Title: Muon Calorimetry
1Muon Calorimetry
- Jeff Hartnell
- University of Oxford
- Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
- MINOS Week-in-the-Woods Collaboration Meeting,
June 2004
2Talk Outline
- Whats the beam energy at CalDet?
- Muon Calorimetry Formula.
- New dEdx in Geant3.
- Muon calorimetry in MC.
- Preliminary results from CalDet data.
- Range Agreement with New dE/dx.
- Conclusions and Further Work.
3Whats the beam energy at CalDet?
- Particle responses are characterized in MEUs/GeV
where GeV is the beam energy. - The beam energy at CalDet is only known to /-
2. - This is a large (or largest?) contribution to the
error on CalDet measurements. - Muons are the best theoretically understood
particles. - Can use their range to estimate the beam energy
but this is sensitive to reconstruction issues. - Calorimetry measurements are largely
reconstruction independent gives another handle. - Can use the robust track-window technique to get
a signal-to-energy conversion factor.
4Reminder Track-Window Method
- Designed to be inherently less sensitive to
problems at the end of the track or beam issues. - Procedure sum up the energy deposition in a
window some distance from the end of the track. - Define a Muon Energy Unit (MEU) to be the average
energy deposited in the window by a perpendicular
muon in one detector plane. - Facilitates an accurate signal-to-energy
conversion factor.
5Muon Calorimetry Formula
- Ebeam Csc Stotal Etotal / Esc
- Where
- Csc GeV per SigCor
GeVInScintPerMEU / SigCorPerMEU
(using window technique) - Stotal Sum of signal (SigCor) in whole event.
- Esc/Etotal Ratio of energy deposited in
scintillator to total particle energy. - Esc/Etotal comes from MC as does the energy
deposition in GeV per MEU. - The SigCor per MEU is simply the number used for
the relative calibration, which is obtained from
stopping muons.
6New dEdx in GMINOS
- Mike Kordosky discovered that the dE/dx values in
Geant3 were not consistent with the PDG/Groom
tables. I have investigated the changes. - The table below shows the effect on the muon
calorimetry constants.
7Muon Calorimetry Constants
- Ensure that the same cuts are applied to data and
MC when obtaining the SigCor to GeV conversion
factor. - Cut out muons that leave the detector when
obtaining the Esc/Etotal number. - Demonstrated insignificant energy dependence for
Esc/Etotal (3 from 1-2 GeV). - Note Muon energy resolution from calorimetry
8Self-Consistency Works in MC
- New MC sample of monochromatic (0 smear) 1.8
Gev/c muons. - Calibrate MC determine MEU numbers and sum the
total SigCor. - Can see the range - energy correlation.
Beam energy from Calorimetry Make different cuts
on muons Planes 44-57 1.795 GeV Planes 50-52
1.802 GeV Plane 51 only 1.804 GeV Small
statistical errors (lt0.4)
9Data 1.8 GeV/c muons in T7
- Muons from the beam have a 1 smear but there
are substantial tails in the distribution from
off-momentum muons. - Steeper slope in the energy range plot.
Beam energy from Calorimetry Make different cuts
on muons Planes 44-57 1.767 GeV Planes 50-52
1.799 GeV Plane 51 only 1.798 GeV Small
statistical errors (lt0.4)
10Muon Range with new dE/dx
- The new Geant3 dE/dx values make the agreement of
muon range between MC and data much better. - The peaks match well.
- The muon spectrum is clearly non-gaussian hence
the need for the beamline simulation.
11Conclusions and Further Work
- Need to study the effect of the off-momentum
muons using the beam simulation. - Quantify the systematic errors of the MC
constants dE/dx, scintillator thickness. - Run over all possible runs and determine the beam
12The End!