Title: Organizational Change
1Organizational Change
2Sources of Individual Resistance to Change
Selective information processing
Individual resistance
Fear of the unknown
Resource and power distribution
3Sources of Organisational Resistance to Change
Threat to established resource allocations
Structural inertia
Organisational resistance
Limited focus of change
Threat to established power relationships
Group inertia
Threat to expertise
4Minimizing Resistance to Change
Minimizing Resistance to Change
Employee Involvement
Stress Management
5Refreezing the Desired Conditions
- Creating organizational systems and team dynamics
to reinforce desired changes - alter rewards to reinforce new behaviors
- new information systems guide new behaviors
- recalibrate and introduce feedback systems to
focus on new priorities
6 Successfully Diffusing Change
- Successful pilot study
- Favorable publicity
- Top management support
- Labor union involvement
- Diffusion strategy described well
- Pilot program people moved
Courtesy of Roberts Express
7Organization Development
- A planned system wide effort, managed from the
top with the assistance of a change agent, that
uses behavioral science knowledge to improve
organizational effectiveness.
8Action Research Process
Establish Client- Consultant Relations
Diagnose Need for Change
Disengage Consultants Services
9Appreciative Inquiry Process