Title: Basic 2 Classes and Objects
1Basic -2Classes and Objects
2Classes and Objects
- A class is a complex data TYPE
- An object is an instance of a class.
- Example
- Class Person
- Objects several Person instances are all around
3Trivial Example Class Person
- A Person has some properties
- Attributes or fields
- In addition it may have some behavior
- methods
- A java class defines properties and behavior
common to all people (all Person objects) - Each person gets their own field copies
4Class Person - example
- class Person
- String name
- int height // in inches
- int weight // in pounds
- // well worry about methods later
- void setWeight(int newWeight)
- void setHeight(int newHeight)
- An object is an instance of a class type
- An object variable is a reference to the objects
data structure - Object variable can be seen as a pointer
- Declaring an object variabile ! creating an
object - Declaration provides a null pointer
- Must create an object with the newkeyword
- Calls a constructor method of the class
(optionally with arguments) - Dynamic allocation
Variable declaration
Person p1 p1 new Person() p1.name your
Object instantiation
6Object Variables
- Multiple variables can point to same object
- A variable can point to NO object
- its value is null
- NOTE passing an object as parameter in a method
actually passes a copy of the reference - Method manipulates the same referenced object
Person p1, p2 p1new Person()
p1.name John p2 p1
System.out.println(p1.name) System.out.println(p2
.name) Person p3 p3new
Person() p3.name Dan p2p3
name John height 0 weight 0
name Dan height 0 weight 0
Java graciously initializes primitive fields for
8Object creation caveats
- What if we dont use new?
- Person p
- System.out.println(p.name)
- Hgtjavac Person.java
- Person.java15 Variable p may not have been
initialized. - System.out.println(p.name)
- 1 error
9Second Try
- Person p new Person()
- p null
- System.out.println(p.name)
- Compilation works fine but
- Hgtjava Person
- Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerEx
ception - at Person.main(Person.java16)
10Object equality
- RECALL variables are references
Person p1 new Person() Person p2 new
Person() p1.name Jane p2.name
Jane If(p1 p2) System.out.println(Same!")
else System.out.println(Different!")
Person Jane
Person Jane
11More on equality equals()
- All classes are equipped with a method equals()
- For comparing objects of same class
- Can be (re-)defined wrt class logic
boolean equals(Person otherPerson) if
name.equals(otherPerson.name) System.out.printl
n(Same!") return true
System.out.println(Different!") return
12Object Destruction
- Programmer cannot explicitly destroy an
instantiated object - JVM takes care of garbage collection
- Implicitly frees up memory from useless objects
- Object is useless when program keeps no more
references to it - e.g when program exits the context where object
was created (block, method variables) - Or when variables point to other objects or are
assigned the null value
13Lets play around with Person
- p1.weight 200 // bad but dealable
- p1.weight 700 // unfortunate, but possible
- p1.weight -20 // unreal
- Solution Have class modify attribute. Allows
sanity checks. - Provide that behavior through a method
- p1.setWeight(700) // OK. Weight is now 700.
- p1.setWeight(-20)
- Error, weight must be positive number
- // weight still 700
- class Person
- void setWeight(int newWeight)
- if (newWeight lt 0)
- System.err.println(
- Error, weight must be positive number)
- else
- weight newWeight
15 New problem
- p1.setWeight(-20)
- Error, weight must be positive number
- p1.weight -20 // Yo, Im the boss
- Assigning weight directly bypasses sanity check
by the setWeight() method. We still have a
problem. - Solution change attribute visibility to make the
bare weight attribute inaccessible from outside
16New solution
- Class Person
- private String name
- private int height // in inches
- private int weight // in pounds
- public void setWeight(int newWeight)
- if (newWeight lt 0)
- System.err.println(
- Error, weight must be positive number)
- else
- weight newWeight
Within same class no dot notation and no
visibility issues
17New solution in action
- class Test
- public static void main(String args)
- Person p1 new Person()
- p1.weight 20
- gtjavac Test.java
- gtTest.java4 Variable weight in class Person not
accessible from class Test. - p1.weight 20
- 1 error
- Denied!
18Finish up
- Need to add a getWeight(), since we can no longer
access weight directly - public int getWeight(void)
- return weight
- Also, need get() and set() functions for name and
19Accessor Functions for Encapsulation
- Generally make fields private and provide public
getField() and setField() accessor functions. - For this course ALWAYS
- unless theres a specific reason not to
- Usually there isnt
- Need to justify explicitly otherwise!
- Encapsulation keeps programs tidy
- Enables clear definition of interactions between
classes - Public parts of a class represents its
Application Programming Interfaces (API) - Private parts hide details of the class
implementation - If interface remains stable, even if
implementation changes, the rest of application
is unaffected - Example height in cm. and weight in Kg.
20More on Visibility
/ Represents a 2d geometric point / package
2d class Point private float x,y //
coordinates public Point(float coordX, float
coordY) xcoordX ycoordY public
void move(float dX, float dY) xdX
ydY public String desc() return
Point (" x ", " y ")"
- Methods / Attributes
- public
- private
- package (default)
- protected
Constructor with parameters
At-a-glance look at the class API
public class Point private float x,y
public Point() xy0 // same as default
public Point(float coordX,
float coordY) xcoordX ycoordY
public Point(float xy) this(xy,xy)
- Multiple constructors with different sets of
parameters - No need to specify result type
- new operator invoked with parameters matching
those of some constructor - If programmer provides no constructor, Java
provides default constructor (no parameters)
Constructor chaining
22Default Constructor
- Takes no parameters, initializes everything to
defaults - 0, null etc.
- Graciously provided by Java for absent-minded
programmers -) - Only exists if there are no explicitly defined
constructors - Any constructor, even one taking parameters,
means no default
- Multiple constructors is a prominent example of
overloading - Multiple methods can have same name but different
public class Point private float x,y
public void move(float dx, float dy) xdx
ydy public void move(float dxy)
move(dxy, dxy)
- Strings in Java are objects of class
java.lang.String - Java.lang is a fundamental library
- String has a lot of nice features check it out
in the javadocs!
char characters H', e', l', 'l',
'o' String salutationnew String(characters) Sy
stem.out.println(salutation) System.out.println(s
alutation.length()) String s
World salutation s System.out.println
25Comparing Strings
- if (s1 s2) .
- NO!
- if (s1.equals(s2))
- Prominent case of equals() vs.
26Turning objects into Strings
- All classes have a method toString() to provide a
textual description of objects - Can be (re-)defined wrt class logic
public class Person ... public String
toString() String ret ret name is tall
ret height ret inches and weighs
ret weight ret pounds. return
ret ...
27Turning objects into Strings
- toString()can be invoked implicitlly
- When object is used within String manipulation
Person assistantnew Person(Mike) System.out.p
rintln(the assistant is " assistant)
- Introduction to the Java language
- What is Java, what is a Java program
- Style, Javadocs
- Language basics
- Types, variables
- Classes, objects, arrays
- Visibility and encapsulation
- Some utilities
- String, toString()
- System.out