Title: The 4 1 Master
1The 41 Masters Degree Program
The 41 Program permits the SMU Engineering
student to study towards B.S. and M.S degrees
simultaneously and possibly with fewer courses
than if taken separately. Up to nine (9) SCH of
graduate course work can be applied towards the
undergraduate degree requirements. In such
cases, students may fulfill both bachelors and
masters degree requirements in as few as 21 SCH
beyond the B.S. coursework. For more info
see http//engr.smu.edu/emis/Programs/4___1_Maste
2Roadmap to Multiple Masters Degrees with Fewer
Total Courses
SMUs School of Engineering permits its graduate
students to take advantage of degree-requirement
overlaps to acquire a second Masters degree by
taking as few as six courses (18 semester credit
hours). This is available for prospective and
current graduate students, as well as alumni who
have already received a MS from SMU. For more
info see http//engr.smu.edu/emis/Programs/Fast_S