where NO3- is reduced to N2 gas.
  • Note that the pE at which anaerobic conditions
    are attained is higher when pH is low than when
    pH is high (why?).

pE-pH diagram illustrating major
oxidation-reduction zones in aqueous systems.
Solving equilibrium problems with computers
  • Equilibrium problems are solved using equations
  • Equilibrium
  • Mass balance
  • Charge balance
  • Proton balance (sometimes).
  • In complex problems, many species can be
    involved, requiring computer solutions using
    numerical methods.
  • Most available programs (e.g., MINEQL MINTEQ)
    come with databases for equilibrium constants
    thermodynamic values.

Next week
  • Mid-term exam
  • Work on MINTEQ Project for following week

Assignment for next week
  • Review Ch. 4.4.10-11 and Ch. 19.
  • Explore following website
  • http//
  • Do problems 6 and 7 from Chapter 3.
  • Do problems 97, 98 and 99 from Chapter 4.
  • Prepare for mid-term exam (comprehensive).
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