Title: Examples of pupils work
1- Examples of pupils work
- Ks3, Ks4.
- PowerPoint by C.Hill
2Year 11 G.C.S.E Applied art Exam Question
- Craig Barlows - study of a
rugby player
3Applied Art GCSE Exam Piece
- Glenn developed the idea of bodybuilding and
taking steroids, tearing muscles and destroying
your body. - A body cast was taken and used as a ceramic press
mould, when fired the work was strategically
cracked then stapled back together and image
transfers of extreme bodybuilders were added to
create a very effective final outcome. - Body Perfect
- ceramic
4 Ceramic Gymnasts Kirsty Gardner
Developed her solution to a question that
required her to produce a sculpture to
be displayed within a sports facility
Sculptures inspired by Anthony Gormley,
5One meter square mosaic
- Kirsty Pullin
- Answered her question that required her to
produce a mosaic to be displayed on the wall or
floor of a children's swimming pool. - A very professional result was achieved.
- Mosaic tile on board
6Promote Healthy Eating
- Erica, produced a multi-tactile wall display, for
a healthy eating café. Mono print, weaving,
stitching are all incorporated within this piece.
7A working lamp inspired by sea shells was Lukes
answer to picturesque Wire construction
tissue paper
8Jamie Pearce
- Natural Forms are always a popular path of
enquiry and Jamie took his inspiration directly
from horse-chestnuts and natural pods.
9Jamie explored several different outcomes
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11John spent his six week preparation period
exploring the subject of decay. He completed a
replica of a sheeps skull in ceramic
12Still life study acrylic on canvas
- I encourage pupils to work from life as often as
possible in order to achieve the best result
possible. - Kushbu Patel
13Mono-print produced from still life drawing
then worked into with food colouring
14Observational drawing of the Llynfi valley in
preparation for Morgans exam
15Year Ten ElevenApplied ART, GCSE, GNVQ, B-Tech
- Landscapes and Urban-Scapes
- Exploring Portraiture
- Live Brief Animal Magic
16Group work of various landscapes combined to
create a class collaborative piece
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22Year Ten ceramic self-portrait relief tile.
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24Year 10 celebrative painting inspired by Lucian
- I gave my G.C.S.E group a section of a Lucian
Freud painting each were asked to recreate their
section whilst enlarging from 5cm square to 25cm
square resulting in a large scale collaborative
outcome - Year 10 G.C.S.E portraiture.
25Similar exercise carried out by my year 10
Applied Art group.
26Animal magic
- Animal magic was a scheme of work I devised and
coordinated in partnership with the natural
history department of The National Museum of
Wales. A number of display cases of animal
specimens were loaned in order for pupils to have
the advantage of working from life - An exhibition in the museum is planned for early
next term
Luke Mizen Ceramic Turtl.
27Year ten live project
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30Some more examples of pupils response to the
given brief
31Year Nine
- Exploration of Formal Elements
- Understanding, investigating and making.
32Year Nine Van Gogh inspired Ceramic Relief.
- The process that pupils engaged in the year 10
portraiture slide was adapted for year nine,
however differentiation was achieved by outcome
and was explored through ceramic. - This was also an excellent opportunity for pupils
to gain an interest in exploring artistic
reference, throughout delivery.
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35Examples of sketchbook work exploring contextual
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40Year eight
- Expressive Portraiture
- Pop Art
41Year Seven
- Still life
- Expressive lettering
- Aboriginal art
42Oil Pastel Water Colour resist flowers inspired
by Georgia OKeefe.
43A3oil pastelwork after direct observationfrom
44Creative Arts Mural
A bid was placed with the head, for a mural to be
produced that would be on permanent display to
enhance the entrance to the creative arts block
within the school. The paint was donated to us
by a local shop and a collaborative design was
produced by pupils.