Title: The teaching, learning and assessing cycle
1The teaching, learning and assessing cycle
DECS Languages and Multicultural Education
Understanding and using the teaching-learning
cycle for teaching a genre
2The teaching-learning cycle
- Objectives
- What is it?
- Where does it come from?
- Why is it useful?
3The four stages
- Building the field
- Extending everyday understandings of energy
2. Modelling / deconstruction Developing
understandings of structure and language of
discussion essay
- Joint construction
- Jointly constructing written discussion about
one alternative source of energy
4. Independent construction Writing independent
discussion on another alternative sources of
4What is it?
5Where does it come from?
- Scaffolding
- Vygotsky
- Learning takes place before development
Culture shapes cognitive development
Social interaction central to development
Zone of proximal development
Development is spiral
Role of the adult
Learning as a social process
8Scaffolding in the classroom
- Challenge and extend learners
High challenge and high support new learning
takes place
Support gradually withdrawn as learners
increasingly independent
Support provided at point of need
9Why is it useful?
- Rationale and framework for sequence of teaching
and learning activities - Focus on language learning and learning about
language - Pedagogy which scaffolds learners to become
independent learners - Flexible framework
10A teaching-learning cycleeg Recycling