Title: Whats the Real Value of Intellectual Capital
1Whats the Real Value of Intellectual Capital?
- David F. Larcker
- The Wharton School
- University of Pennsylvania
- Wharton Research Program on
- Valuation Creation in Organizations
2Intellectual Capital (IC)
- Lots of discussion and interest
- Potentially interesting frameworks
- Really confusing terminology and definitions
- Mostly loose talk, and not much science
- Ultimately, we need to show whether IC (and
related measures) really affect stock price
3Innovation Capital ...
Median Annual Portfolio Return in the Subsequent
Source Deng, Lev, and Narin, Financial Analysts
Journal, 1999
4Human Capital ...
Cumulative Stock Returns (1994 - 1999)
Low HCI (0 - 25)
Medium HCI (26 - 75)
High HCI (76 - 100)
Source Watson Wyatt, The Human Capital Index
Linking Human Capital and Shareholder Value, 1999
5Customer Capital ...
Estimated impact of a one-unit change in the ACSI
on the market value of equity (in millions of
Source Ittner and Larcker, Journal of Accounting
Research, 1998
6Combining IC Components ...
Source Wharton and Ernst Young joint research
7Results for the Manufacturing Sector ...
Change in Market Value (in millions) with a 10
Change in the VCI
Mean market value 25,277 (22,039) million for
non-durable (durable)
Source Wharton and Ernst Young joint research
8Component Rank
Source Wharton and Ernst Young joint research
9Causal Model Linking IC Components ...
Source Wharton and Watson Wyatt joint research
10Next Steps
- Lets stop talking and start doing science
- Key questions
- What IC categories matter?
- When do IC categories matter?
- What IC measures predict value creation?
- Requirements
- Participation by leading companies
- Willingness to share executive time and internal
11Appendix Intellectual Capital Indicators for
the VCI ...
Source Wharton and Ernst Young joint research