Exceptions - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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throws IOException. Read a line of text. ... IOException - If an I/O error occurs. You are trying to use a method that throws an exception. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Exceptions

  • Part I

Old Stuff
(No Transcript)
From the manual
  • To perform division one must first press a small
    button on the carriage which indicates where the
    decimal point should be situated in the
  • Then, the dividend(bölünen) is entered on the big
    keyboard, and the "ENTER DIVD" button is pressed.
    This shifts the carriage over to the position
    indicated for the decimal point, and enters the
    dividend into the accumulator.
  • Then, the keyboard is cleared (if the "ADD" key
    is on, the keyboard clears automatically,
    however, if it is off, the keyboard must be
    cleared manually with the "K B CLEAR" key), and
    the divisor(bölen) entered into the big keyboard.
  • Then, BOTH divide keys are depressed
    simultaneously, and the machine begins a process
    of shifting the carriage to the right to find a
    point where the divisor can start to be
    subtracted from the dividend.
  • Once that point is found, then successive
    subtractions of the divisor occur until an
    overdraft (IE the accumulator goes negative)
    occurs, and each subtraction is counted in the
    counter register.
  • A single addition of the divisor corrects for the
    overdraft, and then the carriage shifts to the
    left, and the process repeats until the quotient
    is left in the counter register, and the
    remainder is left in the accumulator.

142245/435 ?
Slight problem
  • If division by zero is attempted the calculator
    just keeps trying to subtract and never stops.
    Very exciting!
  • Okay for a machine with an operator but what
    about an automatic machine?
  • Need to take action upon encountering certain
    error conditions like division by zero
  • Architecture modified to detect error conditions
    and branch to handler code.
  • So how do we handle the situation?

Early Approaches to Errors
  • Basic
  • C
  • ch getchar()
  • / ch will be set equal to EOF on end of file /

Basic Problems
  • Programmers never think they will make errors
  • Programmers are wrong a lot!
  • Want to make code robust(saglam)
  • Want to force users to maintain robustness
  • Need a clean way of handling problems

  • Could have methods return a value that tells us
    whether or not we had an error?
  • Then cant return anything else or
  • Have to return a composite object
  • Even with some kind of error code
  • Does it give us enough information?
  • Does it give us flexibility
  • Does it include a way to make sure we check it?

Exceptions--Traditional Methods
  • if (someMethod( ) true)
  • if (someOtherMethod( ) true)
  • if (someThirdMethod( ) true)
  • // no errors do intended actions
  • else
  • // handle error caused by someThirdMethod( )
  • else
  • // handle some error caused by someOtherMethod(
  • else
  • // handle some error caused by someMethod( )

Exceptions--Global Variables
  • Another way to deal with error handling is to
    have the value of a global variable represent the
  • int iErrorValue 0
  • public void someMethod( )
  • // do someMethods stuff here
  • // if there is an error, then set iErrorValue
  • public void someOtherMethod( )
  • // do someOtherMethods stuff here
  • // if there is an error, then set iErrorValue
  • public void someThirdMethod( )
  • // do someThirdMethods stuff here
  • // if there is an error, then set iErrorValue

Exceptions--Global Variables
  • public void doIt()
  • someMethod()
  • someOtherMethod()
  • someLastMethod()
  • if (iErrorValue 1)
  • ...
  • if (iErrorValue 2)
  • ...
  • if (iErrorValue 3)
  • ...
  • But What if the run-time error stopped us from
  • For example What if someMethod( ) failed in such
    a way that we cannot go on to someOtherMethod( )?
  • To cope, we find ourselves with code thats
    nearly as messy as the earlier example which
    featured multiple nested-ifs

Exceptions--Global Variables
  • public void doit( )
  • someMethod( )
  • if (iErrorValue 1)
  • / Handle Error 1 here /
  • else
  • someOtherMethod( )
  • if (iErrorValue 2)
  • / handle Error 2 here /
  • else
  • someThirdMethod( )
  • if (iErrorValue 3)
  • / Handle Error 3 here /
  • else
  • / do intended actions here /
  • // else
  • // else
  • // else
  • // doit

(Do we prefer robustness or clarity/maintainabilit
Dont write code like this!
  • Exceptions
  • Java uses termination model of exception
    handlingprogram control cannot return directly
    to the throw point
  • resumption model of exception handling control
    would return to thepoint at which the exception
    occurred and resume execution.
  • Exceptions are thrown
  • like an NFL referee throws a penalty flag
  • Exceptions can be thrown by Java (Today)
  • Exceptions can be thrown by you! (Next Time)

What you need to know
  • Today
  • What happens when an exception is thrown
  • What are your choices for handling exceptions
  • The different kinds of exceptions
  • Next Time
  • How to write your own exceptions
  • Details of the classes
  • Why and when you should use exceptions
  • Some typical scenarios

Two Main Ideas
Handling Exceptions thrown by someone else
Next Time
Throwing Exceptions writing your own Exceptions
What happens when an exception is thrown?
  • An exception object is created (on the heap)
  • The current context is halted/aborted
  • Execution starts in some error handling code
  • Can be in current method
  • Can be external to current method
  • The error handling code has access to the
    exception object which can be used to
  • Access a String message contained in the
  • Determine what type of exception was thrown
  • Print a stack trace
  • Other cool stuff (like rethrow the exception,
    increment a counter, etc.)

What are your choices for handling exceptions
  • Handle in current method
  • try
  • / Code that might throw an exception /
  • catch (ExceptionType ltidentgt)
  • / Code that handles exception /
  • Handle outside current method
  • void someMethod() throws Exception
  • void someMethod throws AnotherException

More details on this later!
The different kinds of exceptions
  • Error
  • For the big guys
  • Exception
  • The standard exception
  • Java enforces handling
  • An unusual condition
  • RuntimeException
  • e.g. classCast Exception
  • Can indicate using a class improperly
  • No special handling

15.4 Java Exception Hierarchy
  • Superclass Throwable
  • Subclass Exception
  • Exceptional situations
  • Should be caught by program
  • Subclass Error
  • Typically not caught by program
  • Checked exceptions
  • Catch or declare
  • Unchecked exceptions

Inheritance hierarchy for class Throwable
Details of the classes
15.8 printStackTrace, getStackTrace and
  • Throwable class
  • Method printStackTrace
  • Prints method call stack
  • Method getStackTrace
  • Obtains stack-trace information
  • Method getMessage
  • Returns descriptive string

Nitty Gritty
  • A method which throws an exception must
    explicitly announce this fact (compiler
    enforced) in the method header throw clause
  • public void someMethod() throws SomeException
  • The exception is a RuntimeException (or a child
    of RuntimeException)
  • OR
  • The exception is handled inside the method

Heres the idea
  • If you as a developer write a class with a method
    that throws an exception then Java forces all
    users of the class to deal with it.
  • This is unlike earlier programming languages
    where there was no way to insure that programmers
    properly handled error conditions.
  • Again we try to deal with problems at compile
    time as opposed to runtime

But what about RuntimeExceptions?
  • Certain types of exceptions can occur in almost
    every method and including code for these
    conditions would be burdensome
  • Runtime Exception Examples
  • ArithmeticException
  • ClassCastException
  • EmptyStackException
  • IllegalArgumentException
  • IndexOutOfBoundsException
  • UnsupportedOperationException
  • NegativeArraySizeException
  • NoSuchElementException
  • NullPointerException

So no special note must be made in method
And it doesnt have to be handled. Program can be
allowed to terminate.
Handle Them Yourself!
  • One or more statements that might throw an
    exception are placed in a try block
  • The try block is followed by one or more catch
  • catch(IOException ioe)
  • / Code to handle IOException here e.g./
  • System.out.println(ioe.getMessage())
  • catch(Exception e)
  • / Code to handle other exceptions here /

Put the subclasses before the classes
15.6 finally Clause
  • Resource leak
  • Caused when resources are not released by a
  • The finally block
  • Appears after catch blocks
  • Always executes
  • Use to release resources

Dont pack up your books yet!
  • In certain cases (no matter what) it is desirable
    to have some code that will be executed after the
    try block. (Like closing a file or a network
  • This means whether or not exceptions were
  • The solution is the finally block
  • try
  • catch(Ex1 e)
  • catch(Ex2 e)
  • finally
  • / Code that will execute! /

  • You are trying to use a method that throws an
    exception. The compiler is complaining. Its

You are trying to use a method that throws an
exception. The compiler is complaining. Its late.
  • class SomeClass
  • ...
  • public void someMethod(...)
  • ...
  • BufferedReader stdin new BufferedReader(
  • new InputStreamReader(System.in))
  • inbuf stdin.readLine()
  • ...
  • ...
  • Cgtjavac SomeClass.java
  • SomeClass299 Exception java.io.IOException must
    be caught, or it must be declared in the throws
    clause of this method.
  • inbuf stdin.readLine()
  • 1 error

Check the API...
  • readLine
  • public String readLine()
  • throws IOException
  • Read a line of text. A line is considered to be
    terminated by any one of a line feed ('\n'), a
    carriage return ('\r'), or a carriage return
    followed immediately by a linefeed.
  • Returns
  • A String containing the contents of the line,
    not including any line-
  • termination characters, or null if the end of
    the stream has been reached
  • Throws
  • IOException - If an I/O error occurs

You are trying to use a method that throws an
exception. The compiler is complaining. Its late.
  • BufferedReader stdin new BufferedReader(
  • new InputStreamReader(System.in))
  • try
  • inbuf stdin.readLine()
  • catch (IOException ioe)
  • System.out.println("Oh, darn!")

Java requires you to somehow handle the
exception. It doesnt require you to do
anything smart.
You are trying to use a method that throws an
exception. The compiler is complaining. Its late.
  • class SomeClass
  • ...
  • public void someMethod(...) throws IOException
  • ...
  • BufferedReader stdin new BufferedReader(
  • new InputStreamReader(System.in))
  • inbuf stdin.readLine()
  • ...
  • ...

Or you could just add throws IOException to the
method header
You are trying to use a method that throws an
exception. The compiler is complaining. Its late.
  • class SomeClass
  • ...
  • public void someMethod(...) throws IOException
  • ...
  • BufferedReader stdin new BufferedReader(
  • new InputStreamReader(System.in))
  • inbuf stdin.readLine()
  • ...
  • ...
  • // Someplace else
  • someReference.someMethod() // Now this line is a

Of course, if you use this technique you still
need to deal with the problem!
When Catching Exceptions you can . . .
  • Print an error message
  • Log the exception
  • Retry the method(maybe with default parameters)
  • Restore the system to some previouslyknown
    "good" state.
  • Set the system to some "safe" state.
  • Let exception propagate to whoever called the
    method in which the exception arose
  • Catch it and ignore it
  • Catch it and ignore it is generally bad If
    the error was serious enough to throw an
    exception, it should be dealt with, not ignored.

OOA/OOD/OOP Who knows enough to handle the
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