Title: Strain Chapter 12
1StrainChapter 12
2Components of homogeneous strain of a square (A)
(straight lines remain straight parallel lines
remain parallel strain the same at all
points)change in area (B) change in shape (C,
D).E and F show inhomogeneous deformation
3Relationship of s, e, and ? to the geometry of
the strain ellipseR 1sn r/R ren
(r-R)/R ?R/R ?R
4The area and volume strains - Deformation of a
unit circlee1 ? e2 ? e3 and s1 ? s2 ? s3Area
stretch sA a/A and vA v/V Area extension
eA(a-A)/A sA-1 and eV (v-V)/V sV-1 Initial
rectangle of sides L1 L3 deforms to l1 l3sA
a/A l1l3 /L1L3 s1s3 (1e1)(1e3)sV l1l2l3
/L1L2L3 s1 s2s3 (1e1)(1e2)(1e3)eA
sA-1(1e1)(1e3)1 e1e3e1e3 e1e3 (small
strain)eV sA-1 (1e1)(1e2)(1e3)1
e1e2e3 (small strain)
5Strain ellipse and Inverse strain ellipse
6Undeformed and deformed oolitic limestone
7Structures depend on the orientation of the layer
relative to the principal stretches and value of
8Uniaxial strainTwo principal stretches are equal
to 1
9Pure ShearConstant volume, plane strain in which
the principal axes of strain do not rotate by
deformations1gt1 s2 1 s3lt1sV 1 s1 1/s3
10Simple ShearConstant volume, plane strain in
which the principal axes of strain rotate by
deformation. The displacement of all material
particles is strictly parallel to the shear
planes1gt1 s2 1 s3lt1sV 1 s1 1/s3
11Types of homogeneous deformation of a cube,
circle, and sphere
12Decomposition of an arbitrary homogeneous strain
into a pure strain, a rigid rotation, and a rigid
13Particle motions during progressive pure shear
and simple shear
14States of strain during a steady progressive pure
15States of strain during steady progressive simple
16Geometry of finite and instantaneous strain
17The histories of progressive deformation for
competent layers oriented within the different
sectors of the strain ellipse (see last slide)
18Shortened boudins
19Distributions of sectors of stretch and stretching
20Folding of a layer and simultaneous boudinage of
a perpendicular layer
21Flinn Diagram for constant volume
22Flinn Diagram plots of the line for plane strain
at various values of he volumetric stretch
23Logarithmic Flinn diagram for various amounts of
volumetric stretch sV s1s2s3 strain
24Strain Tensor Components in 3D
25Displacement vector connects the position X of a
material particle in the undeformed state to its
position in the deformed state. (B) The vectors
for neighboring points are different
26Components of the infinitesimal strain for
two-dimensional strain