Data Reconciliation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Data Reconciliation


Based on successive measurement of each individual variable: ... Unclosed Balances? Closed Balances. Unidentified Losses? Identified Losses. Efficiency? ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Data Reconciliation

Data Reconciliation
Illustration Of Random Gross Errors
  • abnormality

Data Reconciliation
  • Solutions To Problems
  • Random errors Data processing
  • Based on successive measurement of each
    individual variable Temporal redundancy
  • Traditional filtering techniques
  • Wavelet Transform techniques
  • Inconsistency Data reconciliation
  • Based on plant structure Spatial redundancy
  • Subject to conservation laws
  • Unmeasured data
  • Data reconciliation

Data Reconciliation
Measurement Problem Handling
Processing random errors
Data Reconciliation
  • Data Treatment Typical Strategy
  • Establish Plant facilities operating regimes
  • Data processing
  • Remove random noise
  • Detect and correct abnormalities
  • Steady state detection
  • Identify steady-state duration
  • Select data set
  • Data reconciliation
  • Detect gross errors
  • Correct inconsistencies
  • Calculate unmeasured parameters

Data Reconciliation
From Plant Facilities
Process data
For simulation and further applications
Data Reconciliation
  • What is data reconciliation?
  • Data reconciliation is the validation of process
    data using knowledge of plant structure and the
    plant measurement system

Data Reconciliation
  • Objectives of Data Reconciliation
  • Optimally adjust measured values within given
    process constraints
  • mass, heat, component balances
  • Improve consistency of data to calibrate and
    validate process simulation
  • Estimate unmeasured process values
  • Obtain values not practical to measure directly
  • Substitute calculated values for failed instrument

Data Reconciliation
  • Possible Benefits
  • More accurate and reliable simulation results
  • More reliable data for process analysis and
    decision making by mill manager
  • Instrument maintenance and loss detection
  • e.g. US3.5MM annually in a refinery by
    decreasing loss by 0.5 of 100K BPD
  • Improve measurement layout
  • Decrease number of routine analysis
  • Improve advanced process control
  • Clear picture of plant operating condition
  • Early detections of problems
  • Quality at process level
  • Work Closer to specifications.

Data Reconciliation
  • Data Reconciliation Problem of Process Under
    Different Status
  • Steady-state data reconciliation
  • based on steady-state model
  • Using spatial redundancy
  • Dynamic data reconciliation
  • based on dynamic models
  • Using both spatial temporal redundancy

Data reconciliation (DR)
  • DR Problem Of Process Under Different Status
  • General expression of conservation law
  • input- output generation- consumption-
    accumulation 0
  • Steady state case
  • no accumulation of any measurement
  • Constraints are expressed algebraically
  • Dynamic process
  • Accumulation cannot be neglected
  • Constraints are differential equations

Data Reconciliation
  • Data Reconciliation of Different Constraints
  • Linear data reconciliation
  • Only mass balance is considered
  • flows are reconciled
  • Bilinear data reconciliation
  • Component balance imposed as well as energy
  • flows composition measurements are reconciled
  • Nonlinear data reconciliation
  • Mass/energy/component balances are included
  • Flow rate, composition, temperature or pressure
    measurements are reconciled

Data Reconciliation
Pinch Analysis.
Pinch Analysis
What is Pinch Analysis?
  • The prime objective of Pinch Analysis is to
    achieve financial savings in the process
    industries by optimizing the ways in which
    process utilities (particularly energy, mass,
    water, and hydrogen), are applied for a wide
    variety of purposes.
  • The Heat Recovery Pinch (Thermal Pinch Analysis
    now) was discovered indepently by Hohmann (71),
    Umeda et al. (78-79) and Linnhoff et al. (78-79).
  • Pinch Analysis does this by making an inventory
    of all producers and consumers of these utilities
    and then systematically designing an optimal
    scheme of utility exchange between these
    producers and consumers. Energy, Mass, and  water
    re-use are at the heart of Pinch Analysis
  • With the application of Pinch Analysis, savings
    can be achieved in both capital investment and
    operating cost. Emissions can be minimized and
    throughput maximized.

Pinch Analysis
  • The Pinch analysis is a technique to design
  • Recovery Networks (Heat and Mass)
  • Utility Networks (so called Total site Analysis)
  • The basis of Pinch Analysis
  • The use of thermodynamic principles (first and
    second law).
  • The use heuristics (insight), about design and
  • The Pinch Analysis makes extensive use of various
    graphical representations

Pinch Analysis
  • The Pinch Analysis provides insights about the
  • In Pinch analysis, the design engineering
    controls the design procedure (interactive
  • The pinch Analysis integrates economic parameters

Pinch Analysis
The Four phases of pinch analysis in the design
of recovery process
Which involves collecting data for the process
and the utility system
Which establishes figures for the best
performance in various aspects.
Where an initial Heat Exchanger Network is
established by heuristics tools allowing a
minimum target to be reached.
Where an initial design is simplified and
improved economically.
Pinch Analysis
  • Heat Exchanger Network (HEN)
  • HEN design is the classical domain of Pinch
    Analysis. By making proper use of temperature
    driving forces available between process steams,
    the optimum heat exchanger network can be
    designed, taking into account constraints of
    equipment location, materials of construction,
    safety, control, and operating flexibility. This
    then sets the hot and cold utility demand profile
    of the plant.
  • When used correctly, Pinch Analysis yields
    optimum HEN designs that one would have been
    unlikely to obtain by experience and intuition

Pinch Analysis
  • Combined Heat and Power (CHP)
  • CHP is the terminology used to describe plant
    energy utilities, boilers, steam turbines, gas
    turbines, heat pumps, etc. Traditionally, these
    have been referred to as "plant utilities",
    without distinguishing them from other plant
    utilities such as cooling water and wastewater
  • The CHP system supplies the hot utility and power
    requirements of the process. Pinch Analysis
    offers a convenient way to guarantee the optimum
    design, which can include the use of cogeneration
    or three-generation (use of hot utility to
    produce cold utility and power for things like

Pinch Analysis
  • Possible Benefits
  • One of the main advantages of Pinch Analysis over
    conventional design methods is the ability to set
    a target energy consumption for an individual
    process or for an entire production site before
    to design the processes. The energy target is the
    minimum theoretical energy demand for the plant
    or site.
  • Pinch Analysis will therefore quickly identify
    where energy savings are likely to be found.
  • Reduction of emissions
  • Pinch Analysis enable to the engineer with tool
    to find the best way to change the process, if
    the process let it.

Pinch Analysis
  • In addition, Pinch Analysis allow you to
  • Update or Development of Process Flow Diagrams
  • Identify the bottleneck in the process
  • Departmental Simulations
  • Full Plant Facilities Simulation
  • Determine Minimal Heating (Steam) and Cooling
  • Determine Cogeneration and Three-generation
  • Determine Projects with Cost Estimates to Achieve
    Energy Savings
  • Evaluation of New Equipment Configurations for
    the Most Economical Installation
  • Pinch Replaces the Old Energy Studies with a Live
    Study that Can Be Easily Updated Using Simulation

Optimization by Mathematical Programming
Optimization by Mathematical Programming
  • A Mathematical Model of a system is a set of
    mathematical relationships (e.g., equalities,
    inequalities, logical conditions) which represent
    an abstraction of the real world system under
  • A Mathematical Model can be developed using
  • Fundamental approaches ? Accepted theories of
    sciences are used to derive the equations (e.g.,
    Thermodynamics Laws).
  • Empirical Methods ? Input-output data are
    employed in tandem with statistical analysis
    principles so as to generate empirical or Black
    box models.
  • Methods Based on analogy ? Analogy is employed in
    determining the essential features of the system
    of interest by studying a similar, well
    understood system.

Optimization by Mathematical Programming
  • A mathematical Model of a system consists of four
    key elements
  • Variables ? The variables can take different
    values and their specifications define different
    states of the systems.
  • Continuous,
  • Integer,
  • Mixed set of continuous and integer.
  • Parameters ? The parameters are fixed to one or
    multiple specific values, and each fixation
    defines a different model.
  • Constraints ? the constraints are fixed
    quantities by the model statement
  • Mathematical Relationships ? The mathematical
    model relations can be classified as
  • Equalities ? usually composed of mass balance,
    energy balance, equilibrium relations, physical
    property calculations, and engineering design
    relations which describe the physical phenomena
    of the system.
  • Inequalities ? consist of allowable operating
    regimes, specifications on qualities, feasibility
    of heat and mass transfer, performance
    requirements, and bound on availabilities and
  • Logical conditions ? provide the connection
    between the continuous and integer variables.
  • The mathematical relations can be algebraic,
    differential, or a mixed set of both constraints.
    These can be linear or nonlinear.

Optimization by Mathematical Programming
  • What is Optimization?
  • A optimization problem is a mathematical model
    which in addition to the before mentioned
    elements contains one or more performance
  • The performance criteria is denoted as an
    objective function. It can be minimization of
    cost, the maximization or profit or yield of a
    process for instance.
  • If we have multiple performance criteria then the
    problem is classified as multi-objective
    optimization problem.

A well defined optimization problem features a
number of variables greater than the number of
equality constraints, which implies that there
exist degrees of freedom upon which we optimize.
Optimization by Mathematical Programming
  • The typical mathematical model structure for an
    optimiztion problem takes the following form

Where x is a vector of n continuous variables, y
is a vector of integer variables, h(x,y) 0 are m
equality constraints, g(x,y) ? 0 are p inequality
constraints, and f(x,y) is the objective function.
Optimization by Mathematical Programming
  • Classes of Optimization Problems (OP)
  • If the objective function and constraints are
    linear without the use of integer variables, then
    OP becomes a linear programming (LP) problem.
  • If there exist nonlinear terms in the objective
    function and/or constraints without the use of
    integer varialbes, the OP becomes a nonlinear
    programming (NLP) problem.
  • If integer variables are used, they participate
    linearly and separtly from the continuous
    variables, and the objective function and
    constraints are linear, then OP becomes a
    mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) problem.
  • If integer variables are used, and there exist
    nonlinear terms in the objective function and/or
    constraints, then the OP becomes a mixed-integer
    nonlinear programming (MINLP) problem.
  • Whenever possible, linear programs (LP or MILP)
    are used because they guarantee global solutions.
  • MINLP problems features many applications in

Optimization by Mathematical Programming
  • Applications
  • Process Synthesis
  • Heat Exchanger Networks
  • Distillation Sequencing
  • Mass Exchanger Networks
  • Reactor-based Systems
  • Utility Systems
  • Total Process Systems
  • Design, Scheduling, and Planning of Process
  • Design and Retrofit of Multiproduct Plants
  • Design and Scheduling of Multiproduct Plants
  • Interaction of Design and Control
  • Molecular Product Design
  • Facility Location and allocation
  • Facility Planning and Scheduling
  • Topology of Transport Networks

Stochastic Search Methods
Stochastic Search Methods
  • Why stochastic Search Methods
  • All of the model formulations that you have
    encountered thus far in the Optimization have
    assumed that the data for the given problem are
    known accurately. However, for many actual
    problems, the problem data cannot be known
    accurately for a variety of reasons. The first
    reason is due to simple measurement error. The
    second and more fundamental reason is that some
    data represent information about the future
    (e.g., product demand or price for a future time
    period) and simply cannot be known with

Stochastic Search Methods
  • There are probabilistic algorithms, such as
  • Simulated annealing (SA)
  • Genetic Algorithms (GAs)
  • Tabu search
  • These are suitable for problems that deal with
    uncertainty. These computer algorithms or
    procedure models do not guarantee global
    optimally but are successful and widely known to
    come very close to the global optimal solution
    (if not to the global optimal).
  • GA has the capability of collectively searching
    for multiple optimal solutions for the same best
  • Such information could be very useful to a
    designer, because one configuration could be much
    easier to build than another.
  • SA takes one solution and efficiently moves it
    around in the search space, avoiding local optima.

Stochastic Search Methods
  • What is GAs?
  • GAs simulate the survival of the fittest among
    individuals over consecutive generation for
    solving a problem. Each individual represents a
    point in a search space and a possible solution.
    The individuals in the population are then made
    to go through a process of evolution.
  • GAs are based on an analogy with the genetic
    structure and behaviour of chromosomes within a
    population of individuals using the following
  • Individuals in a population compete for resources
    and mates.
  • Those individuals most successful in each
    'competition' will produce more offspring than
    those individuals that perform poorly.
  • Genes from good individuals propagate
    throughout the population so that two good
    parents will sometimes produce offspring that are
    better than either parent.
  • Thus each successive generation will become more
    suited to their environment.

Stochastic Search Methods
  • A population of individuals is maintained within
    search space for a GA, each representing a
    possible solution to a given problem. Each
    individual is coded as a finite length vector of
    components, or variables, in terms of some
    alphabet, usually the binary alphabet 0,1.
  • The chromosome (solution) is composed of several
    genes (variables). A fitness score (the best
    objective funtion) is assigned to each solution
    representing the abilities of an individual to
    compete. The individual with the optimal (or
    generally near optimal) fitness score is sought.
    The GA aims to use selective breeding of the
    solutions to produce offspring better than the
    parents by combining information from the

Stochastic Search Methods
  • The general genetic algorithm solution is found
  • Start Generate random population of n
    chromosomes (suitable solutions for the problem)
  • Fitness Evaluate the fitness f(x) (objective
    function) of each chromosome x in the population.
  • New population Create a new population by
    repeating following steps until the new
    populationis complete
  • Selection Select two parent chromosomes from a
    population according to their fitness (the better
    fitness, the bigger chance to be selected)
  • Crossover With a crossover probability cross
    over the parents to form a new offspring
    (children). If no crossover was performed,
    offspring is an exact copy of parents..
  • Mutation With a mutation probability mutate new
    offspring at each locus (position in chromosome).
  • Accepting Place new offspring in a new
    population 4.
  • Replace Use new generated population for a
    further run of algorithm 4.
  • Test If the end condition is satisfied, stop,
    and return the best solution in current
    population 5.
  • Loop Go to step 2

Stochastic Search Methods
  • Encoding of a Chromosome
  • The chromosome should in some way contain
    information about the solution which it
    represents. The most used way of encoding is a
    binary string. The chromosome then could look
    like this

Each chromosome has one binary string. Each bit
in this string can represent some characteristic
of the solution. Or the whole string can
represent a number Of course, there are many
other ways of encoding. This depends mainly on
the solved problem. For example, one can encode
directly integer or real numbers. Sometimes it is
also useful to encode some permutations.
Stochastic Search Methods
  • Crossover
  • After we have decided what encoding we will use,
    we can make a step to crossover. Crossover
    selects genes from parent chromosomes and creates
    a new offspring. The simplest way how to do this
    is to choose randomly some crossover point and
    everything before this point copy from a first
    parent and then everything after a crossover
    point copy from the second parent.
  • Crossover can then look like this ( is the
    crossover point)

There are other ways how to make crossovers, and
we can choose multiple crossover points.
Crossovers can be rather complicated and vary
depending on the encoding of chromosome. Specific
crossovers made for a specific problem can
improve performance of the genetic algorithm.
Stochastic Search Methods
  • Mutation
  • After a crossover is performed, mutation takes
    place. This is to prevent the falling of all
    solutions in the population into a local optimum.
    Mutation changes the new offspring randomly. For
    binary encoding we can switch a few randomly
    chosen bits from 1 to 0 or from 0 to 1. Mutation
    can then be shown as

The mutation depends on the encoding as well as
the crossover. For example when we are encoding
permutations, mutation could be exchanging two
Stochastic Search Methods
  • GAs Characteristics
  • A GA makes no assumptions about the function to
    be optimized (Levine, 1997) and thus can also be
    used for nonconvex objective functions
  • A GA optimizes the tradeoff between exporting new
    points in the search space and exploiting the
    information discovered thus far
  • A GA operates on several solutions
    simultaneously, gathering information from
    current search points and using it to direct
    subsequent searches which makes a GA less
    susceptible to the problems of local optima and
  • A GA only uses the objective function or fitness
    information, instead of using derivatives or
    other auxiliary knowledge, as are needed by
    traditional optimization methods.

Stochastic Search Methods
GA Solution Procedure
Initial Population
1st Generation
Get Objective Function Value for Whole
Population (Internal optimization)
Nth Generation
  • Generate New Population
  • GA parameters
  • GA strategies

(N1)th Generation
SA and GA comparation In theory and Practice
Life Cycle Analysis.
Life Cycle Analysis
  • What is Life Cycle Analysis?
  • Technique for assessing the environmental aspects
    and potential impacts associated with a product
  • An inventory of relevant inputs and outputs of a
  • Evaluating the potential environmental impacts
    associated with those inputs and outputs
  • Interpreting the results of the inventory and
    impact phases in relation to the objectives of
    the study heading
  • Evaluation of some aspects of a product system
    through all stages of its life cycle

Life Cycle Analysis
  • Why LCA is important
  • Tool for improvement of environmental performance
  • Systematic way of managing an organizations
    environmental affairs
  • Way to address immediate and long-term impacts of
    products, services and processes on the
  • Focus on continual improvement of the system

Life Cycle Analysis
LCA methodology
Goal and Scope definition
Life Cycle Analysis
  • Goal and scope definitions
  • goal ? application, use and users
  • scope ? borders of the assessment
  • functional unit ? scale for comparison
  • efficiency
  • durability
  • performance quality standard
  • system boundaries ? process, inputs and outputs
  • data quality ? reflected in the end results
  • critical review process ? verification of validity

Life Cycle Analysis
  • Inventory analysis
  • data collection ? qualitative or quantitative,
    most work intensive
  • refining system boundaries ? after initial data
  • calculation ? no formal description, software
  • validation of data ? assessment of data quality
  • relating data to the specific system ? data must
    be ralted to the functional unit
  • allocation ? done when not all impacts and
    outputs are within the system boundaries

Life Cycle Analysis
  • Impact assessment
  • category definition ? impact categories defined
  • classification ? inventory input and output
    appointed to impact categories
  • characterization ? assign relative contribution
  • weighting ? when comparison of the impact
    categories is not possible

Life Cycle Analysis
  • Interpretation/improvement assessment
  • identification of significant environmental
    issues ? information structured in order to get a
    clear view on key environmental issues
  • evaluation ? completeness analysis, sensitivity
    analysis, consistency analysis
  • conclusions and recommendations ? improve
    reporting of the LCA

Life Cycle Analysis
  • Possible Benefits
  • Improvements in overall environmental performance
    and compliance
  • Provides a framework for using pollution
    prevention practices to meet LCA objectives
  • Increased efficiency and potential cost savings
    when managing environmental obligations
  • Promotes predictability and consistency in
    managing environmental obligations
  • More effective measurement of scarce environmental

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