Title: Diabetes Mellitus Madhumeha An Ayurvedic approach
1Diabetes Mellitus (Madhumeha) - An Ayurvedic
Presentation for AAPNA Academic
Conference Jul 20, 2009
- -By Ashlesha Raut
- M.D.(Ayurveda),
N.C.(Nutritional Consultant) - Ayurvedic
Practitioner Health Educator
2Lord Dhanvantari
3Diabetes The Hidden Epidemic
- 5th Deadliest disease in the US
- 23.6 million people in the US or 8 of the US
population suffers from diabetes - The prevalence of diabetes increased by 13.5
(2005-2007) - India has worlds largest diabetes population with
25 million diabetic patients. - Every 5th diabetic in the world is an Indian
- Based on cause
- Sahaja (Genetic) Type I IDDM
- Apathya/Nimittaja Type II NIDDM
- (Wrongful diet and lifestyle)
- Based on Doshadhikya 20
- Kaphaja 10
- Pittaja 6
- Vataja 4
5Causative factors/Hetu
- "Aashyasukham swapnasukham dadhinigramyoodkanup
rasaa pyaamsi Navaaanpaanam gudvayikritam ch
prameha hetu kapahakrich swaramn. c.chi.7 - Inactivity, laziness, lack of exercise
- Excessive sleep
- Excessive use of curd
- Meat and soup of the domestic, aquatic and marshy
land - animals
- New cereals and drinks
- Products of jaggery
- All other kapha-promoting things.
- Due to Causative factors
- ?
- Doshas get imbalanced(specifically kledak
kapha,pachak pitta, saman vayu - ?
- Agnimandya (dhatvagnimadhya)
- ?
- Culminates all dushyas (specifically medodhatu)
- ?
- Kleda vrudhi (unnecessary excessive body fluid
oozed out from all dhatu) - ?
- Body tries to excrete in the form of urine
- Kleda Wasting away of tissues (dhatu)
7Ayurveda in modern words
Wrongful Diet (high glycemic food, lack of
exercise etc.)
Dosha Imbalance
High Blood glucose
Insulin secreted by the Pancreas
Cells become resistant to insulin
More glucose present in the blood
Kleda vrudhi
Body tries to dilute this high blood glucose
Prabhoota mutrata
This happens for long period of time then actual
disease manifest.
8Prodromodal Symptoms/Purvarupa
- Excessive thirst
- Dryness of mouth
- Lethargy
- Abnormal and frequent urination
- Burning numbness in hands and feet
- Sweet taste in mouth
- Coated tongue teeth etc.
- Bad breath
- Entanglement of hair
9Management Principles/Chikitsa
10Aahar (Diet)
- Selective Food (e.g.Low GI Food)
- Small meals
- Frequent intake
11Vihar (Lifestyle)
- Exercise Daily for 30 to 45 minutes
- Yogasanas e.g. Pashchimotanasan, halasan
- Meditation for stress management
Popular effective Herbs- Amalki,
Gurmar Haridra, Neem Triphala, Guduchi Daruharidra
Devadaru Shilajatu
13- Case Presentation
- Questions
- Discussion
14 Thank You