Title: DNA damage and repair
1DNA damage and repair
- DNA methylation
- Can also lead to mutations
- DNA repair
- Types of DNA damage
- Types of repair
- Direct repair
- Nucleotide excision repair
- base excision repair
- Postreplication repair
- Mismatch repair
2Deamination of methylated cytosine results in
base pair changes
- mismatches can also arise from the deamination
of 5-methyl-cytosine - this is a modification
commonly found in eukaryotes - results in
transition mutation of CG ? TA
C ? T
5-methyl cytosine
H2O - NH3
5-methyl cytosine
4DNA Mutation RepairDNA Damage
- Some common types of DNA Damage
- I) Ultraviolet Light
- - major product is thymine dimers (260 nm light)
- Blocks replication transcription because helix
distortion blocks polymerization past this site - Formed from two adjacent thymine residues joined
by cyclobutane rings involving carbons 5 and 6 - Survival of UV irradiation direct correlated to
ability to remove thymine dimers from DNA
5Thymine dimers major cause of UV-induced
These can be corrected by a process termed
photo-reactivation Another dimer called a 6-4
dimer is now know to be the major cause of UV
induced mutations
6Types of Repair
- Direct Repair
- Damaged bases not removed but repaired on site
- Photo-reactivation (DNA photolyase)
- Binds DNA specifically at site of pyrimidine
dimers - In the presence of visible light, the binds
linking the pyrimidine rings are broken and the
enzyme dissociates - Process is catalyzed in a process similar to
photosynthesis- harvesting energy from light - Human cells do not contain photolyase
7Direct repair
- Alkylation of DNA Bases
- Can block DNA replication because of modified
bases that are formed - Sometime used in chemotherapy to block cell
division - Usually purines are altered- spectrum of products
varies - Most highly mutagenic of these products
- Guanine ? O6 alkyl guanine
Highly mutagenic- base-pairs with T instead of C
O6-alkyl guanine
8Mispairing of O6-methylguanine with
thymine Crates GC to AT transition
9The other bases and the phosphate group can also
be alkylated
Some Alkylating Agents
Repair of this damage Involves an unusual
enzyme O6-alkylguanine alkyltransferase Which
transfers a methyl or ethyl group from the
O6-methylguanine or O6-ethylguanine residue to a
cysteine within the protein The protein can only
function once- it gets turned over by the cell-
not really an enzyme
10Types of Repair Nucleotide Excision Repair
Excision repair of thymine dimers by E. coli
UvrABC exonucleases - a complex of A and B
proteins track along DNA until it reaches a
thymine dimer or other damaged site, where it
halts and forces the DNA to bend. UvrA then
dissociates, allowing UvrC to bind to B. The BC
complex cuts both sides of the dimer. - helicase,
polymerase and ligase remove the damaged DNA to
replace it with new DNA Enzyme not typical
because it cuts at 2 sites- termed an
excinuclease for its role in excision repair
11Base excision repair (BER)
- Also removes one or more nucleotides from site of
damage - Initiates with cleavage of glycosidic bond
between damaged base and deoxyribose - Also functions in removal of thymine dimers
- Endonuclease V
- Has two activities
- Glycosylase- cleaves between thymine on 5 side
of dimer and its deoxyribose - AP endonuclease- recognizes apyrimidinic (AP)
site- consists of deoxy ribose without an
associated pyrimidine base, cleaves on the 5
side - Next, deoxyribo-phosphodiesterase cleaves 3 to
AP site - Finally, nick translation by DNA pol I removes
damaged base and DNA ligase closes resultant nick - Patch may be 1-2 bases long or several bases
12Repair of oxidative damage by BER
- An example of oxidative damage, conversion of
adenine to 8-oxoguanine - Highly mutagenic because it can base pair with
adenine - Repair can occur through action of mutT
- Cleaves base before DNA incorporation
- Repair can occur through action of mutM
- Removes 8-oxoguanine from DNA
- Repair can occur through action of mutY
- Removes adenine paired to 8-oxoguanine
- Mut name in E. coli comes from mutator
phenotype (increased spontaneous mutation rate)
found when any of the gene products is defective
13Post Replication Repair
- Photoreactivation and excision repair are
short-term responses- occur within minutes of
damage - If they are defective or overloaded with
extensive DNA damage- two other systems act in
bacteria - Will be described with regard to thymine dimers
but also repair other kinds of damage - Involves recombinational repair and SOS repair
- polymerase cannot replicate past thymine dimer
- It idles at the site
- A gap is left opposite the thymine dimer which
would be lethal because in the next round of
replication it would generate a double strand
14Figure 25.15
Recombinational Repair
The undamaged parental strand is transferred to
the gap in the daughter strand, formed by the
inability of DNA polymerase to replicate past it.
Depends on RecA protein important for
recombination and repair it catalyzes strand
pairing. It also acts as a genetic activator,
leading to synthesis of many proteins needed to
adapt to metabolic stress- SOS response The
remaining steps of this process are identical to
those in homologous recombination, which we will
see later.
15SOS response
- Metabolic system that helps the cell survive in
periods of potentially lethal stresses - Induced by
- UV irradiation
- Thymine starvation
- Treatment with DNA modifying enzymes
- Inactivation of genes essential to replication
- Responses include
- Mutagenesis
- Since errors in DNA are repaired not by daughter
strand transfer but by replication- highly error
prone - Cell filamentation (elongate but dont divide)
- Activated excision repair
- Why would the cell allow such DNA errors? Better
to have errors, due to replication past a dimer
if that is what allows cell to live, than to die
16Mismatch repair
- Mismatches (non-Watson-Crick base pairs) can
arise through many routes - Replication error (incorporation of incorrect
nucleotide) - Deamination of 5-methylcytosine
- Recombination of DNA segments that are not
completely homologous - Sliding of polymerase, creating loops in duplex
DNA - Replication error correction
- Error is normally detected by 3 exonucleolytic
proofreading - Mismatch repair fixes those that are missed
- mutH, mutL and mutS and DNA helicase in E. coli
- Scans newly replicated DNA looking for mismatches
and single base insertions or deletions
17Mismatch repair
In eukaryotes there is a similar system,but
recognition step is a bit more complicated -
three different MutS homolog (MSH) proteins form
heterodimers that have different
specialties MSH2-MSH6 recognizes single base
mismatches, insertions and deletion while
MSH2-MSH3 recognizes insertions and deletions of
2-4 nucleotides