Title: Operational Use of the Rapid Update Cycle
1- SPRING 2004 RUC CHANGES (13 April 2004)
- 2) RUC analysis
- Improve use of surface data by incorporating
information on boundary-layer depth. - Improves surface dew point and CAPE forecasts
(and temperature to a lesser extent)
Removed 16Z 26 April 2004
2PBL-based METAR assimilation - Intention Use
METAR data through PBL depth from 1h fcst
RUC oper analysis 18z 3 Apr 02 IAD
Effect of PBL-based METAR assimilation
3Occasional ridiculous features were noted in the
4Some of the problems were actually related to
long-standing biases
High CAPE bullseyes in locations between raob
5 moisture increment added to already moist
1-hr guess
Obs. Dulles sounding
RUC analysis
6Overview of Changes
- Moisture corrections from METAR obs are applied
to only 200 mb above the sfc based on 1-hr PBL
fcst (was more in previous version of code but
only40 mb in ops) - Moisture increment values are more limited
- Positive moisture increments are limited if 1-hr
forecast shows non-zero convective precip - T and q increments are now further constrained
going from land to water points
7New Version often leads to improved CAPE forecasts
8Biggest Differences at 2-m
Largest diffs in west
Minimal impact on slp
9Decreasing Impact Aloft
850 mb
500 mb
10Sample Analysis Sounding Comparisons
Both have same sfc dew point value but very
different PBL structure
11Downside Initial Fit to Raobs not as good
Ops vs. Para
12Verification Scores show worse fit to data at
00-hr but no problems by 03
132-m stats
- Slightly modified analysis scheme being tested
for the RUC - Intent is to have more of a relationship between
sfc METAR data and the PBL and to limit
unreasonable extrapolation between stations - Biggest impacts are on 2-m dew point (especially
in the west) and low-level moisture structure
which influences CAPE - Tradeoff between more realistic low-level
structure and fit to data