Title: Significance of Helsinki Testbed in research
1Significance of Helsinki Testbed in research
- Overall themes
- Mesoscale atmospheric research
- Forecast models development and verification
- Dispersion models development and verification
- Data distribution, open data policy
- Distinct four-season environment
12.2.2007 / Jani Poutiainen, FMI
2A definition for testbed (Dabberdt et al. 2004)
A testbed is a working relationship in a
quasi-operational framework among measurement
specialists, forecasters, researchers,
private-sector, and government agencies aimed at
solving operational and practical regional
insert phenomenon or forecast challenge
problems with a strong connection to the
end-users. Outcomes from a testbed are more
effective observing systems, better use of data
in forecasts, improved services, products, and
economic/public safety benefits. Testbeds
accelerate the translation of RD findings into
better operations, services, and decision-making.
A successful testbed requires physical assets as
well as long-term commitments and partnerships.
3Mesoscale terminology Space scale Time scale
Meso-a 200-2000 km 6 h 2 d
Meso-ß 20-200 km 30 min 6 h
Meso-? 2-20 km 3-30 min
Orlanski (1975)
4- Benefits Testbed provides
- Exceptionally dense mesoscale observing network
- sets grounds for internationally significant
innovation environment. - Support for the anticipated future emphasis in
analysis and forecasting of highly localized
meteorological phenomena. - Large mesoscale research data set is building
up, which e.g. - contains unique data and opportunities for
surface layer studies and high resolution models. - brings together various new and old observation
sources (WXT, ceilos, weighing gauges, profiler,
sounding, radars, etc.) - Networking of academic, government, industrial
interest groups - brings together multi-faceted communities (see
definition of testbed) - exceeding of critical mass strengthens all
Finnish atmospheric interest groups and attracts
top researchers - enables improved research funding opportunities
5Such a big effort gives strong internationally
advantageous position to anyone having interest
in the area of small scale atmospheric research
(Dabberdt et al. 2004)
6Initially specific HTB project research areas
Air quality modeling
Meteorological pre-processing model development Operative air quality forecast model development Air quality model validation
NWP models
Modeling of measurement campaigns Study of atmospheric processes Mesoscale data-assimilation Model verification
7Remote sensing
E.g. all these themes would be good topics for
study reports, considering in situ and/or remote
sensing methods
- Precipitation type
- Mesoscale fog 2D-diagnostics and verification
- Temperature inversion strength and height
- Sea breeze occurrence, coverage and strength
- Convection and nowcasting
Road weather modeling
Development of surface temperature forecasting Improvement of road weather type interpretation
8Original measurement periods and themes
Snowing on Nov 20th 2004, Helsinki
- August 2005
- Nowcasting by extrapolation, web-site
- World Championships in Athletics
- November 2005
- Precipitation type
- January-February 2006
- Stable boundary layer
- and inversions
- May 2006
- Sea breeze, fog
- August 2006
- Convection
Convection on Jul 5th 2003, Helsinki