Title: Forecasting
2Eight Steps to Forecasting
- Determine the use of the forecast
- What objective are we trying to obtain?
- Select the items or quantities that are to be
forecasted. - Determine the time horizon of the forecast.
- Short time horizon 1 to 30 days
- Medium time horizon 1 to 12 months
- Long time horizon more than 1 year
- Select the forecasting model or models
- Gather the data to make the forecast.
- Validate the forecasting model
- Make the forecast
- Implement the results
3Forecasting Models
4Model Differences
- Qualitative incorporates judgmental
subjective factors into forecast. - Time-Series attempts to predict the future by
using historical data. - Causal incorporates factors that may influence
the quantity being forecasted into the model
5Qualitative Forecasting Models
- Delphi method
- Iterative group process allows experts to make
forecasts - Participants
- decision makers 5 -10 experts who make the
forecast - staff personnel assist by preparing,
distributing, collecting, and summarizing a
series of questionnaires and survey results - respondents group with valued judgments who
provide input to decision makers
6Qualitative Forecasting Models (cont)
- Jury of executive opinion
- Opinions of a small group of high level managers,
often in combination with statistical models. - Result is a group estimate.
- Sales force composite
- Each salesperson estimates sales in his region.
- Forecasts are reviewed to ensure realistic.
- Combined at higher levels to reach an overall
forecast. - Consumer market survey.
- Solicits input from customers and potential
customers regarding future purchases. - Used for forecasts and product design planning
7Forecast Error
- Bias - The arithmetic sum of the errors
- Mean Square Error - Similar to simple sample
variance - Variance - Sample variance (adjusted for degrees
of freedom) - Standard Error - Standard deviation of the
sampling distribution - MAD - Mean Absolute Deviation
- MAPE Mean Absolute Percentage Error
8Quantitative Forecasting Models
- Time Series Method
- Naïve
- Whatever happened recently will happen again this
time (same time period) - The model is simple and flexible
- Provides a baseline to measure other models
- Attempts to capture seasonal factors at the
expense of ignoring trend
9Naïve Forecast
10Naïve Forecast Graph
11Quantitative Forecasting Models
- Time Series Method
- Moving Averages
- Assumes item forecasted will stay steady over
time. - Technique will smooth out short-term
irregularities in the time series.
12Moving Averages
13Moving Averages Forecast
14Moving Averages Graph
15Quantitative Forecasting Models
- Time Series Method
- Weighted Moving Averages
- Assumes data from some periods are more important
than data from other periods (e.g. earlier
periods). - Use weights to place more emphasis on some
periods and less on others.
16Weighted Moving Average
17Weighted Moving Average
18Quantitative Forecasting Models
- Time Series Method
- Exponential Smoothing
- Moving average technique that requires little
record keeping of past data. - Uses a smoothing constant a with a value between
0 and 1. (Usual range 0.1 to 0.3)
19Exponential Smoothing Data
20Exponential Smoothing
21Exponential Smoothing
22Trend Seasonality
- Trend analysis
- technique that fits a trend equation (or curve)
to a series of historical data points. - projects the curve into the future for medium
and long term forecasts. - Seasonality analysis
- adjustment to time series data due to variations
at certain periods. - adjust with seasonal index ratio of average
value of the item in a season to the overall
annual average value. - example demand for coal fuel oil in winter
23Linear Trend Analysis Midwestern Manufacturing
24Least Squares for Linear Regression Midwestern
25Least Squares Method
predicted value of the dependent variable
X value of the independent variable (time) a
Y-axis intercept b slope of the regression
26Linear Trend Data Error Analysis
27Least Squares Graph
28Seasonality Analysis
Ratio demand / average demand
Seasonal Index ratio of the average value of
the item in a season to the overall average
annual value. Example average of year 1
January ratio to year 2 January ratio. (0.851
1.064)/2 0.957
If Year 3 average monthly demand is expected to
be 100 units. Forecast demand Year 3 January
100 X 0.957 96 units Forecast demand Year 3
May 100 X 1.309 131 units
29Deseasonalized Data
- Going back to the conceptual model, solve for
trend - Trend Y / Season
(96 units/ 0.957 100.31) - This eliminates seasonal variation and isolates
the trend - Now use the Least Squares method to compute the
- Now that we have the Seasonal Indices and Trend,
we can reseasonalize the data and generate the
forecast - Y Trend x Seasonal Index