Title: RAASA The Functions
1RAASA - The Functions -
- Neil de Lange
- 24 January 2009
2Overview of RAASA
Recreation Aviation Administration South Africa
- The Aero Club was seeking self regulation
- The CAA wanted to focus its capacity on its core
ICAO responsibilities - The Aero Club, together with the CAA explored
designation for recreational aviation - RAASA is the result
3The RAASA BoardSection 21 Company NPO
- 7 Directors
- CAA required responsible persons for Corporate
Governance, Technical and general ombud two GMs
from CAA - Stan Oliver
- Neil de Lange
- Chris Booysen
- Johan Lok
- Robert Gassmann
- Obert Chakarisa
- Anton Richman
4Relationship between AeCSA, RAASA and SACAA
5Functions of RAASA
- Establishment of safety standards (ongoing)
- Determine airworthiness standards (ongoing)
- Issue renewal of ATF (future roll out)
- NPL (first phase Feb 09)
- Consultative forum to CAA
- Monitoring compliance to regulations
- AP scheme
6Other Functions of RAASA
- Special Air events
- Oversight of PASA activities
- Oversight of SAHPA activities
- Oversight of SAMAA activities
- Aerobatic ratings and display authorisations
- Passing on relevant information
7First Base for RAASA
- Part 62 National Pilot License (RPL)
While this Part has been named National Pilot
Licensing, the reference throughout is to a
Recreational Pilot Licence as, apart from the
licence older issued with a Part 96
authorisation, the holders of this licence are
engaged solely in recreational aviation
activities, using aircraft that have been
certificated in terms of Part 24 instead of the
standards prescribed in Part 21 of the
Regulations for international operations. A
pilot licence or rating, issued in terms of this
Part, is not recognised by the International
Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) and may,
therefore, only be utilised within the borders of
the Republic, unless specifically authorised by
the responsible authority for the foreign
airspace. However, ICAO permits a national
authority to regulate operations within their
own airspace that may not meet its minimum
standards for international operations. On this
basis, the Minister of Transport has seen fit to
introduce the recreational pilot licence as a
national pilot licence
8Function roll-out
- ATF renewals will follow NPL
- AeCSA functions will be transferred structurally
- Additional functions may be added in future if
required - All functions be exercised against MOP
9Thank You !