Title: The current context of NSP processes
1The current context of NSP processes
- Zambia RBM workshop
- 26 28 August 2009
2Why national strategic plans?
- While NSPs and OP do not automatically enhance
prevention, care, treatment and mitigation, they
are meant to - Set clear national priorities and align external
support to them - Respond to the heterogeneity of the epidemic
- To be translated into action
- Ensure an important role for civil society and
communities and a multi-sectoral response - Implement the three ones principle
- Attract and sustain funding
3Some weaknesses of NSPs
- Weak Evidence base prioritization
- Weak match between epidemic response
- Weak alignment linkages with other plans (PRSP,
Health, ME, ) - Not Results based (activities )
- Weak Resource estimates Costing, resource
mobilization strategies - Weak Institutional design human resources
(roles, responsibilities accountability) - Insufficient identification of Capacity
Technical support needs - Weak monitoring review processes systems
- Weak basis for Operational planning
4NSP planning chaos some causes
- 1. Use of multiple Planning methodologies
- - Planning by objectives
- - Log frame approach
- Mixed approaches
2. Partners planning practices priorities UN /
UNDAF, MAP, GF, PEPFAR, Bi-laterals, etc
5. Lack of evidence use of evidence
4. In-country planning practices Consultants
- 3. Non harmonized NSP/NOP guidance
- - UNAIDS 1998 guidance
- Guidance on ME of national programs
- ASAP tools guidance
5What is clear
- Using different methodologies, concepts and
approaches to planning - Lack of evidence and the use of evidence in
planning and plans
6 Examples of planning methods in Zambia
7Comprehensive review of evidence
8(No Transcript)
9Use of evidence decision making
- Translating evidence in plans prioritize
Decision makers
10Getting ready to use evidence for planning
- 1) Is sufficient evidence available?
- Criteria to assess sufficient?
- If not, get it
- 2) Is evidence analysed, summarized, translated
in recommendations for policy planning in an
accessible understandable format? - What formats
- If not do it
- 3) Do policy makers planners know, understand
and approve of the evidence? - Have policy makers endorsed/agreed, validated the
evidence (against political, social, cultural,
religious, .. norms) - If not, inform them and get the buy-in
- 4) Is evidence widely available and shared with
all stakeholders - Discussed, validated, harmonised with experience
based and local knowledge - If not, do
- Are we ready to embark on evidence based
11Summary of key Challenges .
- 1. Planning for planning purposes but not Making
the Money Work - 2. Evidence is not being accessed, shared and
used for planning - 3. Prioritisation doesnt take place
- 4. Weak participation, ownership and
multi-sectoral agreement - 5. Lack of accountability of various partners
- 6. Absence of capacity assessment
- 7. Gap between planning and ME
12Key issues to consider
- Speaking the same language - Well defined
planning methodology that everyone can understand
and apply - Use of evidence during the planning stage
- Prioritisation based on strategic choices
informed by - evidence, capacity, policy, etc
- Participation of key players throughout the
planning process - Collective and organisational accountability of
shared results - Implementation based on realistic assessment of
capacity - Rigorous and regular measurement of programme
achievements to - demonstrate results and Make the Money Work
- Focus our plans to fulfill peoples Human Rights
13What are we seeking?
- We want SMART, strategic results, that add value
to the achievement of national priorities. - We also want results information to be used to
influence decisions and improve performance. - We want to report on our results so we can
mobilise further resources. - We want to fill our capacity gaps to ensure a
fully operational plan.
14The essence of RBM
- The essence of RBM is managing
- so that intended results are achieved.
- Management FOR Results
- Management OF Results
15How RBM can help
- It is a well defined methodology
- Focus is on results, accountability, change,
(collective understanding responsibility) - Using the logical, causal chain for translating
evidence into results - Helps prioritisation and decision making
- Better allocation of resources according to
results - Greater accountability
- Allows better monitoring and evaluation
- Greater harmonization alignment
- It is the planning standard for UN and being
promoted in PRSP, ME systems, UNDAF, UNJT/UNJP
- This is the proposition we are making . What do
you think?