Title: Hiroyasu HASUMI
16-8 September 2007 in Delmenhorst GEOTRACES
Data-Model Synergy Workshop
An overview of global scale ocean modeling from
low to high resolution
Hiroyasu HASUMI (Center for Climate System
Research, The University of Tokyo)
2Aim of this talk
- Introduce a hierarchy of global-scale ocean
modeling studies, by use of OGCMs, conducted at
CCSR (with collaborating partners) - Give estimates of required computational resource
for each of the above - Serve as a basis for discuss about future
direction of GEOTRACES-related modeling - Introduce our recent attempt on
GEOTRACES-oriented modeling
- CCSR Ocean Component Model (COCO)
- Free-surface, z-coordinate OGCM developed at
Center for Climate System Research in
collaboration with FRCGC/JAMSTEC - Ocean component of the coupled climate model
MIROC (contributor to IPCC AR4)
4Modeling study hierarchy
- Several standard setups of COCO global modeling
- Low resolution 300 km
- for global THC and related biogeochem. cycles
- IPCC-class resolution 100 km
- for decadal to centennial climate variability
(including coupled modeling) - Eddy-permitting 20 km
- for mid-term (30-100 yr) ocean hindcast and
climate projection - Eddy-resolving 10 km
- for process studies
5Modeling study hierarchy
- Several standard setups of COCO global modeling
- Low resolution 300 km
- for global THC and related biogeochem. cycles
- IPCC-class resolution 100 km
- for decadal to centennial climate variability
(including coupled modeling) - Eddy-permitting 20 km
- for mid-term (30-100 yr) ocean hindcast and
climate projection - Eddy-resolving 10 km
- for process studies
6Low resolution modeling
Model grid and bathymetry
7Low resolution modeling
Model performance Atlantic (30W) T/S
Model T
Model S
8Low resolution modeling
Model performance Pacific (180E) T/S
Model T
Model S
9Low resolution modeling
Modeled THC/MOC and its sensitivity Atlantic
0.1x10-4 m2/s
0.5x10-4 m2/s
0.13.0x10-4 m2/s
1.0x10-4 m2/s
10Low resolution modeling
Modeled THC/MOC and its sensitivity Pacific
0.1x10-4 m2/s
0.5x10-4 m2/s
0.13.0x10-4 m2/s
1.0x10-4 m2/s
11Low resolution modeling
- Merits and demerits
- Global scale distribution of water masses and
associated (deep) circulation are reasonably
captured - Representation of intermediate waters and
associated circulation is relatively poor - Representation of transient response and/or
variability might also be poor
12Low resolution modeling
- Required resource
- O(1) days real-time for O(103) years model
integration with a small number of CPUs of usual
super computers (e.g., with 1 node 8 CPUs of
NEC SX6) - O(1) MB output data for a single time shot of a
single variable - (O(10) MB for climatological monthly data of a
single variables)
13Low resolution modeling
- Merits and demerits
- Global scale distribution of water masses and
associated (deep) circulation are reasonably
captured - Representation of intermediate waters and
associated circulation is relatively poor - Representation of transient response and/or
variability might also be poor - Easy to run and easy to examine
- ...good for studying sensitivity of (steady/
- climatological state of)THC and associated
biogeochemical cycles to model parameters over
their wide ranges
14Low resolution modeling
NO3 distribution sensitivity to ballast
parameters (Oka et al., 2007)
15Modeling study hierarchy
- Several standard setups of COCO global modeling
- Low resolution 300 km
- for global THC
- IPCC-class resolution 100 km
- for decadal to centennial climate variability
(including coupled modeling) - Eddy-permitting 20 km
- for mid-term (30-100 yr) ocean hindcast and
climate projection - Eddy-resolving 10 km
- for process studies
16IPCC-class resolution modeling
Model grid and bathymetry
17Low resolution modeling
Model grid and bathymetry
18IPCC-class resolution modeling
Deep water formation process
Modeled wintertime MLD and surface velocity
19IPCC-class resolution modeling
THC Variability (coupled modeling)
Wintertime mixed layer depth
long-term mean
time series for 600 years
Deep convection see-saw
Oka et al. (2006)
20IPCC-class resolution modeling
- Merits and demerits
- Formation processes and distribution of deep
water masses (and associated circulation) are
significantly improved - Intermediate waters and circulation are little
improved - Western boundary currents (and other narrow,
swift currents) are insufficient - Interannual to decadal climate variability (ENSO,
PDO, NAO, ...) is reasonably captured when
coupled to atmospheric models
21IPCC-class resolution modeling
- Required resource
- O(1) days real-time for O(10) years model
integration with a small number of CPUs of usual
super computers (e.g., again with 1 node 8 CPUs
of NEC SX6) - O(10) MB output data for a single time shot of a
single variable - (O(10) GB for 100-year-long monthly data of a
single variables)
22IPCC-class resolution modeling
- Merits and demerits
- Formation processes and distribution of deep
water masses (and associated circulation) are
significantly improved - Intermediate waters and circulation are little
improved - Western boundary currents (and other narrow,
swift currents) are insufficient - Interannual to decadal climate variability (ENSO,
PDO, NAO, ...) is reasonably captured when
coupled to atmospheric models - Not very difficult to run the model for O(1000)
years and to handle its output
23Modeling study hierarchy
- Several standard setups of COCO global modeling
- Low resolution 300 km
- for global THC and related biogeochem. cycles
- IPCC-class resolution 100 km
- for decadal to centennial climate variability
(including coupled modeling) - Eddy-permitting 20 km
- for mid-term (30-100 yr) ocean hindcast and
climate projection - Eddy-resolving 10 km
- for process studies
24Eddy-permitting resolution modeling
contributing to IPCC AR4)
25Eddy-permitting resolution modeling
Coupled modeling (IPCC AR4 climate projection)
26Eddy-permitting resolution modeling
Ocean hindcast (CORE forcing 1958- without data
27Eddy-permitting resolution modeling
- Merits and demerits
- Representation of western boundary currents and
other narrow, swift currents becomes realistic
28Eddy-permitting resolution modeling
Western boundary current (Kuroshio)
realistic path and separation point
weak, broad, and overshooting
29Eddy-permitting resolution modeling
Change of the Kuroshio under global warming
Surface current of the control climate high-res.
Difference (2071-2100) (1971-2000)
Accelerated under global warming 30 cm/s
Sakamoto et al. (2005)
30Comparison of horizontal resolutionbetween
previous and present models
(1 1 )
(1/4 1/6 )
IPCC AR3(Hashioka Yamanaka)
IPCC AR4(Hashioka developing NW Pacific)
Kuroshio Separation latitude
313-D regional NEMURO in the Western North
Pacificforced by CCSR/NIES/FRCGC climate model
with 1/4x1/6 degrees Just obtained two month ago
after two years efforts
Using off-line method (giving dairy interval data
of u, v, T, S and insolation instead of no their
calculation) We have a plan model
intercomparison among NPZD, NEMURO, eNEMURO, and
PlankTOM5, using the same physical fields.
Courtesy of Dr. Yamanaka
32Eddy-permitting resolution modeling
- Merits and demerits
- Representation of western boundary currents and
other narrow, swift currents becomes realistic - Mesoscale variability is reasonably captured
33Eddy-permitting resolution modeling
Mesoscale variability (SSH std. dev.)
34Eddy-permitting resolution modeling
- Merits and demerits
- Representation of western boundary currents and
other narrow, swift currents becomes realistic - Mesoscale variability is reasonably captured
- Intermediate waters and associated circulation
are somewhat improved, but not very much
35Eddy-permitting resolution modeling
- Required resource
- 1 day real-time for 5 years model integration
with 100 nodes ( 800 CPUs) of Earth Simulator
(whose single node/CPU is slightly faster than
NEC SX6) - ...gt x10 time on usual supercomputers
- O(100) MB output data for a single time shot of a
single variable - (O(100) GB for 10-year-long 5-day-interval data
of a single variable)
36Eddy-permitting resolution modeling
- Merits and demerits
- Representation of western boundary currents and
other narrow, swift currents becomes realistic - Mesoscale variability is reasonably captured
- Intermediate waters and associated circulation
are somewhat improved - However, these features are still to be improved
- Integration for O(100) years is feasible, but
only for limited cases and on limited
computational platforms, and data storage/ - handling/transfer accompanies difficulty
37Modeling study hierarchy
- Several standard setups of COCO global modeling
- Low resolution 300 km
- for global THC and related biogeochem. cycles
- IPCC-class resolution 100 km
- for decadal to centennial climate variability
(including coupled modeling) - Eddy-permitting 20 km
- for mid-term (30-100 yr) ocean hindcast and
climate projection - Eddy-resolving lt 10 km
- for process studies
38Eddy-resolving resolution modeling
Southern Ocean modeling
Surface velocity in 8 km grid modeling
39Eddy-resolving resolution modeling
Southern Ocean modeling
Subduction velocity (TRM-w)
AAIW (30W salinity)
SSH variability
Eddy- permitting
Eddy- resolving
40Eddy-resolving resolution modeling
- Merits and demerits
- Intermediate waters and circulation are
reasonably captured - (subduction is governed by sub-mesoscale
processes) - Short-term and/or small-scale variability is
sufficiently simulated - Computational cost is very high
- ...available only for limited process studies
41Eddy-resolving resolution modeling
Required resource ...No general remark
should/can be given here
42Modeling study hierarchy
- Several standard setups of COCO global modeling
- Low resolution 300 km
- for global THC and related biogeochem. cycles
- IPCC-class resolution 100 km
- for decadal to centennial climate variability
(including coupled modeling) - Eddy-permitting 20 km
- for mid-term (30-100 yr) ocean hindcast and
climate projection - Eddy-resolving 10 km
- for process studies
43Modeling study hierarchy
- Several standard setups of COCO global modeling
- Low resolution 300 km
- for global THC and related biogeochem. cycles
- IPCC-class resolution 100 km
- for decadal to centennial climate variability
(including coupled modeling) - Eddy-permitting 20 km
- for mid-term (30-100 yr) ocean hindcast and
climate projection - Eddy-resolving 10 km
- for process studies
- ...Case study on global (deep) TEI distribution
44REE modeling
Distribution of elements in the ocean
Can we obtain its 3-D, global version via
45REE modeling
Governing process for Nd (REE) distribution
Internal recycling
Source and sink
primary factor for basic vertical profile
46REE modeling
Model Result
smaller K (weaker scavenging)
Observed REEs
heavier REE
lighter REE
longer residence time
47REE modeling
Governing process for Nd (REE) distribution
Modeled only by internal recycling (no
source/ sink)
Observed concentration Southern lt Atlantic lt
Modeled with source distribution
48Modeling study hierarchy
- Several standard setups of COCO global modeling
- Low resolution 300 km
- for global THC and related biogeochem. cycles
- IPCC-class resolution 100 km
- for decadal to centennial climate variability
(including coupled modeling) - Eddy-permitting 20 km
- for mid-term (30-100 yr) ocean hindcast and
climate projection - Eddy-resolving 10 km
- for process studies
- ...Case study on global (deep) TEI distribution