Title: Wathanyoo Khaisongkram David Banjerdpongchai
1MATLAB Based GUIs for MIMO Linear Controller
Wathanyoo Khaisongkram David
Banjerdpongchai Dept. of Electrical Engineering,
Chulalongkorn Univ., THAILAND
2002 Asian Control Conference (ASCC
2002) September 25-27, 2002
- Numerical example on distillation column
MATLAB Based GUIs for Linear Controller Design
- Typical purposes in designing controllers
- Stability Performance
- Reference tracking
- Maximum overshoot, settling time, rise time
- Maximum magnitude of control signal
MATLAB Based GUIs for Linear Controller Design
4- Basic controller design methods
- Usually not guarantee time domain performances
- Require experiences in design (trial and error)
- Even more difficult for MIMO plant
Control design via convex optimization (Boyd et
al., 1988)
- Achieve global solution or indicate if no
solution - Provide information on limits of performance
- Applicable to MIMO systems
MATLAB Based GUIs for Linear Controller Design
5- But,
- object-oriented CAD tool were not
- available for common users
- resulting controllers usually have
- high order
MATLAB Based GUIs for Linear Controller Design
6Research Objective
- To develop MIMO control design tools with
- graphical user interfaces for common
users - (control engineers)
- Benefits
- A simple way of specifying control design
- More accessibility for general users
MATLAB Based GUIs for Linear Controller Design
7 Standard form of control system
Hzw Pzw PzuK(IPyuK)-1Pyw
MATLAB Based GUIs for Linear Controller Design
8Convex function of Hzw
s(t), h(t) are linear functions of Hzw Convex on
s(t), h(t) Convex on Hzw
MATLAB Based GUIs for Linear Controller Design
9Convex Design Method
MATLAB Based GUIs for Linear Controller Design
10MATLAB Based GUIs for Linear Controller Design
11Design Specifications
Step response constraints
- Maximum overshoot and undershoot
- Settling time and rise time
- Upper and lower bound
Other constraints
- Peak magnitude of control signal
- Peak magnitude of transfer function (H -norm)
- RMS response
MATLAB Based GUIs for Linear Controller Design
12MATLAB Based GUIs for Linear Controller Design
13MATLAB Based GUIs for Linear Controller Design
14Control system reformation
Compute Pzw, Pzu, Pyw, Pyu
MATLAB Based GUIs for Linear Controller Design
15MATLAB Based GUIs for Linear Controller Design
16 Youla Parameterization (Youla, 1976)
Hzw Pzw PzuK (IPyuK)-1Pyw looks complicated
Then Hzw T1 T2QT3
- Hzw affine in Q
- Convex function of Hzw is a convex function
of Q
MATLAB Based GUIs for Linear Controller Design
17MATLAB Based GUIs for Linear Controller Design
18 Ritz Approximation (Courant Hilbert, 1953)
Hzw T1 T2QT3 Infinite dimension
Let QN be a finite dimensional estimator of Q
QN x1Q1 x2Q2 . . . xNQN
HN R0 x1R1 x2R2 . . . xNRN
MATLAB Based GUIs for Linear Controller Design
19Control system reformation
Youla parameterization
Ritz approximation
MATLAB Based GUIs for Linear Controller Design
20Solving the Design Problem
MATLAB Based GUIs for Linear Controller Design
21Ellipsoid Algorithm
- Simple implementation
- Computational complexity
- Initial ellipsoid must contain a minimizer
MATLAB Based GUIs for Linear Controller Design
22MATLAB Based GUIs for Linear Controller Design
23MATLAB Based GUIs for Linear Controller Design
24Minimal realization
- Resulting controllers
- usually have rather
- high order
- Minimal realization
- yields reduced order
- with same performance
MATLAB Based GUIs for Linear Controller Design
25MATLAB Based GUIs for Linear Controller Design
Objective provide more accessibility to common
users (control engineers)
- Basic knowledge required
- Easy to operate
- Advantages
- Familiar object-oriented system
- MATLAB is widely used in control
MATLAB Based GUIs for Linear Controller Design
27Program Structure
MATLAB Based GUIs for Linear Controller Design
28Numerical example on distillation column
- 14th order 2 inputs
- 2 outputs linearized
- plant
- augmenting integrator
- results in 16th order
- plant
- using 2nd-order pade
- approximation
MATLAB Based GUIs for Linear Controller Design
29Design specifications
- Design objective
- Minimize settling time from r2 to y2
- Design constraints (Partial)
- Maximum signal peak from r2 to y1 lt 0.5
- Maximum signal peak from r1 to y2 lt 0.5
- Peak magnitude of each control signals lt 0.5
- Lower bound-upper bound constraints
- on step responses from r1 to y1 and r2 to y2
MATLAB Based GUIs for Linear Controller Design
30Design Results
76 iterations,
Without min. real. 21th order controller
With min. real. 15th order controller
MATLAB Based GUIs for Linear Controller Design
31MATLAB Based GUIs for Linear Controller Design
- MIMO Linear controller design can be cast as
convex - optimization problem
- MATLAB GUIs provide a simpler way in specifying
- MIMO linear control design problem
- Including minimal realization in the CAD tools
- enhances the usefulness of the design
- Numerical example demonstrated the satisfactory
MIMO - linear controller for approximated
distillation column
MATLAB Based GUIs for Linear Controller Design