Title: Threads In Java CSS 2267 Under Construction
1Threads In Java - CSS 2267 Under Construction
2Threads and Multi-threading
- Concept of simultaneous independent
programs/processes running in same computer - Each in its own execution state
- Running in parallel
- Can have the same form of multiple independent
parallel activity inside on program/process - Inside one process, multiple independent threads
of execution - Arises naturally when one process needs to
support simultaneous independent activities - As in GUIs or doing heavy I/O
- You can write Java programs with such multiple
independent threads of activity - Unconsciously, or
- With intended and controlled effects in a run()
3Running a Thread
- Extend the Thread class and then use start( )
- As in first example at http//clem.mscd.edu/evan
ds - Class Show1 class Show1 extends Thread
- Has a run( ) method public void run()
- How outsider runs it
- Show1 s1 new Show1("First Real") s1.start()
- Implement the Interface Runnable
- As in second example at http//clem.mscd.edu/eva
ads - Class Show2 class Show2 implements Runnable
- Has a run( ) method public void run()
- How outsider runs it
- Show2 i2 new Show2()
- Thread s2 new Thread(i2, "First Interface")
- s2.start()
- Regardless the run() method does the work of the
4States of a Thread in Java VERY Simplified
To be born
start( )
Various forms of waiting
yield( ) or pre-empted
Run (Running)
run( ) falls out
5The Class Thread
- See http//java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/api/java/
lang/Thread.html - Constructors Many
- Usually pass a name for Thread
- Plus, possibly a Runnable object
- Important static methods
- Get current running thread Thread
currentThread() - Make a thread sleep for a while void sleep(long
millis) - Give up CPU to let others run void yield( )
- Important non-static methods
- Get and set priority (getPriority( ),
setPriority( )) - Get and set name (getName( ), setName( ))
- Get started start( )
- Run and wait on join(long millis)
6States of a Thread in Java SimplifiedLetting
To be born
start( )
Time expired, or interrupt
Got I/O
Sleep (Sleeping)
Other forms of waiting
Blocked (I/O, etc.)
yield( ) or pre-empted
Wait for I/O
sleep( )
Run (Running)
run( ) falls out
7Object Locks and Synchronization
- Standard paradigm for a thread to call methods
in other objects - Famous producer/consumer model
- What if two different threads want to run in the
same method of the same object? - How to prevent then from messing each other up?
- Each object has a lock on it
- Objects class can designate code as synchronized
- Only one thread can get into a set of
synchronized code at a time - See example at http//clem.mscd.edu/evansell/LEC
TURES/CodeExamplesThreads.htmlSynchThreads - Mechanisms to control and discipline access are
not in the thread code, but rather in the code of
the object being accessed!
8Methods and Mechanisms in Object Class Useful to
- Mechanisms synchronizing a block of code
- Two forms of synchronized
- Rules of synchronized
- Method notify() Helping to unblock others
- Applies to those waiting for the lock on object
you are in - How do you let go?
- Waiting to access something
- Method wait()
- see if you get notified
- see if what you are waiting for happened
- Repetitive wait-ing
- The complementary and dual nature of notify and
9Simplified Producer - Consumer
- See http//clem.mscd.edu/evansell/LECTURES/CodeEx
put() wait() for empty
get() wait() for full
All outside threads that want to access SThing
have to wait for LOCK!
10States of a Thread in Java - Ultimate
To be born
start( )
Time expired, or interrupt
Obtained lock
Got I/O
Sleep (Sleeping)
Wait (Waiting)
Seeking Lock (on object)
Blocked (I/O, etc.)
yield( ) or pre-empted
Entering synchronized code in object
Wait for I/O
wait( )
sleep( )
Run (Running)
run( ) falls out
11To be born
start( )
Time expired, or interrupt
Obtained lock
Got I/O
Sleep (Sleeping)
Wait (Waiting)
Seeking Lock (on object)
Blocked (I/O, etc.)
yield( ) or pre-empted
Entering synchronized code in object
Wait for I/O
wait( )
sleep( )
Run (Running)
run( ) falls out