Title: OOP del II (sista)
1OOP del II (sista) vecka 10
2Model catch and throws
- Exception Model
- Exception handling is a significant feature from
Java that other programming languages do NOT have
(like C and others) - There are a number of new terms associated with
exception handling - Exception signal indicating exceptional
condition - To throw an exception is to signal the
exceptional condition - To catch an exception is to handle it, to take
actions to recover from the exception - When we know that a certain part of code could
generate an exception, we try to execute it, but
we provide the system with some tools to act if
it happens
- Exception Model
- Example
- try
- // normally this code runs without problems,
- // but sometimes may raise exceptions or exit
- // the block via a break, continue, or return
- catch (ExceptionType1 e1)
- // handle an exception object e1 of type
- // ExceptionType1 or of a subclass of that type
- catch (ExceptionType2 e2)
- // handle an exception object e1 of type
- // ExceptionType2 or of a subclass of that type
- finally
- // always execute this code, after leaving the
try clause - // 1) normally, after reaching the bottom of
the block - // 2) with an exception handled by a catch
- // 3) with an exception that is not handled
- // 4) because of a break, continue or return
4Exception Model subclasses
- Exception Model
- An exception in Java is an object that is an
instance of some subclass of java.lang.Throwable - Throwable has two standard subclasses
java.lang.Error and java.lang.Exception - Exceptions that are subclasses of Error generally
indicate problems that do have NOTHING to do with
our code, they are related to problems like the
system running low on virtual memory and other
problems and therefore SHOULD NOT BE CAUGHT
5Exceptions example
- Exception Model
- Even if it is not so easy to distinguish one from
the others, exceptions indicate conditions that
may be caught and recovered from - Examples of exceptions are
- java.io.EOFException indicates the end of a file
- java.lang.ArrayAccessOutOfBounds indicates that
a program has tried to read past the end of an
- Exception Model
- The try/catch/finally statement is Javas
exception handling mechanism - try establishes a block of code that is to have
its exceptions and normal exits (through break,
continue, return, or exception propagation)
handled - The try block is followed by a by zero or more
catch clauses that catch and handle specified
types of exceptions - The catch clauses are optionally followed by a
finally block that contains clean-up code - The statements of a finally block are guaranteed
to be executed, regardless of how the code in the
try block exits
- Exception Model
- About try
- It establishes a block of code that is to have
its exceptions and abnormal exits handled - By itself, the try clause, is not interesting, it
just generates the problem, but it doesnt look
for the solution
- Exception Model
- About catch
- A try block is followed by zero or more catch
clauses that specify code to handle various types
of exceptions - Catch clauses have an unusual syntax each is
declared with an argument, much like a method
argument. This argument MUST be of type Throwable
or a subclass - When an exception occurs, the first catch clause
that has an argument of the appropriate type is
invoked. The type of the argument must match the
type of the exception object, or it must be a
superclass of the exception
9Model I
- Exception Model
- Exceptions propagate up through the lexical block
structure of a Java method, and then up the
method call stack - If an exception is not caught by the block of
code that throws it, it propagates to the next
higher enclosing block of code
throws Exception
Method A
Method B
Method C
Method D
direction of propagation
10Model II
- Exception Model
- Exceptions make the error handling more logical
and regular by allowing you to group all the
exception handling code in only one place instead
of worrying about all the things that could go
wrong at each line of the code
throws Exception
Method A
Method B
Method C
Method D
direction of propagation
exception handling code
11Model II
- Exception Model
- If an exception is never caught, it propagates
all the way to the main() method from which the
program started, and causes the Java interpreter
to print an error message and exit
throws Exception
Method A
Method B
Method C
Method D
direction of propagation
- Exception Model
- Example
- try
- // normally this code runs without problems,
- // but sometimes may raise exceptions or exit
- // the block via a break, continue, or return
- catch (ExceptionType1 e1)
- // handle an exception object e1 of type
- // ExceptionType1 or of a subclass of that type
- catch (ExceptionType2 e2)
- // handle an exception object e1 of type
- // ExceptionType2 or of a subclass of that type
- finally
- // always execute this code, after leaving the
try clause - // 1) normally, after reaching the bottom of
the block - // 2) with an exception handled by a catch
- // 3) with an exception that is not handled
- // 4) because of a break, continue or return
13Filer allmänt
- Operations with files
- create programs write data into files
- delete removes name and contents
- rename changes name but keeps contents
- overwrite keeps name but changes contents
- read reads data from the contents of the file
14Files Code
Java provides a predefined class for modeling
disk files and directories, called File
the constructor for File accepts the files name
(a String reference) as its argument
new File (filename)
An example of this would be
File f1, f2 f1 new File(Bjorn.txt) f2 new
DO NOT FORGET THAT The creation of the instances
f1 and f2 doesnt mean that the files exist!!
If the files exist the class provides us two
methods for directly operate with the files
Java program
bytes of data
Java provides a tool for modeling a stream of
bytes sent to a file as if they were sent to a
the constructor for PrintWriter accepts a
reference to a FileWriter as its argument
new PrintWriter (fileoutputstream)
An example of this would be
File f FileWriter fs PrintWriter target f
new File(data.out) fs new FileWriter(f) targ
et new PrintWriter(fs) target.println(Lisa is
a girl)
summary how to create or overwrite a file in a
- Create a File object to represent the file and
then use it to - Create a FileWriter object to represent the
output pathway to the file and use it to - Create a PrintWriter object to provide a
convenient output pathway to the file - Use the print or println methods of PrintWriter
as needed to write content to the file
PrintWriter target new PrintWriter( new
FileWriter( new File(data.out)))
There is a part of the memory that is allocated
for streaming operations. It is called a buffer.
There the computer stores as many information as
it cans, and shows it at once, when it is full.
But, there is a method that forces the strings to
be shown .flush() forces the computer to empty
the buffer.
Input source
Java program
bytes of data
We must build a bridge between the Java Program
and the input source!!
21Input from keyboard overview
Java provides a predefined object to represent
the stream of input that comes from the keyboard
existing InputStream
new InputStreamReader
new BufferedReader
BufferedReader keyb new BufferedReader( new
22INPUT from files overview
Obtaining input from disk files is only a little
bit more complicated than from the keyboard. Our
starting point must be to find some sort of
InputStream object. As we said before, both
BufferedReader and FileReader belong to that class
new FileReader
new BufferedReader
BufferedReader br new BufferedReader( new
23INPUT from file code
The total declaration would be
File f FileReader
fsr BufferedReader bsr f new
File(myFile.txt) fsr new FileReader(f) bsr
new BufferedReader(isr)
Some InputStream fx System.in URL
25Torsdag 10/3
- Nämnden för nätbaserad utbildning inbjuder till
- Seminarium om Webzone-plattformen som
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omstrukturering och utbyggnad av Webzone. - Projekt Tillgänglighet till sparade
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