Title: Schools of Philosophy
1Test Your Knowledge
Schools of Philosophy
2Which philosophy? Concerned with ideas, reason,
spirit Believes mind should grasp truth
beauty. Existentialism Realism Idealism
3Thats Right! Idealists were concerned with
ideas, reason, spirit. They believed the mind
should grasp truth beauty.
4Which philosophy? Reality is based upon
experience interactions reality is subject to
change is relative. Pragmatism Realism Pos
5Thats Right! In pragmatism, reality is based
upon experience interactions. It is therefore
subject to change is relative.
6Which philosophy? Reality interpretations are
particularistic. Existentialism Idealism Pos
7Thats Right! In postmodernism, reality
interpretations are not universal or essential.
8Educational Ideologies Perennialism corresponds
with Idealism Realism Existentialism
9Thats Right! Perennialism corresponds to
10Educational Ideologies Progressivism
corresponds with Pragmatism Realism Ideali
11Thats Right! Progressivism corresponds with
12Educational Ideologies Realism corresponds
with Idealism Realism Existentialism
13Thats Right! The ideology realism obviously
corresponds with the philosophy of realism.
14Educational Ideologies Reconstructivism/ Reconst
ructionism corresponds with Pragmatism Ideali
sm Existentialism Pragmatism
15Thats Right! Reconstructivism/Reconstructionism
corresponds with both Existentialism Pragmatism.
16Associations ________ is an Idealist? Aristotl
e Plato Dewey
17Thats Right! Plato was an idealist.
18Associations ________ is an Realist? Aristotle
Dewey Sartre
19Thats Right! Aristotle was a realist.
20Sorry, try again!
21Congratulations! You're done!