Title: National Program of Cancer Registries
1National Program of Cancer Registries
- Phyllis A. Wingo, PhD, MS
- May 2, 2005
2History of Cancer Registration in the United
- 1930's - 1st hospital based registries
- 1941 - Connecticut Cancer Registry
- 1971 - SEER Program
- 1987 - NAACCR
- 1990 - National Cancer Data Base
- 1992 NPCR created by the Cancer Registries
Amendment Act (Public Law 102-515)
3Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results
Program (SEER)
- 1973
- 5 States, 6 Metro Areas
- 14 population coverage
- 2000
- 9 States, 6 Metro Areas
- 26 population coverage
4North American Association of Central Cancer
Registries (NAACCR)
- Develops and promotes consensus uniform data
standards - Provides education and training
- Certifies population-based registries
- Aggregates and publishes data from central cancer
registries, and - Promotes the uses of cancer surveillance data
5National Cancer Data Base (NCDB)
- Nationwide oncology outcomes data base for 1,600
hospitals in 50 states - Approximately one-half of all US cancer cases
(600,000) are accessioned annually - Data used for
- Hospital-specific reports
- Community reports
- Scientific reports
6Status of Cancer Surveillance Before NPCR
- No nationwide, population-based cancer
surveillance in the U.S. - 10 states did not have a central registry
- Data items/records not standardized
- In most states, no data available for
planning/evaluation of cancer control activities
7Cancer Registries Amendment Act Public Law
- Passed by Congress October 1992
- Authorized establishment of National Program of
Cancer Registries (NPCR) at CDC - Provide funds to states and territories to
enhance existing or plan new registries - Provide training on central registry operations
- Set requirements for funded central registries
8National Program of Cancer Registries (NPCR)
- 1995
- 45 states, 3 territories, District of Columbia
- 96 population coverage
9Cancer Registries Amendment Act Public Law
102-515 Requirements
- Establish statewide, population-based registry
- Develop statewide legislation/regulations
- Comply with standards
- Completeness
- Timeliness
- Quality
- Adopt uniform data elements and uniform record
format - Provide statewide annual report
10NPCR Legislation and Regulations
- Authorizing legislation supports existence of
statewide, population-based registries - State regulations - Comprehensive reporting
- Access to records - Reporting of uniform
data - Protection of confidentiality - Access
to data by researchers - Authorization to
conduct research - - Protection from liability
11NPCR Reportable Cancer Case
- Defined as "each form of invasive cancer with the
exception of basal cell and squamous cell
carcinoma of the skin and each form of in situ
cancer except for carcinoma in situ of the cervix
Cancer Registries Amendment Act NPCR Program
Announcement 426, CDC, 1994 NAACCR subcommittee
report, 1993
12NPCR Data Items
- Demographic Information, including at a minimum
- Name
- Address at diagnosis
- Census tract
- Race and Spanish/Hispanic origin
- Sex
- Birth date
- Social security number
13NPCR Data Items (Continued)
- Clinical Information, including at a minimum
- Date of diagnosis
- Date of admission/first contact
- Source of information
- Date and type of first course of treatment
- Date of death
- Underlying cause of death
14NPCR Data Items (Continued)
- Pathologic Information, including at a minimum
- Primary site
- Morphology Type, behavior, and grade
- Sequence number
- Laterality
- Diagnostic confirmation
15Benign Brain Tumor Cancer Registries Amendment
- Legislation passed October, 2002
- Amendment to the Public Health Service Act
authorizing NPCR (Cancer Registries Amendment
Act) to provide for the collection of data on
benign brain-related tumors - Implementation Cases diagnosed on or after
16NPCR Standards for Completeness
- NPCR endorses the NAACCR method of calculating
case completeness. - Within 12 months, 90
- Within 24 months, 95
- of expected, unduplicated cases are available to
be counted as incident cases. - - state performs death clearance with 3 or
fewer cases reported by DCO. - - 1 or fewer duplicate cases per 1000 records
are present in the database.
17NPCR Standards for Timeliness
- At the minimum, cancer case reports are received
by the state cancer registry within six months of
the diagnosis year from the reporting facility. - Within 12 months, 90
- Within 24 months, 95
- of unduplicated, expected, malignant cases are
received by CDC.
18NPCR Standards for Quality
- Within 12 months, 97
- Within 24 months, 99
- of the cases pass an NPCR prescribed set of
standard data edits. - NPCR Edits
- - Free distribution
- - For interactive or batch editing
- - Metafiles contain all logic, tables, and
values to check data validity
19NPCR Standards for Annual Reports
- An accessible and usable analytic database of
cancer cases that are at least 90 complete - OR
- A report in electronic format based on cancer
cases that are at least 90 complete - that are available by 12 months after the close
of the diagnosis year.
20United States Cancer Statistics (USCS) 2001
- State, regional, and national data
- Covers 92 of US population
- Rates for whites, blacks, Asians/Pacific
Islanders (A/PI), Hispanics, and children -
21Uses of Cancer Registry Data
- Monitor cancer burden
- Identify cancer incidence variations
- Provide data for research
- Provide guidance for health resource allocation
- Respond to public concern and inquiries about
cancer - Evaluation of cancer prevention and control
22The NPCR Mantra
- Completeness
- Timeliness
- Quality
- Use
- Now have strong nationwide cancer registry
infrastructure in place - There are population-based cancer registries in
all 50 states and the District of Columbia. - For 2001 cancer diagnoses, we have data for 92
of the U.S. population
24Take-Away Messages
25Web Site
- http//www.cdc.gov/cancer/npcr/