Title: Valley of Fire State Park, Nevada
1Valley of Fire State Park, Nevada
- Organized by Joe Naumann, UMSL
255 miles NE of Las Vegas
3Map of the Area
4Climate Period of Record 12/1/1972 to
3/31/2004 (Source DRI)
The Valley of Fire has one of the extreme
climates in North America. Located in the Eastern
Mojave Desert, temperatures are well over 100 in
the summer months and the rainfall is rarely more
than a few inches. Unexpected but typical of the
desert is the trace amount of snowfall.
5From the West Entrance
6North of Atlatl Rock near West Entrance
7The Seven Siters
8The Seven Sisters Picnic Area
9Petroglyph Canyon Images
11Exposure to water can change rock color
12Bridge Formation
13Atl Atl Rock
14Light tan sandstone of the White Domes area
15Elephant Rock in White Domes area
16Rainbow Vista