Title: Teacher Training Series Session Two
1Teacher Training SeriesSession Two IEP /Home
Inventory/Triennial Review
- Special Education Department
2Agenda Session Two
- Compliance Concerns
- IEP Reminders
- Home Visits
- Triennial Review Process
3Systemic Non Compliance Items
general education teacher must be present at IEP
meeting for a student who is and/or may be
mainstreamed into general education class for any
percentage of their school day (excluding lunch,
recess/passing periods, and assemblies). If a
meeting is convened and a general education
teacher is not present, the meeting will be
reconvened at a time when the general education
PARENT The Assessment Plan is now available in
Spanish in the computerized IEP program, which
was not the case at the time of the Self-Review,
so this item should not be a problem area. If in
the monitoring process we find assessment plans
not provided to the parent in their primary
language, teachers will be expected to reissue
the assessment plan in the primary language with
a letter of explanation to the parent along with
contact numbers in case the parent has any
INTAKE SHEET A service coordinator will be
identified during the initial telephone intake,
if the student has not been determined a Regional
Center client at time of intake the referral
agency will designate Early Start Lead teacher as
PERSONNEL These fields will be defined on the
IEP with more clarity by indicating Who, What,
When, Where, and Why for each item. Sample
language is to be provided at the annual IEP
training. - TRIENNIAL TIMELINES A master calendar for
triennials is to be established. Clerical
support will be utilized to ensure triennial
timelines are maintained.
4CCR Monitoring Plan
- 1. Develop policy and procedures for systemic
non-compliant items general education teacher at
IEP meeting, assessment plan in primary language
of parent, service coordinator identified on
Family Data Sheet support, services, program
modification needed on behalf of the student, and
supports for school personnel written with who,
what, when, where and why clarification and
triennial timelines - 2. Provide annual IEP training with focus on
compliance. -
- 3. During IEP meeting, all IEP team members
will be responsible for review of IEP document
for compliance. -
- 4. Records clerk will review IEP documents
incomplete and/or non-compliant IEPs will be
returned to the IEP team for correction. A list
of non-compliant items will be maintained for
review and discussion at Administrative meetings. -
- 5. The Special Education Director will do
periodically random monitoring of IEP meetings by
attending 2 IEP meetings monthly of each
Administrative Designee. -
- 6. The Special Education Director will do
quarterly compliance review of 12 randomly
selected student records to include (3 SH, 3
D/HOH, 3 Infant, 3- Preschool) representative
of the districts we serve. -
- 7. The SELPA Director will do annual
compliance review of 12 randomly selected student
records to include (3 SH, 3 D/HOH, 3
Infant, 3- Preschool) representative of the
districts we serve.
5Notice of Requirements of 5 CCR 3052(i)(7)
- (i) Emergency Interventions. Emergency
interventions may only be used to control
unpredictable, spontaneous behavior which poses
clear and present danger of serious physical harm
to the individual or others and which cannot be
immediately prevented by a response less
restrictive than the temporary application of a
technique used to contain the behavior. - (7) Anytime a Behavioral Emergency Report is
written regarding an individual who does not
have a behavioral intervention plan, the
designated responsible administrator shall,
within two days, schedule an IEP team meeting to
review the emergency report, to determine the
necessity for a functional analysis assessment,
and to determine the necessity for an interim
behavioral intervention plan. The IEP team shall
document the reasons for not conducting an
assessment and/or not developing an interim plan.
6Individualized Education Plan
- What is an IEP?
- Summation of information from the parent and the
school on how the student is presently
functioning and the goals to be accomplished for
the current school year and the services to
assist in the achievement of those goals. - The goals for the student are based on
information gather by the teacher at the home
visit. The IEP team agrees on goals and services
covered by the IEP. - This is Federally mandated to be preformed yearly
for each special education student. We try to
coincide this with the student birth month.
7Purpose of IEP
- To set goals/objectives that the student is to
accomplish during the year. - The goals should be mutually agreed upon by IEP
team members. - Goals should be established that all participants
feel are obtainable, not to high or too low. If
it is evident the student is not going to achieve
the goals within the school year we are required
to modify them so that they will be attainable. - This is an opportunity to work cooperatively with
the parents.
8Responsibilities of the teacher
- The teacher is the case manager of each student
enrolled in their class. - Set date/time for IEP meeting that is convenient
for all parties, especially district of residence
when you need them to be in attendance. - Conference notice must be sent 14 days prior to
meeting to give timely notification. - Make sure all parties are invited a) parents, b)
all school personnel (district of residence,
other teachers, speech/language specialist,
occupational/physical therapists, vision
specialist, etc.). - Fill out all portions of the Draft IEP.
- The teacher is responsible for ensuring all
services and goals agreed to in the IEP are
carried out.
9IEP Helpful Hints
- Identify strengths first then address needs.
- IEP goals/objectives should result from needs
addressed in the IEP or assessment. - If needs are identified in the IEP and goals are
not developed to address those needs
justification of why not must be provided in IEP
notes. - Relate descriptions to other environments (e.g.
not just school). - Be brief. Dont write everything from previous
years. Build on what was written before.
10IEP Helpful Hints continued
- If Student is taking medication and has medical
issues (e.g. seizures, diapering, specialized
feeding procedures) make sure to indicate under
the health section on the present levels page. - Dont feel like you have to fill in every section
on the draft IEP, some parts can be filled in at
the meeting. - Goals should build on each other from year to
year. If students do not achieve a goal, it
should not just be carried over to the next year
it should be modified so the student will be
more successful with achievement of goal. - Ask for more information from IEP team members to
add to IEP.
11IEP Helpful Hints continued
- If using specific behavior management plans it
needs to be indicated on the behavior section of
the IEP with an accompanied goal and/or support
with a behavior support plan. - For students with pervasive and/or self-injurious
behaviors a Functional Behavior Analysis needs to
be conducted and a Behavior Intervention Plans
need to be developed.
12IEP Checklist
- Check calendars of administrative designee,
district of residence, related services, and
yourself for possible dates/times. - Check with parents to see if selected date/time
is convenient with them. Coordinate with
triennial review if needed. - Fill out conference notice. Invite district of
residence, outside agencies, regular education
teacher and appropriate related service staff
at least 14 days prior to meeting.
13IEP Checklist continued
- Copy conference notice or send electronically to
all invited IEP team members. - Send original and copy to parent for signature
need to have original come back for inclusion
with IEP. - Distribute copies of conference notice to
appropriate individuals fax or email when
possible. - Complete home visit.
- Complete curriculum assessment.
- Fill out draft IEP. At least two days prior to
IEP meeting send email message with students
full name and date of IEP meeting, to IEP
Administrative Designee with copy to Sylvia Ayala
and Angela McNeece, informing them the IEP is
ready to review. - Day before meeting call parents to confirm
14Home Inventory
15Home Inventory
- What is a Home Inventory
- An interview that the teacher conducts in the
students home with the parents, guardian and/or
other significant others, prior to the IEP to
gather information for instructional programming.
16Purpose of Home Inventory
- Establish rapport.
- Provides opportunity for parents to identify
needs, concerns, plans and aspirations for their
child. - Enhances opportunities to participate in least
restrictive environment, because it is an
effective means of prioritizing the skills,
activities, and environments in which the student
will receive instruction. - Come to agreement on critical need for the
development of IEP goals and objectives prior to
the IEP meeting.
17Requirements of Home Interview
- Set up convenient date and time for the home
interview with the parents. - Arrange for translator if necessary.
- Review students information so that you are
acquainted with the student. Can look at goals
from previous year and review progress. - Copy parent/home inventory from teacher notebook
disk, so that you have a copy to write on. Take
this with you to the home visit. Fill it out
during the interview. - This is a required activity for each student in
your class and should be conducted after school
hours or shortened day unless other arrangements
cant be made. - Students should participate whenever possible.
18Teacher Notebook Student Assessment Section
- Parent Contact Guidelines
- Parent letter to send home regarding process
- Parent Interview for Vocation Training
- Current Performance Profile
- Parent Home Inventory
- Parent Home Inventory Update
- Parent Home Inventory Autism Preschool
- Referral for Student Assessment
- Primary Level Functional Skills Checklist
- Secondary Functional Skills Checklist
19Student Assessment
- Initial Assessment
- Triennial Review
20Initial Assessment
- Purpose is to determine eligibility for special
education services. - It is a requirement to assess a child in all
areas of suspected disability. - Typically for student referred to our program
which are of school age the district of residence
is responsible to conduct this assessment. - For students enrolled in our Early Start or
Preschool Program assessment responsibilities
falls on the County Office of Education. - For students newly enrolled if they have a
language other than English identified on the
Home Language Survey the Language Proficiency
Testing must be completed within 30 days
21Triennial Review
- What is a Triennial Review?
- The Triennial review is an assessment process for
special education students to determine continued
eligibility to receive services. It is conducted
by individuals who work with the student
including the parents. - It is a requirement to assess in all areas of
suspected disability. - How often does it need to occur?
- At least every three years and/or at times of
transition from preschool to kindergarten or from
high school to adult services. - It can occur more frequently at request of any
IEP team member including the parent.
22Triennial Review Process
- Check student triennial due dates to ensure
compliance with timelines. - Initiate triennial review process 2 months prior
to triennial due date. If Limited English
Proficient and proficiency testing has not been
completed within the past year redo language
assessment to determine language assessment
should be completed in - Complete Assessment Plan in parents primary
language with input from Psychologist,
Speech/Language Specialist, Nurse, (OT VI if
receiving these services) - For students recommended for a modified
assessment, on page 2 of the assessment plan
under the third section - Alternative Assessment
place an X in the box marking this section and
in the describe area write Student has been
recommended for a modified assessment. - All assessments must have vision and hearing
screening. - Make a copy of the Assessment Plan prior to
sending it home for parent signature.
23Triennial Review Process continued
- Send assessment plan home for parent signature.
- Follow up with parent to make sure it is returned
in a timely manner. - Upon return of signed assessment plan, copy and
send or fax it to all persons responsible for
conducting assessment components along with
Referral for Student Assessment Form.
24Triennial Review Process continued
- Set up date/time for triennial IEP needs to be
at a convenient time for all. - Triennial IEP must be set within 60 days upon
return of signed assessment plan. - Triennial needs to be held on or before 3 years
of previous triennial date. - Complete IEP/Triennial IEP conference notice
form, COPY and send home to parent for signature.
Make sure on purpose of meeting you identify it
as a triennial IEP. Conference notice must be
sent 14 days prior to meeting for timely
notification of upcoming meeting. - Send copy of triennial IEP notice to all parties
invited to the triennial IEP.
25Triennial Review Process continued
- Complete classroom assessment information for
inclusion in assessment report (e.g. Brigance,
Current Performance Profile, or Skills
checklists) - Complete SIB-R or other adaptive behavior scale
and return to psychologist at least 2 weeks prior
to triennial IEP date.
26- Imperial County Office of Education
- Special Education Department
- Triennial Review Checklist
- Name of Student _________________________________
__ Language ____________ -
- Birthdate ____________________________
Chronological Age ________________ -
- School ___________________________ Grade
___________ IEP Due ___________ - ____ Complete Language Assessment if student is
Limited English Proficient and language testing
is more than one year old. -
- ____ Completed Assessment Plan in parents
primary language with date to send home for
parent signature. - ____ Complete Referral for Student Assessment
Form to send to psychologist along with signed
assessment form. -
- ____ Copy/fax/send signed assessment plan to all
persons responsible for conducting assessment. -