Title: Constructing a Child Poverty Approach the case of Vietnam
1Constructing a Child Poverty Approach the case
of Vietnam
- Keetie Roelen
- Franziska Gassmann
- Chris de Neubourg
- Maastricht Graduate School of Governance
- CROP and Childwatch conference, Oslo
- 18 September 2007
2Development of a child poverty approach for
- Research project for Unicef Vietnam, in
collaboration with the Ministry of Labour,
Invalids and Social Affairs (Molisa) - First part of project completed in December 2006,
extension of project takes place from July 2007
June 2008 - to develop a practical child poverty measurement
tool. - gtgt Work in progress!
- Why measure child poverty?
- Review of existing approaches
- General construction process of child poverty
approaches - Application of child poverty approach to the case
of Vietnam - Preliminary results.
4Why do we want to measure child poverty?
- Children are more vulnerable to poverty (eg
White, Leavy and Masters 2002) - Poor children become poor adults (eg Corak 2006)
- Children have different basic needs than adults
(Waddington 2004) - if you cant measure it, you cant manage it
(eg Ben-Arieh 2000).
5Different child poverty approaches
- Only taking income into account (monetary
poverty) - Conceptually taking multidimensional aspects into
account but implementation of uni-dimensional
approach due to practical constraints (Coraks
Practical Approach) - Taking multidimensional aspects into account in
concept and implementation of approach
(Deprivation Approach, EU Child Well-being
Index) - Using a holistic and inclusive conceptual
framework but no implementation due to practical
difficulties (DEV Framework).
6What can we learn from existing child poverty
approaches? - 1
- Approaches range from income- or consumption
based to multi-dimensional focus
7What can we learn from existing child poverty
approaches? -2
- Approaches range in using single indicator output
products to all-compassing analyses
8What can we learn from existing child poverty
approaches? -3
- General Construction Process
9Case of Vietnam choice 1Rationale and purpose
- Rationale need for a comprehensive child poverty
measurement in Vietnam - Purposes
- advocacy putting the issue on the agenda
- policy information feeding into the policy
10Case of Vietnam choice 2Concept
- Multi-dimensional
- Outcome based
- Based on the Conventions of the Rights of the
Child (CRC) and the basic needs approach - Incorporates children up to 16 years of age
- Vietnam-specific
11Case of Vietnam choice 3Theoretical framework
- Selection mechanisms for choice of domains and
indicators - Assumptions and expert opinion
- 2) Public consensus
- 3) Participatory processes
- 4) Assessment of data availability.
12Case of Vietnam choice 3Theoretical framework
- 8 domains
- Education
- Nutrition
- Health
- Shelter
- Water and sanitation
- Labor
- Leisure
- Social inclusion and protection.
13Case of Vietnam choice 4Theoretical framework
- Selection criteria for indicators
- Child-specific
- Easily observable and measurable
- Easily interpretable
- Objective
- Decomposable.
14Case of Vietnam choice 4Theoretical framework
- Illustrations of the selection process
- having private space indicator on m2 per
household member of having own room/bed? - dental hygiene indicator on number of visits to
dentist or use of toothbrush? - having leisure time indicator on number of hours
for playing time per day?
15Case of Vietnam choice 5End products
- Advocacy purpose
- Child poverty rate
- Policy input purpose
- Child indicator matrix
- Child domain indices
- Child poverty index
16What distinguishes this approach from other child
poverty approaches?
- Approach is country-specific
- Approach is child-specific
- Approach is versatile.
17Putting theory into practice Data issues
- On the basis of MICS 2006 and VHLSS 2004
- Indicators have been reformulated after data
assessment - Full comparison between MICS and VHLSS survey not
possible - Information on domain nutrition not yet available.
18Putting theory into practice Preliminary
results indicators
19Putting theory into practice Preliminary
resultsDomain deprivation scores - MICS
20Putting theory into practice Preliminary
resultsDomain deprivation scores -VHLSS
21Putting theory into practice Preliminary
resultsSevere deprivation and absolute poverty -
22Putting theory into practice Preliminary
resultsSevere deprivation and absolute poverty -
23Putting theory into practice further issues
- Deprivation correlations within and between
domains - Comparison child poverty rate with monetary child
poverty rates - direct comparison rates - - overlapping poverty
- Child Poverty index.
24Comments and questions?