Title: Belle/Gfarm Grid Experiment at SC04
1Belle/Gfarm Grid Experiment at SC04
APAN Workshop Jan 27, 2005 Bangkok
- Osamu Tatebe
- Grid Technology Research Center, AIST
2Goal and feature of Grid Datafarm
- Goal
- Dependable data sharing among multiple
organizations - High-speed data access, High-performance data
computing - Grid Datafarm
- Gfarm File System Global dependable virtual
file system - Federates scratch disks in PCs
- Parallel distributed data computing
- Associates Computational Grid with Data Grid
- Features
- Secured based on Grid Security Infrastructure
- Scalable depending on data size and usage
scenarios - Data location transparent data access
- Automatic and transparent replica selection for
fault tolerance - High-performance data access and computing by
accessing multiple dispersed storages in parallel
(file affinity scheduling)
3Grid Datafarm (1) Gfarm file system - World-wide
virtual file system CCGrid 2002
- Transparent access to dispersed file data via
global namespace - Files can be stored somewhere in a Grid
- Applications can access Gfarm file system without
any modification as if it were mounted at /gfarm - Automatic and transparent replica selection for
fault tolerance and access-concentration avoidance
Gfarm File System
File replica creation
4Grid Datafarm (2) High-performance data access
and computing support CCGrid 2002
Users view
Physical execution view
User A submits that accesses
is allocated on a node that has
File A
File A
Job A
Job A
User B submits that accesses
is allocated on a node that has
File B
File B
Job B
Job B
Computational Grid
Gfarm File System
Compute and file system nodes
Shared network file system
Do not separate Storage and CPU
Scalable file I/O by exploiting local I/O
5GfarmTM Data Grid middleware
- Open source development
- GfarmTM version 1.0.4-4 released on Jan 11th,
2005 (http//datafarm.apgrid.org/) - Read-write mode support, more support for
existing binary applications - A shared file system in a cluster or a grid
- Accessibility from legacy applications without
any modification - Standard protocol support by scp, GridFTP server,
samba server, . . .
Metadata server
Existing applications can access Gfarm file
system without any modification using LD_PRELOAD
Gfarm client library
. . .
Compute and file system nodes
- File manipulation
- cd, ls, cp, mv, cat, . . .
- grep
- Gfarm command
- File replica creation, node process information
- Remote (parallel) program execution
- gfrun prog args . . .
- gfrun -N procs prog args . . .
- gfrun -G filename prog args . . .
7Belle/Gfarm Grid experimentat SC2004
- 1. Online KEKB/Belle distributed data analysis
- 2. KEKB/Belle large-scale data analysis
- (terabyte-scale US-Japan file replication)
81. Online KEKB/Belle distributed data analysis (1)
- Online distributed and parallel data analysis of
raw data using AIST and SDSC clusters - Realtime histogram and event data display at
SC2004 conference hall
Raw data
10 MB/sec
Gfarm file system
- realtime histogram display
- realtime event data display
192 nodes 53.75 TB
128 nodes 3.75 TB
64 nodes50 TB
- on demand data replication
- distributed parallel data analysis
91. Online KEKB/Belle distributed data analysis (2)
- Construct a shared network file system between
Japan and US - Store KEKB/Belle raw data to the Gfarm file
system - Physically, it is divided into N fragments, and
stored on N different node - Every compute node can access it as if it were
mounted at /gfarm
Raw data
10 MB/sec
- realtime histogram display
- realtime event data display
Gfarm File System
192 nodes 53.75 TB
128 nodes 3.75 TB
64 nodes50 TB
101. Online KEKB/Belle distributed data analysis (3)
- Basf is installed at /gfarm//belle
- Install once, run everywhere
- The raw data will be analyzed at AIST or SDSC
just after it is stored - Analyzed data can be viewed at SC2004 in realtime
- Histogram snapshot is generated every 5 minutes
Raw data
10 MB/sec
Computational Grid
- realtime histogram display
- realtime event data display
Gfarm File System
192 nodes 53.75 TB
128 nodes 3.75 TB
64 nodes50 TB
112. KEKB/Belle large-scale data analysis in a Grid
- Gfarm file system using SC conference hall and
AIST F cluster - Assume data is stored at SC conference hall
- Terabyte-scale mock data
- Submit data analysis job at AIST F cluster
- Required data is automatically transferred from
SC to AIST on demand - Users just see a shared file system
- Network transfer rate is measured
- Conf 1 8 parallel processes (2GBx8 data)
- Conf 2 16 parallel processes (8GBx16 data)
122. Network machine configuration
JGN2 Tsukuba WAN
SC2004 StorCloud
AIST F cluster
JGN2 Japan-US
13SC?AIST (Iperf x 8)
7,925,607,155 bps (Wed Nov 10 171322 JST 2004)
(5-sec average bandwidth, 991 Mbps / TCP flow)
14Iperf measurement
- Standard TCP (Linux 2.4)
- Socket buffer size and txqueuelen
- No kernel patch, no TCP modification
- No traffic shaping
- No bottleneck, no problem
15Conf 1 8 processes (2GBx8)
2,084,209,307 bps (Fri Nov 12 034154 JST 2004)
(5-sec average, 261 Mbps / TCP flow, disk
performance of F cluster)
16Conf 2 16 processes (8GBx16)
738,920,649 bps (Fri Nov 12 053035 JST 2004)
(5-sec average, 46 Mbps!! / TCP flow, ?????)
17Conf 2 network traffic of JGN2 intl link
Heavy traffic when application started
Heavy packet loss?ssthresh decreases
- Belle/Gfarm Grid experiment at SC2004
- 1. Online KEKB/Belle distributed data analysis
- 2. KEKB/Belle large-scale data analysis
- We succeeded distributed parallel data analysis
of KEKB/Belle data and realtime display at SC
conference hall
19Development Status and Future Plan
- Gfarm Grid file system
- Global virtual file system
- A dependable network shared file system in a
cluster or a grid - High performance data computing support
- Associates Computational Grid with Data Grid
- Gfarm v1 Data Grid middleware
- Version 1.0.4-4 released on Jan 11, 2005
(http//datafarm.apgrid.org/) - Existing programs can access Gfarm file system as
if it were mounted at /gfarm - Gfarm v2 towards true global virtual file
system - POSIX compliant - supports read-write mode,
advisory file locking, . . . - Performance and Robustness improved, Security
enhanced. - Can be substituted for NFS, AFS, . . .
- Application area
- Scientific application (High energy physics,
Astronomic data analysis, Bioinformatics,
Computational Chemistry, Computational Physics, .
. .) - Business application (Dependable data computing
in eGovernment and eCommerce, . . .) - Other applications that needs dependable file
sharing among several organizations - Standardization effort with GGF Grid File System